Look at the costumes!
These costumes cost a lot. That's the reason, Por Tor organisers have to pay a lot to hold such shows.
And these are the giant joss-sticks contributed by those who participate in the Por Tor.
During this seventh month, the Buddhist and the taoist pray for the benefit of the departed ones. However, there is a difference between buddhist belief and taoist belief although both believe in the existence of spirits. According to the Buddhist, it all started with Muk Lan who knew that her mother was in hell for the sins she committed, wished to help her. So she approached the monks for help. She requested that they prayed for her mother. The monks prayed to Ti Chang Wang, the god of hell, for help.
Now, who is this Ti chang Wang? Ti Chang Wang was a buddhist who also attained enlightenment. However, instead of going to heaven like the other enlightened ones, he sympathised with the sinners and wanted to help them. Therefore, this big-hearted enlightened soul went to hell to help those poor souls. After all, there is goodness in all, even those who had gone on the wrong path.
When the buddhists pray for those spirits of the dead, no food is offered as spirits do not need the food consumed by humans. When they pray during the Ullambana programme, there is a blesing ceremony with the lighting of a lamp. There is also chanting for three days which ends on the third night with transferring of merits from the good deeds of the living to the dead to improve the karma of the dead. When buddhists pray, they have a glass of water in front of them so that this water would remind them to be as pure as the water; The mind, the thoughts and the deeds as clear as the water, not murky with foul thoughts and deeds.
When it comes to the taoist, there is some influence from the commercial area, encouraging the purchase of food and prayer materials such as some of the big joss-sticks at Por Tay He areas.
No matter, how it is done, the aims are good; to assist the dead get more merits through the living, to have the spirit find peace and to encourage Ti Chang Wang to continue his compassion for such unfortunate souls. In so doing,the living finds peace of mind with this caring attitude. It's a win-win affair for everyone.
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