It was in the University of Malaya, 1977, that I helped a driver move her car out of a parking lot. Strolling, as I was early, to one of the 'Teaching of English as a Second Language' (TESL) lectures, I saw this young lady moving her vehicle half-way in and out of a parking lot a good number of times, unable to come out of it without the possiblity of knocking into one of the cars beside her own.
Although I had not yet taken up driving lessons then, I could not help but want to help her. Appraising the narrow space her car was in, I found that her problem was that she turned the wheel too early. So, I directed her to straighten her front wheels, reverse straight out before turning the vehicle. That did the trick!
It was only after she had gone that I realised the wonder of having taught someone how to safely reverse out of a parking lot without having learned driving or driven a car before. That feeling gave me a high and took my self-esteem to fantastic heights. Besides that, I was delighted that I could be of help to someone. Of course, her beautiful, thankful smile was great! Well, is not that reward enough just for extending a little help? And when it comes without expectation, it makes the appreciation even better.
I don't know but I have always liked to help wherever I may or can. Perhaps, it is the wonderful feeling I have whenever such opportunities to help arise. Perhaps, it makes me feel more useful. Perhaps, it is the smiles of gratefulness I recieve. Perhaps, I just want to be a hero. Whatever it is, I feel good and that is really worth a lot more than many things in this world.
It is also the bridge to friendship. There was this neighbour who could hardly be considered friendly until the day I helped her son up when he fell in the middle of the road with his bicycle on top of him. She was more friendly with me after that incident.
It does not cost a cent to extend a helping hand to a fellow human or an ailing creature but the effect on yourself and the people in your world is so great. The appreciation is always there although we do not act for that. And the world is a so much better place if we all care enough to make a difference.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fish with very good omega-3 content.

Nowadays, many people are health conscious. The other day, I went to see a beautiful friend who is very health conscious, very concerned about her skin, her looks and her health. She requested me to help look for and find out more about a fish which has very good content of omega-3 which is an important essential fatty acid.
According to her description, the fish known to her as ikan bandeng is about one foot long,lives at the estuaries and feed on grass. I think the grass is actually water weeds.
As a person who is also interested in health, I went to the Sungai Petani main market early the next morning. I took a walk among the fish stalls behind the market where the wholesalers sell whatever fish that was left after the distribution. There, I saw what looked very much like ikan bandeng but was told that the fish was ikan pisang. Could ikan pisang be ikan bandeng? The people there claimed they have never heard of ikan bandeng or ikan banding.
Next, I went into the market proper and there I was told that they have heard about the fish which is usually sold by the Malays. Apparently, it is not a popular fish among the local people and so the fishmongers seldom sell such a fish.
My son who was with me wondered why the lady friend would want a fish which feeds on water weeds at the estuaries of rivers. According to him, toxic wastes from factories go into our rivers and such a fish could be consuming hugh quantities of such waste.
He has a point there but then, could the plants consumed by the fish detoxify the waste? What about the antioxidants in the weeds? Looks like there is a need to do some research here. You see, the more we know, the more we have to learn or confirm.
Then again, perhaps we need not worry too much as this milkfish is being extensively cultured in brackish waterponds. The system is almost organic since it has no teeth and feeds on naturally grown algae and planton with hardly any supplementary feeding.
Anyway, this fish has a number of names as it is found in many countries, especially in South East Asia. The scientific name is Chanos chanos and the common name is milkfish. In the Phillipines it has numerous other names, one of which is bangus. Other names of the same fish are ikan bendeng, salmon herring, pisang-pisang (Is it the same as ikan pisang?)and jangas.
The young fry starts life at sea for two to three weeks. They then move to mangrove swamps and estuaries before returning to the sea to mature sexually and reproduce. The matured fish can reach a length of one metre or more.
The fry are collected from rivers and raised in ponds where they grow very quickly and are then sold either fresh, frozen, canned, or smoked.
According to, it can be considered a health food as it is a good source of protein, vitamins
and minerals. Furthermore, its protein content is as good as meat and chicken. Furthermore, it is easier to digest. Unlike meat and chicken, the cholestrol content is very low. Even more important is the fact that milkfish livers contain large quantities of omega-3 fatty acids with the benefits of protecting against cardiovascular diseases, is a potent anti-thrombotic factor (prevent the formation of clots which obstruct the flow of blood in the body), prevent atherosclerosis (a condition in which the artery walls thicken or harden as a result of fatty materials)and is important to visual function and the brain.
So, here is a cheap health food for everyone. You do not even have to pay 'organic food' price for it!
Monday, September 28, 2009
All animals are the creations of God. Love them all.
Whenever I see Muslims throwing stones at dogs, hitting them with sticks and bruising their mouth, head or body or disturbing them in one way or another, I have always wondered how people who pray five times a day to God could behave thus. Would God teach us, no matter what the religion, to be cruel to the very creatures He had created?
Truthfully, I have always been disgusted with such cruel behaviour towards these helpless innocent creatures of God.
Before we continue, I wish to tell you what a lady colleague once told me.
Once, I had a Muslim Colleague who lived in Kota Kuala Muda She told me that there was a time, when she was a kid, when her neighbours rear pigs and those pigs were clean. The pigs usually would come under her attap house and she would play with them. I could not picture that scene then but looking at the following pictures and Dr. Mohd Dzulhamka Kamaluddin's article, I believe it must be true.
Following are the pictures of a veterinary student showing her love for dogs and pigs, a comment from an email I recieved and an article which enlightens us on what the holy book, the Koran, tells us how we should treat all God's creatures.
It is a long article but I feel Muslims as well as non-Muslims should read it for greater enlightenment.

Halal and Haram in Handling Dogs and Pigs - The UPM Case.
Muslims here in Malaysia find it shocking to see pictures of this tudung clad Malay Muslim student nonchalantly handling dogs and pigs with her bare hands and posing for these pictures without any expressions of being squeamish or disgusted as what would usually be the case for many of Muslims in Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
To all those who are concerned, I wish you all the best and pray that you are in the good graces of the Almighty and Most Merciful Allah.
I feel drawn to share with you what I have to say about certain pictures now being circulated in group websites and forums in the internet of a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University Putra Malaysia Malay Muslim student who has posed for photos whilst being in a pig sty and handling both dogs and pigs!
I am writing this e-mail at length in the hope that my explanations will be understood clearly and not misinterpreted.
NEVERTHELESS, to those who do not have the time to spare to read this, its enough for me to state that:
There is no injunction that says that it is forbidden to touch dogs and pigs. What is forbidden is for Muslims to eat the meat of swine and any animals that have fangs. We need to be clear about what Islam's views are about these animals.
