God never fails to amaze me. Once again, through a friend sending me a video of a 4 finger pianist, which brought tears to my eyes as I watched with wonder, my heart reaching out to her, touched to the core as she played so beautifully with her two finger hands and short, stumpy legs which ended at above her knee caps on the pedals of the specially built piano.
And you would think a person with such disabilities would have a mighty sad face. Far from it, I saw a most lovely face (Much like one lady whom I like a lot.) with a ready smile and an easy sense of humour.
If anyone had thought he/she had insurmountable problems, please take a look at this wonderful twenty-four year old lady, the fantastic Lee Hee Ah, and then tell me how bad his/her problem is. Here is this lady who thanks God each day for being blessed with her talents despite such handicaps. She looks forward to each day, inspiring all who come to see and hear her play.
I always think that I am very positive at most times of my life, but it can never be more positive than what this lady can show despite the problems with her legs. Wow! Isn't she great!
She is an inspiration to all who are fortunate to have known her presence. As a pianist, what greater odds can anyone face? As another human being, she is a God-sent. In no other better way can God show us that there is no obstacle which a stout heart and courage cannot overcome. After this, if this writer were to complain about life, he ought to be kicked. God has shown us the blessings we already have but are too blind to see.
Another person who has shown us how we ought to face problems in life is Lee Hee Ah's mother, Woo Kap Sun. Despite being told by the doctor that her daughter would never survive at home, she courageously took it upon herself to ensure that her daughter would live a successful life. She got teachers to train her daughter on the piano so as to overcome the weakness of her fingers.
You see, Hee Ah was born with some physical deformities and the Down Syndrome. Even her fingers have probrems with one of them unable to bend as it does not have a joint.
Despite her daughter's short limbs, Kap Sun saw her as her beautiful baby, just as any good mother should, and took her home to get her to strengthen her fingers so she could at least hold a pencil. Eventually, through great determination and courage, her daughter overcame the obstacles. At last, her daughter can not only hold a pencil, she holds chopsticks to eat and, of course, plays the piano so well that she has appeared with the world's best.
Kap Sun did not realise that God would lend a helping hand to give Hee Ah the undreamt of dream of becoming a world renowned pianist, a pianist who so endears herself to her audience that they love her for herself and her beautiful renditions of 'Amazing Grace', 'My way', Ibunda (when in Bali, Indonesia.)and other classics.
This mother did all she could to have her daughter perform, looking into every aspects of her performance. Such a wonderful mother! Hee Ah, you are one lucky girl. And to have her in this world with us, we are all indeed lucky to have been shown the blessings we are sometimes not aware of. We are lucky to have God send her as an inspiration to all of us.
To end this posting, I wish to give you Hee Ah's own words. From them, you can see what a great lady she is!
“In my life, I have experienced many difficulties and have struggled hard to overcome some of my obvious disabilities. I continue to struggle daily, but I am comforted and feel deep consolation in being privileged with the opportunity to express my appreciation for life by using the talents that God has blessed me with and sharing them with you.”
Read these words of hers whenever you think life is too tough.
So, my dear beloved friends, do be inspired by this amazing lady. Go to:
to watch 'Incredible Inspiration' and other related videos on this fantastic lady.
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