Modern life has caused lives to become more hectic. However, does that mean that we cannot find the time to stop and feast our eyes on the beauties that are so evident in this world? Do we find time to stop and draw in the fragance of the flowers. Have we noticed the beautiful patterns, shapes and design of nature? When was the last time we look up into the wondrous, everchanging canvas of nature, the sky? Would not life be so dull without such appreciation.
Certainly, life cannot be one tedious stretch of money earning. Life should never be just hoarding money. I am not saying that money does not have its importance but when we allow it to overide every other joy and happiness in life, then life can become meaningless.
The wonders of nature are evident around us. Look at the plants, the numerous types, some with their own unique flowers and fruits.
One such plant is the Cannon-Ball tree I saw in the Botanical Gardens in Penang Island, Malaysia.
Its botanical name is Couroupita guianensis and it is from the Lecythidaceae family. This tree originated from Guyana.
You see, beauty of plants transcends human borders, race and religion and serves all mankind. That is something, humans can learn from plants.
Look at its flowers. What red waxy beauties! Yes this tree is a fantastic flowering tree which bears large pinkish red, fragrant waxy flowers borne on long woody twigs.
Flowering continues for many weeks. Then, the flowers are pollinated and the tree bears cannon-ball fruits; large brown ball-like fruits the size of the human head. This fruit contains a mass of sour smelling pulp which takes about 8 months to ripen. It is not known whether the fruit is edible.
Nevertheless, wow! Look at those big cannon balls!

This Cannon-Ball tree is a fast growing tree which can reach about 25 metres in height. The leaves have a life-span of six months, after which they are shed so that the top of the tree is usually bare for a day or two. This sheding of the leaves takes place as it flowers and bears fruits.

Unless we are so poor that we practically live from hand to mouth, let us not work to the extent that we do not live. After all, life is for living. Let us enjoy life by appreciating the wonders and beauty of nature,loving nature for the joys it brings and in the process enrich our lives.
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