Both of them are amongst the Creations of Allah and Allah would not create anything in vain. In fact, each creation of Allah has a significant role to play in this life.
Has Allah created the dog and pig to be viewed with disdain by His Ummah?
Before continuing with this discourse, please allow me to introduce myself.
I am a graduate Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, year 2006. I am now continuing my Master of Physiology, first semester studies in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM.
I studied at the Kuala Selangor Islamic Secondary School before this.
I might not be the best person to explain about this for there are better individuals who are Islamic scholars who could give in depth explanations about the subject matter together with the relevant verses and their detailed translations.
Even then, I will do my best to share with you from my limited Islamic knowledge and from what I have learned from my personal discussions with the learned religious teachers in seminars that we have held in our own faculty with regard to this issue.
Firstly, as a Veterinary Doctor (@ Animal Doctor), it is part and parcel of our duties to carry out treatment of dogs or pigs.
For those of us who work as Veterinary Doctors, or Vets in short, in Animal Clinics, most of us have to treat dogs and cats.
Even then, there are those who limit their treatments to just cats.
As for pigs, usually no Muslim Vets will choose to work in those farms.
Those who work in the Department of Veterinary Services at times have to visit the pig farms to ensure that the farms concerned practice good farming procedures and management in order to be free from contagious diseases such as the Nipah virus which wreaked havoc in 1999 and threatened the lives of human beings.
There are also Vets working in the laboratories who have to process samples comingfrom pigs or dogs such as their blood, faeces or anything else derived from them.
Hence, in the curriculum of the Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine, students will be involved in handling dogs and pigs. Starting with practical studies of the organs of such animals in the study of the anatomy and physiology subjects to the extent of handling,
treatment and carrying out postmortem examinations of such animals in depth upon entering the pre-clinical and clinical years.
In general, I agree with the term of 'desensitization' used by someone who e-mailed merecently. As veterinarians, this desensitization is necessary for us to not feel disgusted when treating our animal patients for it is our responsibility and also part of our oath that we recite when we graduate.
Upon entering Year 4, a veterinary student will have to follow the introduction to clinic subject and clinical subjects in Year 5.
In both these subjects, students will be divided into small teams.. These teams will taketurns to carry out practical work in the prescribed activities. They have to carry out practical studies for a week on each subject.
These practical studies involve the treatment of pets such as dogs and also the pig rearing industry. They have to visit pig farms to carry out observations, diagnose diseases and carry out treatment procedures.
From what I have seen, the pictures being circulated through the internet are those of a UPM veterinary student taken during her practical studies at the pig farms and clinical studies.
It is my opinion that the student posed for such pictures publicly not to insult the Islamic Faith or anyone but to share an experience that not many in the general public might go through!
Regarding the issue of touching, holding and treating dogs and pigs that are categorised as 'Najis Mukhallazah' (Severe Najis) according to Islamic Fiqh, its not actually 'HARAM' as understood by most Malay Muslims.
Many ask me how as a Muslim I can touch dogs and pigs which are forbidden to be touched?
According to the Fiqh of Islamic Knowledge that I studied since my Islamic primary school up to the secondary school, the touching of 'Najis Mukhallazah' is not 'haram:'
• What is taught in the Fiqh Laws are when we have touched 'Najis
• we are to purify ourselves with carrying out the 'samak procedure'
which is to wash the affected areas 7 times
• Once with water mixed with pure earth and then to rinse it off 6 times
with pure water
What is haram with regard to dogs and pigs is the consumption of their meat and by products, not touching them.
As a Malay, I understand the views of the Malay society who feel squeamish or disgusted about dogs and pigs.
This might have come about from the traditions of our forefathers who tried their level best to avoid touching dogs and pigs for their aversion to have to cleanse and purify themselves when such a situation occurs and would affect their acts of ibadah.
I myself, even after being clear about the rules regarding the touching of dogs and pigs, felt awkward and squeamish when I held a pig's heart for the first time, what more when I had to lift a dog to be placed upon the examining table where the technique calls for me to hold the dog close to myself as it is the safest technique to avoid injury to the animal in the lifting process.
Still, we need to be clear about what is Islam's view with regard to these two animals, created by Allah the Almighty.
Did Allah create the dog and pig to be reviled and loathed as severe 'najis'?
If so, why then is there the Islamic decree in Fiqh that states any prey caught and killed by trained hunting dogs as 'halal' to be consumed provided the hunter makes the intention in his or her heart for the sake of Allah when releasing the
hunting dog or dogs or bird of prey ?
What about the story of the prostitute who was forgiven by Allah of all her sins and entered into Paradise solely on the basis of her good deed in feeding a dog dying of thirst with water that she took by climbing down a well using her shoe?
Dogs and pigs are also creatures of Allah and included amongst the responsibilities of mankind who have been appointed as the Khalifahs of Allah upon this Earth. As such, they too like humans need food when hungry, drink when thirsty, treatment when sick even though the priorities differ when the situation warrants choosing between
them and humans.
Thus, I see what is being studied by the veterinarians relating to dogs and pigs including the obligations to treat them is included in Fardhu Kifayah and fulfills a part of mankind's responsibilities as the Khalifahs of Allah!
Nevertheless, it is still the responsibility of the veterinarian to know the do's and don'ts of the Islamic faith in his or her career.
Muslim veterinarians and veterinary medical students need to be careful and not be lackadaisical in their observing the cleanliness and purity of their physical selfs and attire so as not to render their ibadah null and void because they failed to avoid contamination of such severe najis upon themselves.
The best way for such veterinarians and veterinary medical students to avoid such complications is to separate their work clothes and their normal attire, especially their clothings which they use for prayer. This is to avoid damage to such clothings used in prayer for such attire will be damaged if purified through the 'samak' procedures. Civilians
ought not to worry because such filth is not contagious.
It means that if a vet just washes his or her hands after work but has not purified their hands through the 'samak' procedure, such a situation still does not promote contagion when, or if, you have to shake their hands.
The essence of colour, smell and taste is no longer there for they have washed off their hands but still the vet needs to carry out the 'samak' process before prayer.
The same situation can occur when a Muslim has to shake the hands of a Non Muslim who rears dogs at home. What about those who have stepped on dog poo or stepped upon grounds that have been trod upon by dogs and pigs? One does not have to worry
too particularly, especially if there is no essence of the three criteria to suggest the presence of such severe najis -colour, smell and traces.
There are suggestions by several ustazs to purify the whole body through the 'samak procedure once in a while for the civilian Muslim population and once a month for the veterinarians.
