Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finding relief from stress and strain.

"Useless fellow! What the hell do you know about these things? We don't need you to tell us what to do. Get lost!" And they walked away, leaving Soon Lee uncertain what to say or do.

However, in his mind, the matter stayed to haunt him throughout the day and that night, he just could not sleep with the words still hammering at him in his mind. It hurt even more as they came from friends he had known for so long. He was just trying to help and that was his reward. He could not let the pain caused by their words go away. He tossed around that whole night until fatigue finally brought relief with his eye-lids drooping down over his eyes and bringing the curtain down on his ordeal.

In life, hurts are easily felt at times and at such times there must be ways to calm the mind, to remove it from the strains we go through.

One of the ways to move away from the stress of life is to move towards nature. Go for a walk in a forest reserve or up a hill. Appreciate the tall, huge trees, the plants and their flowers or fruits. Forget about work and enjoy sounds of nature that abound in such places. Let the cool breeze caress your cheeks, your face and your body. Enjoy the moment.

Instead of walking briskly, you could take a run. I love to run and sweat out all the toxins that comes in with the busy street-polluted air through the nose or with the pesticide laden food through the mouth. True, we can go organic. But how much of what we consume is truly organic. After the run, feel the body relax with a rub-down after a warm-followed-by-cold water bath; the temperature adjusted so as to be comfortable for each individual. It is invigorating, to say the least. The circulation is so much improved.

With such a time-out for yourself, you see the joy of living; that life is not mere drudgery or work, work and work. It is fun and worthwhile. The satisfaction of a hard day's work with such a workout to invigorate your body for whatever the remainder of the day may offer. Your view of life is so much better.

However, I must caution those who are beginning such a move. Go slow and gradually build up your strength and stamina. Give your body a chance to adjust to this wonderful way and you can be sure, you will be glad life is not just work, computer and television or astro.

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