Wednesday, September 02, 2009

No Healthy Earth, No Healthy Us!

Perhaps, nobody has ever shown you something as mundane as the water from a waterfall and the river below it. Let's watch it. Think of the soothing sound of cascading water as it rushes down onto the rocks below. Look at the calming patterns of the flowing water as it moves down the stream. Watch the water go around rounds easily and gradually slows its pace and carries on unhurriedly towards its destiny, singing softly as it goes along in tune with nature. And I know it, you must have wondered how I could call that a river. I know. I know. In actual fact, it was a river until human beings had the temerity to renovate it into a big, rocky drain. Well, that the trouble with humans. They think they can do a better job than nature. As a result, we have cut down too many trees, remove too many hills, drove a lot of animals out of their homes and destroyed so much natural beauty besides endangering so many animal lives. And nature, pushed against the wall is already fighting back with melting snow, threatening to raise the level of the water on land and in so doing, lessen the amount of land around the coast. Actually, I was being dramatic. Nature did not fight. There is no need to. When the earth can no longer sustain life, we are the ones to die. The earth remains to lick the wound we had inflicted and without us around to cause further damage, the earth will heal itself. Trees will grow, oxygen will be plentiful, carbon will decrease, the ozone layer will thicken and its holes will be patched up again, no more green house gases, temperature will be normal again and the ice-bergs at the poles will stop melting. It was our own foul deeds that caused the green-house gasses which over-warmth the earth causing the melting of ice in the poles. With more water surface, there is increased evaporation and the return of the evaporated liquid as rain, causing flood in various parts of the world. On the other hand, with less shade as a result of deforestation, there is greater heat burning up the earth. So, despite the amount of rainfall, the world gets hotter and hotter. This is aggravated by the destruction of the ozone layer reulting in holes in the ozone layer. These holes allow more skin-harming, cancer-causing ultra violet rays to penetrate to the earth surface. Indiscrimate burning of rubbish and forest, burning of petrol and use of air-conditioners have cause an increase in carbon in the atmosphere and this has created the release of green house gasses. Thus, there is an increasing amount of carbon dioxide and lesser oxygen due to our destruction of nature's oxygen producing factories, the trees. Fortunately for our world, there are some who are aware of the harmful effects of our actions. The United Nations with 189 country heads firmly committed to work together to build a safer, more prosperous and equitable world for all by 2015, it started its Millennium Campaign with the Millenium Development Goals initiated at its September 2000 Millenium Simmit. One of the goals was 'Ensure Environmental Sustainability'. The Art of Living Foundation together with the United Nations' Environment Programme, World Alliance for Youth Empowerment and Sri Sri Agricultural Institute for Science & Technology came forward in support of the United Nations Millenium Campaign. Through 'Mission Green Earth, Stand Up Take Action' The Art of Living, in 2008, began to call for people's support for the planting of trees and reporting on their growth. So, don't neglect our earth. This earth needs us just as we need this earth. No healthy earth, no healthy us! That is the simple truth we are faced with. So, it's up to everyone of us to help the earth heal itself.

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