This is if the essence of the Najis Mukhallazah is feared to be present on their persons but not detectable. They can then be purified thoroughly by carrying out the 'samak' process regularly. Still, this is just my opinion and not an obligation upon all those who
have doubts as to the state of their purity and personal cleanliness.
Actually, there have been many questions that have been raised regarding Muslim veterinarians who
have to treat racehorses?
What is the Islamic law regarding it? How about the treatment fees received? Isit halal?
The same goes to the matter of a Muslim veterinarian who provides services and advice in improving the pig farming industry. What's the Islamic law regarding that?
What about the vet who has to carry out a lengthy corrective surgery on dogs and pigs to the stage that he or she misses their prayers?
Can it be considered to be the same as carrying out surgery on humans where the prayers can be shortened and carried out together in 'jamak and qasar'?
There are lots of other questions coming from civilians, between us veterinarians and the veterinary students that I cannot be answered due to my limited religious knowledge. I figure that the same situation occurs or will occur in your career if you truly seek for the answers.
This is because Islam is the complete way of life and it covers all elements of living and the beauty of it is that, true Islam already has all the answers to our predicaments and situations.
It is up to us to study, research and understand what Islam has to say about anything by observing the guidelines and teachings of those who are learned and
are knowledgeable in the faith.
Lastly, as Muslims, let us take responsibility to correct the misunderstanding of our Ummah especially those involving the Malays with regard to this very sensitive and disturbing issue. This matter is often raised by the Non Muslims who are quite concerned about animal welfare.
One of my seniors in his final year project regarding animal welfare, conducted a poll of opinions. Among the questions asked were :
• 'If you saw a dog that had its legs trapped, would you help by freeing it?'
• Give reasons for each of your answers.
As a Muslim, I felt sad and ashamed when I saw one answer stating : 'No, because I am a Muslim.'
This scenario has to change for as Muslims, we need to take care of three relationships:
1. Our relationship with Almighty Allah
2. Our relationship with our fellow human beings
3. Our relationship with our fellow creatures on Earth
Verily, Islam is pure and simple. Everything relating to our existence here on Earth has already been revealed to us through the Last Testament of Allah (The Holy Al-Qur'an Al Karim) and the Hadiths and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi
We need to delve into the Revelations, seek and find the answers to all our needs, understand, implement and put them to practice in our lives.
Verily, all Knowledge belongs to Allah, the Most Learned, Most Aware.
I welcome those who feel like sharing their views, thoughts, corrections of facts or wish to share more information with regard to this matter to e-mail me at lapanjuta@yahoo.
May this article be beneficial to all. Ameen.
Thank you.
Dr. Mohd Dzulhamka Kamaluddin
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia .
Checked by:
Prof. Dr. Rasedee Abdullah
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Those interested in discussion on Islamic topics can go to:
'' a Malaysian Islamic Scholar (Selangor branch) website.
Truthfully, I have always been disgusted with such cruel behaviour towards these helpless innocent creatures of God.
Before we continue, I wish to tell you what a lady colleague once told me.
Once, I had a Muslim Colleague who lived in Kota Kuala Muda She told me that there was a time, when she was a kid, when her neighbours rear pigs and those pigs were clean. The pigs usually would come under her attap house and she would play with them. I could not picture that scene then but looking at the following pictures and Dr. Mohd Dzulhamka Kamaluddin's article, I believe it must be true.
Following are the pictures of a veterinary student showing her love for dogs and pigs, a comment from an email I recieved and an article which enlightens us on what the holy book, the Koran, tells us how we should treat all God's creatures.
It is a long article but I feel Muslims as well as non-Muslims should read it for greater enlightenment.

Halal and Haram in Handling Dogs and Pigs - The UPM Case.
Muslims here in Malaysia find it shocking to see pictures of this tudung clad Malay Muslim student nonchalantly handling dogs and pigs with her bare hands and posing for these pictures without any expressions of being squeamish or disgusted as what would usually be the case for many of Muslims in Malaysia.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
To all those who are concerned, I wish you all the best and pray that you are in the good graces of the Almighty and Most Merciful Allah.
I feel drawn to share with you what I have to say about certain pictures now being circulated in group websites and forums in the internet of a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University Putra Malaysia Malay Muslim student who has posed for photos whilst being in a pig sty and handling both dogs and pigs!
I am writing this e-mail at length in the hope that my explanations will be understood clearly and not misinterpreted.
NEVERTHELESS, to those who do not have the time to spare to read this, its enough for me to state that:
There is no injunction that says that it is forbidden to touch dogs and pigs. What is forbidden is for Muslims to eat the meat of swine and any animals that have fangs. We need to be clear about what Islam's views are about these animals.
Both of them are amongst the Creations of Allah and Allah would not create anything in vain. In fact, each creation of Allah has a significant role to play in this life.
Has Allah created the dog and pig to be viewed with disdain by His Ummah?
Before continuing with this discourse, please allow me to introduce myself.
I am a graduate Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, year 2006. I am now continuing my Master of Physiology, first semester studies in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM.
I studied at the Kuala Selangor Islamic Secondary School before this.
I might not be the best person to explain about this for there are better individuals who are Islamic scholars who could give in depth explanations about the subject matter together with the relevant verses and their detailed translations.
Even then, I will do my best to share with you from my limited Islamic knowledge and from what I have learned from my personal discussions with the learned religious teachers in seminars that we have held in our own faculty with regard to this issue.
Firstly, as a Veterinary Doctor (@ Animal Doctor), it is part and parcel of our duties to carry out treatment of dogs or pigs.
For those of us who work as Veterinary Doctors, or Vets in short, in Animal Clinics, most of us have to treat dogs and cats.
Even then, there are those who limit their treatments to just cats.
As for pigs, usually no Muslim Vets will choose to work in those farms.
Those who work in the Department of Veterinary Services at times have to visit the pig farms to ensure that the farms concerned practice good farming procedures and management in order to be free from contagious diseases such as the Nipah virus which wreaked havoc in 1999 and threatened the lives of human beings.
There are also Vets working in the laboratories who have to process samples comingfrom pigs or dogs such as their blood, faeces or anything else derived from them.
Hence, in the curriculum of the Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine, students will be involved in handling dogs and pigs. Starting with practical studies of the organs of such animals in the study of the anatomy and physiology subjects to the extent of handling,
treatment and carrying out postmortem examinations of such animals in depth upon entering the pre-clinical and clinical years.
In general, I agree with the term of 'desensitization' used by someone who e-mailed merecently. As veterinarians, this desensitization is necessary for us to not feel disgusted when treating our animal patients for it is our responsibility and also part of our oath that we recite when we graduate.
Upon entering Year 4, a veterinary student will have to follow the introduction to clinic subject and clinical subjects in Year 5.
In both these subjects, students will be divided into small teams.. These teams will taketurns to carry out practical work in the prescribed activities. They have to carry out practical studies for a week on each subject.
These practical studies involve the treatment of pets such as dogs and also the pig rearing industry. They have to visit pig farms to carry out observations, diagnose diseases and carry out treatment procedures.
From what I have seen, the pictures being circulated through the internet are those of a UPM veterinary student taken during her practical studies at the pig farms and clinical studies.
It is my opinion that the student posed for such pictures publicly not to insult the Islamic Faith or anyone but to share an experience that not many in the general public might go through!
Regarding the issue of touching, holding and treating dogs and pigs that are categorised as 'Najis Mukhallazah' (Severe Najis) according to Islamic Fiqh, its not actually 'HARAM' as understood by most Malay Muslims.
Many ask me how as a Muslim I can touch dogs and pigs which are forbidden to be touched?
According to the Fiqh of Islamic Knowledge that I studied since my Islamic primary school up to the secondary school, the touching of 'Najis Mukhallazah' is not 'haram:'
• What is taught in the Fiqh Laws are when we have touched 'Najis
• we are to purify ourselves with carrying out the 'samak procedure'
which is to wash the affected areas 7 times
• Once with water mixed with pure earth and then to rinse it off 6 times
with pure water
What is haram with regard to dogs and pigs is the consumption of their meat and by products, not touching them.
As a Malay, I understand the views of the Malay society who feel squeamish or disgusted about dogs and pigs.
This might have come about from the traditions of our forefathers who tried their level best to avoid touching dogs and pigs for their aversion to have to cleanse and purify themselves when such a situation occurs and would affect their acts of ibadah.
I myself, even after being clear about the rules regarding the touching of dogs and pigs, felt awkward and squeamish when I held a pig's heart for the first time, what more when I had to lift a dog to be placed upon the examining table where the technique calls for me to hold the dog close to myself as it is the safest technique to avoid injury to the animal in the lifting process.
Still, we need to be clear about what is Islam's view with regard to these two animals, created by Allah the Almighty.
Did Allah create the dog and pig to be reviled and loathed as severe 'najis'?
If so, why then is there the Islamic decree in Fiqh that states any prey caught and killed by trained hunting dogs as 'halal' to be consumed provided the hunter makes the intention in his or her heart for the sake of Allah when releasing the
hunting dog or dogs or bird of prey ?
What about the story of the prostitute who was forgiven by Allah of all her sins and entered into Paradise solely on the basis of her good deed in feeding a dog dying of thirst with water that she took by climbing down a well using her shoe?
Dogs and pigs are also creatures of Allah and included amongst the responsibilities of mankind who have been appointed as the Khalifahs of Allah upon this Earth. As such, they too like humans need food when hungry, drink when thirsty, treatment when sick even though the priorities differ when the situation warrants choosing between
them and humans.
Thus, I see what is being studied by the veterinarians relating to dogs and pigs including the obligations to treat them is included in Fardhu Kifayah and fulfills a part of mankind's responsibilities as the Khalifahs of Allah!
Nevertheless, it is still the responsibility of the veterinarian to know the do's and don'ts of the Islamic faith in his or her career.
Muslim veterinarians and veterinary medical students need to be careful and not be lackadaisical in their observing the cleanliness and purity of their physical selfs and attire so as not to render their ibadah null and void because they failed to avoid contamination of such severe najis upon themselves.
The best way for such veterinarians and veterinary medical students to avoid such complications is to separate their work clothes and their normal attire, especially their clothings which they use for prayer. This is to avoid damage to such clothings used in prayer for such attire will be damaged if purified through the 'samak' procedures. Civilians
ought not to worry because such filth is not contagious.
It means that if a vet just washes his or her hands after work but has not purified their hands through the 'samak' procedure, such a situation still does not promote contagion when, or if, you have to shake their hands.
The essence of colour, smell and taste is no longer there for they have washed off their hands but still the vet needs to carry out the 'samak' process before prayer.
The same situation can occur when a Muslim has to shake the hands of a Non Muslim who rears dogs at home. What about those who have stepped on dog poo or stepped upon grounds that have been trod upon by dogs and pigs? One does not have to worry
too particularly, especially if there is no essence of the three criteria to suggest the presence of such severe najis -colour, smell and traces.
There are suggestions by several ustazs to purify the whole body through the 'samak procedure once in a while for the civilian Muslim population and once a month for the veterinarians.
This is if the essence of the Najis Mukhallazah is feared to be present on their persons but not detectable. They can then be purified thoroughly by carrying out the 'samak' process regularly. Still, this is just my opinion and not an obligation upon all those who
have doubts as to the state of their purity and personal cleanliness.
Actually, there have been many questions that have been raised regarding Muslim veterinarians who
have to treat racehorses?
What is the Islamic law regarding it? How about the treatment fees received? Isit halal?
The same goes to the matter of a Muslim veterinarian who provides services and advice in improving the pig farming industry. What's the Islamic law regarding that?
What about the vet who has to carry out a lengthy corrective surgery on dogs and pigs to the stage that he or she misses their prayers?
Can it be considered to be the same as carrying out surgery on humans where the prayers can be shortened and carried out together in 'jamak and qasar'?
There are lots of other questions coming from civilians, between us veterinarians and the veterinary students that I cannot be answered due to my limited religious knowledge. I figure that the same situation occurs or will occur in your career if you truly seek for the answers.
This is because Islam is the complete way of life and it covers all elements of living and the beauty of it is that, true Islam already has all the answers to our predicaments and situations.
It is up to us to study, research and understand what Islam has to say about anything by observing the guidelines and teachings of those who are learned and
are knowledgeable in the faith.
Lastly, as Muslims, let us take responsibility to correct the misunderstanding of our Ummah especially those involving the Malays with regard to this very sensitive and disturbing issue. This matter is often raised by the Non Muslims who are quite concerned about animal welfare.
One of my seniors in his final year project regarding animal welfare, conducted a poll of opinions. Among the questions asked were :
• 'If you saw a dog that had its legs trapped, would you help by freeing it?'
• Give reasons for each of your answers.
As a Muslim, I felt sad and ashamed when I saw one answer stating : 'No, because I am a Muslim.'
This scenario has to change for as Muslims, we need to take care of three relationships:
1. Our relationship with Almighty Allah
2. Our relationship with our fellow human beings
3. Our relationship with our fellow creatures on Earth
Verily, Islam is pure and simple. Everything relating to our existence here on Earth has already been revealed to us through the Last Testament of Allah (The Holy Al-Qur'an Al Karim) and the Hadiths and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi
We need to delve into the Revelations, seek and find the answers to all our needs, understand, implement and put them to practice in our lives.
Verily, all Knowledge belongs to Allah, the Most Learned, Most Aware.
I welcome those who feel like sharing their views, thoughts, corrections of facts or wish to share more information with regard to this matter to e-mail me at lapanjuta@yahoo.
May this article be beneficial to all. Ameen.
Thank you.
Dr. Mohd Dzulhamka Kamaluddin
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia .
Checked by:
Prof. Dr. Rasedee Abdullah
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Those interested in discussion on Islamic topics can go to:
'' a Malaysian Islamic Scholar (Selangor branch) website.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Be vigilant against greed.
There have been people who strive hard academically and achieved success. Yet, these seemilngly successful people succumbed to greed. Greed is an evil force we must constantly be vigilant against.
Greed appears to be a proclivity, a natural tendency of every human being. From a desire for more or better things to come, people can choose to work hard for it or make gains through illegal or immoral means. These people resort to unwarranted, despicable acts which may be criminal.
We have read of shop-lifting, theft, robbery, criminal breach of trust, corruption and white-collar crimes and they all are concerned with money. In all the above cases, we find that the perpetrators were all trying to obtain something which did not belong to them.
Even unionists who sacrifice a lot of their time in order to assist their fellow workers while holding such posts have been known to commit such wrongs in the very union they serve.
The writer has known of at least one unionist who managed to get an interest-free loan from the very union he was holding a very high position in for many years. Such a person ought to know that what he did was definitely wrong.
Yet, when he was exposed, he claimed that he was not aware what he did was not allowed in his union. A high officer in any reputable union knows that it is an offence to obtain such a loan as a union is not a co-operative. Even loans from a co-operative requires interest to be paid for any loan taken.
This unionist, perhaps abetted by other committee members, did not have the discipline or the strength to resist the temptation of using members' money by having an interest-free loan.
For that, the unionist could have been charged for criminal breach of trust, could have lost whatever success or position he had achieved. This unionist was 'lucky' when certain authorities merely required that unionist to return the loan which was illegal to obtain.
However, many may think such a person has escaped easily. He has not! In his own mind, he knows that he had done wrong and was discovered. He knows that he has not been punished for his wrong. His own divine spirit would punish him. In Buddhism, this is known as kharma.
In the study of psychology, we have studied how the mind or shall we say conscience will continue to punish in one way or another.
That is why children should be instilled with discipline so that they do not succumbed so easily to such sins. Let them have the strength to face difficults, beat them and emerge proudly and happily with whatever they have achieved through their own ability. Let there be no necessity for greed.
Greed appears to be a proclivity, a natural tendency of every human being. From a desire for more or better things to come, people can choose to work hard for it or make gains through illegal or immoral means. These people resort to unwarranted, despicable acts which may be criminal.
We have read of shop-lifting, theft, robbery, criminal breach of trust, corruption and white-collar crimes and they all are concerned with money. In all the above cases, we find that the perpetrators were all trying to obtain something which did not belong to them.
Even unionists who sacrifice a lot of their time in order to assist their fellow workers while holding such posts have been known to commit such wrongs in the very union they serve.
The writer has known of at least one unionist who managed to get an interest-free loan from the very union he was holding a very high position in for many years. Such a person ought to know that what he did was definitely wrong.
Yet, when he was exposed, he claimed that he was not aware what he did was not allowed in his union. A high officer in any reputable union knows that it is an offence to obtain such a loan as a union is not a co-operative. Even loans from a co-operative requires interest to be paid for any loan taken.
This unionist, perhaps abetted by other committee members, did not have the discipline or the strength to resist the temptation of using members' money by having an interest-free loan.
For that, the unionist could have been charged for criminal breach of trust, could have lost whatever success or position he had achieved. This unionist was 'lucky' when certain authorities merely required that unionist to return the loan which was illegal to obtain.
However, many may think such a person has escaped easily. He has not! In his own mind, he knows that he had done wrong and was discovered. He knows that he has not been punished for his wrong. His own divine spirit would punish him. In Buddhism, this is known as kharma.
In the study of psychology, we have studied how the mind or shall we say conscience will continue to punish in one way or another.
That is why children should be instilled with discipline so that they do not succumbed so easily to such sins. Let them have the strength to face difficults, beat them and emerge proudly and happily with whatever they have achieved through their own ability. Let there be no necessity for greed.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Have you seen spirits?
More than a fortnight ago, I was telling a friend the different beliefs on spirits between the Buddhist and the taoist.
I told him that the Buddhists merely give chants and prayers for a number of days during the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calender because they believe that spirits do not need food and drink as they no longer are of the material world. And it looks like they are right, for who have seen pieces of food ripped off from that which is offered in prayer.
The taoists, on the other hand, believe that we must offer food and tea during prayers as the spirits need them. Yet, the very people who offer the food eat it themselves, after the prayers. This has always been a confusion to me.
However, people like my father who have eyes that can see spirits have told us that spirits do go and lick the food offered, giving me the impression that the 'spirit' part of the food is taken.
At this point, my friend told me of someone whom he knew, who had told him of what he saw. It happened many years ago when the Sungai Petani Moral Uplifting Society was having its usual prayers for the spirits of the dead during the Chinese lunar seventh month. As the people were praying, one of them saw the spirits rush in for the food. Thinking that others could see the same scene, he turned to the others and told them to see how hungry those spirits were. When the others turned in surprise and bewilderment at his words, he pointed to the place the spirits were still going for the food and asked,"Don't you see what I am seeing?"
When there was no reply from the questioning looks directed at him, he realised that he was the only one privileged to the sight of the spirits.
That realisation also brought fear. He ran home and since then had never appeared at such events again.
According to this friend who never tell tall stories, it was a true story.
In telling me this story, my friend confirms my belief that there are other people who can see spirits just like my father. Yes, this merely concludes with what I know, that there are spirits.
One day, I tell you about those who have opened their third eye to be able to see and communicate with the spirits.
Till then, if you have any experiences, do sent me the information or write your comments in this blog. Let us share and understand this world better.
I told him that the Buddhists merely give chants and prayers for a number of days during the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calender because they believe that spirits do not need food and drink as they no longer are of the material world. And it looks like they are right, for who have seen pieces of food ripped off from that which is offered in prayer.
The taoists, on the other hand, believe that we must offer food and tea during prayers as the spirits need them. Yet, the very people who offer the food eat it themselves, after the prayers. This has always been a confusion to me.
However, people like my father who have eyes that can see spirits have told us that spirits do go and lick the food offered, giving me the impression that the 'spirit' part of the food is taken.
At this point, my friend told me of someone whom he knew, who had told him of what he saw. It happened many years ago when the Sungai Petani Moral Uplifting Society was having its usual prayers for the spirits of the dead during the Chinese lunar seventh month. As the people were praying, one of them saw the spirits rush in for the food. Thinking that others could see the same scene, he turned to the others and told them to see how hungry those spirits were. When the others turned in surprise and bewilderment at his words, he pointed to the place the spirits were still going for the food and asked,"Don't you see what I am seeing?"
When there was no reply from the questioning looks directed at him, he realised that he was the only one privileged to the sight of the spirits.
That realisation also brought fear. He ran home and since then had never appeared at such events again.
According to this friend who never tell tall stories, it was a true story.
In telling me this story, my friend confirms my belief that there are other people who can see spirits just like my father. Yes, this merely concludes with what I know, that there are spirits.
One day, I tell you about those who have opened their third eye to be able to see and communicate with the spirits.
Till then, if you have any experiences, do sent me the information or write your comments in this blog. Let us share and understand this world better.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fish in our lives.
What better way to overcome stress in our lives than to enjoy the movement of fish in a pond.
Then again, not everyone of us can afford a pond. Well, that should not deter us from enjoying such natural wonders in an aquarium.
However, we should not place our fish in too small an aquarium as they would not have sufficient space to frolic around. You would not feel good to see the misery of a fish that has not the space to swim vigorously when the whim to do so arises.
One of my hobbies is keeping aquarium fish. I ensure they have enough room to play in, clean water to live in and good food for excellent health.
They have to be in excellent health where my fish is concerned, for without it they might not be able to breed; and that is something I would do with my fish, breed them.
To this day, I have bred a good number of them. The live-breeders are the easiest. Egg-layers are more difficult. The easiest egg-layers are the goldfish, zebra fish, angelfish and fighting fish. To see them multiply in numbers is one of my joys. To watch them swimming around merrily has me forgetting my problems and stress.
My romance with them started very early at the age of nine or ten when I had a few guppies in a big bottle. Each day, this 'veterinarian' would examine the abdomens of the female guppies to observe the eyes of the 'fish fetus' as they became clearer each day. When it is time for their birth, more aquatic plants such as the Egeria densa is added to the bottle to provide hideaways for the newborn fish. This 'gynecologist' would stay awake up to one or two in the morning just to observe the little ones emerge curled-up and drop downwards before uncurling to settle at the bottom. It was an excitement I remember to this day.
So, whenever life presents too much pressure, my fish helps to dissolve it. Such is the benefit of rearing fish if not also the joy of seeing them being happy and in good health.
Besides, this is one method to instil the love for nature in our children; getting them to care for live things in our environment.
Of course, there are things such as the responsibility, the knowledge gained and the self-esteem derived from being able to care or look after something.
Hobbies are important and even more so as we grow older when there are people who find that time drags by without something worthwhile to potter with.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Curiosity is the way to knowledge.
"Look! Look, mummy! These are so red!" the little boy of approximately four years of age attracted his mother's attention to the fish in the aquarium.
"Yes, they're beautiful, aren't they?" the mother confirmed.
The curious little boy and the numerous questions he had for his mummy at the KW Aquarium in Penang caught my attention. Watching him and his attentive mother, I could not help but note that here was a little guy who would eventually do well in the academic world as well as in life, if he continues his desire to understand and know more at the present rate.
In fact, I could not help but remark to the mother that she had a most curious guy with a lot of question in tow.
"Yes, but he asks too many questions," the proud mother replied.
"True but then, that's good for he will learn a lot this way," I told the mother.
You know, I have always encouraged children to ask questions for it is only when there are questions that answers lead to better understanding of things yet unknown.
Sometimes, I even find adult too timid or uncertain of whether it would be alright to ask questions when faced with the unknown or unlearned.
Let us put it this way. If we ask the wrong people or at the wrong time or place, the worst we can ever get is a no reply. But then, at least we know it is difficult to get such answers at such places or from such people. We, in a way, have a better understanding of circumstances such as this. But, then, we may be able to open the torrent of knowledge that is waiting just to be released with a question. Imagine the wealth of knowledge we may obtain, the wonderful rewards that are ours merely by opening our mouth to enquire.
So, let us encourage children to question and quench their thirst for knowledge as well as encourage them to know more besides learning to find out more.
Just as the Christians would say: Ask and it shall be given. Of course, it may not be hundred percent true but the chances for us to receive some kind of feedback is always there even when there is no feedback. Do you get that point?
Thus, when in doubt, ask.
"Yes, they're beautiful, aren't they?" the mother confirmed.
The curious little boy and the numerous questions he had for his mummy at the KW Aquarium in Penang caught my attention. Watching him and his attentive mother, I could not help but note that here was a little guy who would eventually do well in the academic world as well as in life, if he continues his desire to understand and know more at the present rate.
In fact, I could not help but remark to the mother that she had a most curious guy with a lot of question in tow.
"Yes, but he asks too many questions," the proud mother replied.
"True but then, that's good for he will learn a lot this way," I told the mother.
You know, I have always encouraged children to ask questions for it is only when there are questions that answers lead to better understanding of things yet unknown.
Sometimes, I even find adult too timid or uncertain of whether it would be alright to ask questions when faced with the unknown or unlearned.
Let us put it this way. If we ask the wrong people or at the wrong time or place, the worst we can ever get is a no reply. But then, at least we know it is difficult to get such answers at such places or from such people. We, in a way, have a better understanding of circumstances such as this. But, then, we may be able to open the torrent of knowledge that is waiting just to be released with a question. Imagine the wealth of knowledge we may obtain, the wonderful rewards that are ours merely by opening our mouth to enquire.
So, let us encourage children to question and quench their thirst for knowledge as well as encourage them to know more besides learning to find out more.
Just as the Christians would say: Ask and it shall be given. Of course, it may not be hundred percent true but the chances for us to receive some kind of feedback is always there even when there is no feedback. Do you get that point?
Thus, when in doubt, ask.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Finding relief from stress and strain.
"Useless fellow! What the hell do you know about these things? We don't need you to tell us what to do. Get lost!" And they walked away, leaving Soon Lee uncertain what to say or do.
However, in his mind, the matter stayed to haunt him throughout the day and that night, he just could not sleep with the words still hammering at him in his mind. It hurt even more as they came from friends he had known for so long. He was just trying to help and that was his reward. He could not let the pain caused by their words go away. He tossed around that whole night until fatigue finally brought relief with his eye-lids drooping down over his eyes and bringing the curtain down on his ordeal.
In life, hurts are easily felt at times and at such times there must be ways to calm the mind, to remove it from the strains we go through.
One of the ways to move away from the stress of life is to move towards nature. Go for a walk in a forest reserve or up a hill. Appreciate the tall, huge trees, the plants and their flowers or fruits. Forget about work and enjoy sounds of nature that abound in such places. Let the cool breeze caress your cheeks, your face and your body. Enjoy the moment.
Instead of walking briskly, you could take a run. I love to run and sweat out all the toxins that comes in with the busy street-polluted air through the nose or with the pesticide laden food through the mouth. True, we can go organic. But how much of what we consume is truly organic. After the run, feel the body relax with a rub-down after a warm-followed-by-cold water bath; the temperature adjusted so as to be comfortable for each individual. It is invigorating, to say the least. The circulation is so much improved.
With such a time-out for yourself, you see the joy of living; that life is not mere drudgery or work, work and work. It is fun and worthwhile. The satisfaction of a hard day's work with such a workout to invigorate your body for whatever the remainder of the day may offer. Your view of life is so much better.
However, I must caution those who are beginning such a move. Go slow and gradually build up your strength and stamina. Give your body a chance to adjust to this wonderful way and you can be sure, you will be glad life is not just work, computer and television or astro.
However, in his mind, the matter stayed to haunt him throughout the day and that night, he just could not sleep with the words still hammering at him in his mind. It hurt even more as they came from friends he had known for so long. He was just trying to help and that was his reward. He could not let the pain caused by their words go away. He tossed around that whole night until fatigue finally brought relief with his eye-lids drooping down over his eyes and bringing the curtain down on his ordeal.
In life, hurts are easily felt at times and at such times there must be ways to calm the mind, to remove it from the strains we go through.
One of the ways to move away from the stress of life is to move towards nature. Go for a walk in a forest reserve or up a hill. Appreciate the tall, huge trees, the plants and their flowers or fruits. Forget about work and enjoy sounds of nature that abound in such places. Let the cool breeze caress your cheeks, your face and your body. Enjoy the moment.
Instead of walking briskly, you could take a run. I love to run and sweat out all the toxins that comes in with the busy street-polluted air through the nose or with the pesticide laden food through the mouth. True, we can go organic. But how much of what we consume is truly organic. After the run, feel the body relax with a rub-down after a warm-followed-by-cold water bath; the temperature adjusted so as to be comfortable for each individual. It is invigorating, to say the least. The circulation is so much improved.
With such a time-out for yourself, you see the joy of living; that life is not mere drudgery or work, work and work. It is fun and worthwhile. The satisfaction of a hard day's work with such a workout to invigorate your body for whatever the remainder of the day may offer. Your view of life is so much better.
However, I must caution those who are beginning such a move. Go slow and gradually build up your strength and stamina. Give your body a chance to adjust to this wonderful way and you can be sure, you will be glad life is not just work, computer and television or astro.
The motivating role of parents.
I know of a family in which the parents took great consistent interest in their daughters' progress.
Due to their interest in their children, their three children did very well in their studies. As far as I know, the two elder daughters got scholarships to study at Petronas University. The first daughter was awarded the scholarship after her five years of secondary education in a residential science school where she achieved excellent results. The second daughter received a scholarship to study in a prestigious private school in Malacca after her primary school education. Although I had not the opportunity to follow the progress of the third daughter, I understand that she had done exceedingly well too.
As an English tutor, I noticed that the students who seek my assistance to improve themselves in preparation for the examination as well as the interview for the Asian Scholarship in Singapore come from homes where the parents are very concern and take great interest in their children's educational progress.
These children impressed me as children who are willing to go the extra mile. As a result, they study consistently, ever willing to improve themselves further. Of course, the end result are children with better academic progress than most other children.
How is that so? As the proud parent of two sons who have progressed much academically, I have to admit the parent or a guardian has an important motivating role in their progress. The bond, the love, the constant encouragement and praise give the child the security, the self-esteem and the confidence to take on every academic challenge thrown at them. Thus, even though they may not be the very best, they are near enough to be one of the best.
In life, a person need not be a genius to be excellent. Look around you. Look into the background of most of the bright, very successful people around us. Almost everyone of them are ordinary people with average intelligence who managed to learn, know and understand better than others.
Due to their interest in their children, their three children did very well in their studies. As far as I know, the two elder daughters got scholarships to study at Petronas University. The first daughter was awarded the scholarship after her five years of secondary education in a residential science school where she achieved excellent results. The second daughter received a scholarship to study in a prestigious private school in Malacca after her primary school education. Although I had not the opportunity to follow the progress of the third daughter, I understand that she had done exceedingly well too.
As an English tutor, I noticed that the students who seek my assistance to improve themselves in preparation for the examination as well as the interview for the Asian Scholarship in Singapore come from homes where the parents are very concern and take great interest in their children's educational progress.
These children impressed me as children who are willing to go the extra mile. As a result, they study consistently, ever willing to improve themselves further. Of course, the end result are children with better academic progress than most other children.
How is that so? As the proud parent of two sons who have progressed much academically, I have to admit the parent or a guardian has an important motivating role in their progress. The bond, the love, the constant encouragement and praise give the child the security, the self-esteem and the confidence to take on every academic challenge thrown at them. Thus, even though they may not be the very best, they are near enough to be one of the best.
In life, a person need not be a genius to be excellent. Look around you. Look into the background of most of the bright, very successful people around us. Almost everyone of them are ordinary people with average intelligence who managed to learn, know and understand better than others.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Dare to do the 'impossible'.
"I'm taking thirteen subjects for my SPM, (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia which was known as the School Certificate before the name change.)" my nephew told me.
"How do you think you are going to manage that many subjects?" I questioned the decision.
"I'll do it. That's the only way to have a chance to get a scholarship to a good university education," he was determined to succeed.
"Alright. You've to understand it'll take a lot of hard work to do it. I can only assist you in art and craft and English." I told him.
In my mind, I was happy for him, happy that he had this strong desire to get extraordinarily good results. Although i have always helped and loved him, I knew I did not have the financial ability to do anything where an overseas university education was concerned. In fact I did say something to that effect to him once while encouraging him to strive for even better results, just as I did my own two children. I expected all three of them to excel in their studies for they had all consistently produced good results.
It was the year 2000, a time when the Malaysian Chinese without strong 'political cables' knew that their children with truly excellent results could not expect to get even a local university scholarship, what more an overseas education scholarship. They might just as well kill the thought.
This nephew knew his family's financial situation as I, in teaching him and my children about life, often point out how poverty can be a stumbling block to many paths to success unless we ourselves strive harder to get out of it through education and hardwork.
Thus, he worked hard, initially falling slightly in the marks he obtained as a result of the strain of taking on new subjects. It is to his credit that he pushed on determined to overcome any weakness that was bound to happen when something new had to be mastered in such a short period of time.
By mid-year, he was well on the way to excellent results. When it came to art and craft, for example, he was already good at drawing and painting. All he needed was the theory and knowledge about the crafts. He learned fast. I remembered explaining matters on certain crafts to him as I took him to or from school at certain times.
His determination to succeed eventually bore fruit when newspapers announced the best SPM Malaysian student in 2001. For the first time in SPM, a student scored A1 in 13 subjects. Usually, it was only for eight, nine or ten subjects. It had the whole nation wondering how it could be done.
Of course, it could be done. He knew it and he did it! This was proved again and again in the years that followed. It just has to take someone special to dare to do the so called impossible. Nothing is impossible as many who followed his path discovered. If I am not mistaken, there is even one girl who got A1 in 17 subjects.
Everything is possible for everyone who dares to dream. So, allow your children to do all they can to improve. Never say it cannot be done. Tell them about my nephew, Ong Jin Hock.
"How do you think you are going to manage that many subjects?" I questioned the decision.
"I'll do it. That's the only way to have a chance to get a scholarship to a good university education," he was determined to succeed.
"Alright. You've to understand it'll take a lot of hard work to do it. I can only assist you in art and craft and English." I told him.
In my mind, I was happy for him, happy that he had this strong desire to get extraordinarily good results. Although i have always helped and loved him, I knew I did not have the financial ability to do anything where an overseas university education was concerned. In fact I did say something to that effect to him once while encouraging him to strive for even better results, just as I did my own two children. I expected all three of them to excel in their studies for they had all consistently produced good results.
It was the year 2000, a time when the Malaysian Chinese without strong 'political cables' knew that their children with truly excellent results could not expect to get even a local university scholarship, what more an overseas education scholarship. They might just as well kill the thought.
This nephew knew his family's financial situation as I, in teaching him and my children about life, often point out how poverty can be a stumbling block to many paths to success unless we ourselves strive harder to get out of it through education and hardwork.
Thus, he worked hard, initially falling slightly in the marks he obtained as a result of the strain of taking on new subjects. It is to his credit that he pushed on determined to overcome any weakness that was bound to happen when something new had to be mastered in such a short period of time.
By mid-year, he was well on the way to excellent results. When it came to art and craft, for example, he was already good at drawing and painting. All he needed was the theory and knowledge about the crafts. He learned fast. I remembered explaining matters on certain crafts to him as I took him to or from school at certain times.
His determination to succeed eventually bore fruit when newspapers announced the best SPM Malaysian student in 2001. For the first time in SPM, a student scored A1 in 13 subjects. Usually, it was only for eight, nine or ten subjects. It had the whole nation wondering how it could be done.
Of course, it could be done. He knew it and he did it! This was proved again and again in the years that followed. It just has to take someone special to dare to do the so called impossible. Nothing is impossible as many who followed his path discovered. If I am not mistaken, there is even one girl who got A1 in 17 subjects.
Everything is possible for everyone who dares to dream. So, allow your children to do all they can to improve. Never say it cannot be done. Tell them about my nephew, Ong Jin Hock.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A true healing medium.
Unlike the old dilapidated temple, this new temple is well-built. It is some distance from the location of the old temple.
I once had an accident in Alor Star, Kedah and one month later when I visited my uncle, Mr. Lim Eu Hor, I was caught by surprised at the first question he asked.
"Something happened to you, right? Luckily, it's nothing serious," he smilingly said.
"It was just a very minor accident. How did you know?" I enquired.
"I felt it and I knew it was you," he told me.
At another time, when I was at his temple, I asked him if it was possible for me to learn how to heal others as he was doing.
"Young man, don't hope for that. You see how strong and able I am at healing others but do you know that life is tough for me?" he admonished me. "Take a good look at me. I'm so thin. I cannot eat anything much, just some vegetables and mostly, it's coconut and coconut water. You know, I am so weak physically. When it rains, I feel so cold!" he informed.

Here's a picture of Mr. Lim Eu Hor, the person chosen by Ganesan to be his medium for the Tai Pee Sun Temple in Tanjung Bunga.
What he said was obviously true. He was as thin as a scarecrow. The only beautiful part about him was his ever glowing, smiling face.
It was during my days of searching for spiritual truth that I was introduced to this uncle, the child of one of my father's female cousins. I remember very well the day I searched in vain for a monk who was reputed to have the power of astral travelling from the top of a hill to its foot whild meditating. I returned home to have my father notice the great disappointment I was experiencing. My father enquired about my feelings and upon being told of my disappointment, instantly drew my attention with the story of this uncle who had become a medium.
Lim Eu Hor never thought of becoming a medium. He was earning a good salary distributing cigarettes in Butterworth for a company.That was some time in the 1950's.
Then, one day was he was going his rounds, the spirit of Ganesan came and with that, he could somehow know where there are sick people who needed to be healed. He would go into such a house and with the touch of his hand, healed the sick. News of his daily ability travelled and he became well-known in Butterworth.
Unfortunately, news also reached his employer and soon he was without a job. How could this man do his job well when he spent so much time healing people?
Ganesan told him to continue with his work of healing people. It was his mission in life, according to Ganesan. However, to achieve the powers of healing others, he had to be a vegetarian. That, although difficult, was not a great problem. Then, he would have to purify himself to achieve a higher level by meditating in a glass case for forthy days, if my memory is not faulty. This he did and according to my father, it was recorded by the Chinese newspapers. (One of them could be Kwong Hwa Jit Poh, I am told.)
When I got to know him well, he told me he failed the meditation part. The reason was that he could not stop himself from talking or trying to communicate with friends who came to see him in the glass case.
The most difficult part he had to go through was to part with his wife and his child, forgo all marital joy and duties to his own family. It took some time for that to happen as love is the most difficult to forgo. However, to accomplish his work as a healer, with the great understanding of his wife, he had his wife and child stay in a small house beside the temple a committee built for him. That was the greatest sacrifice he had to make to be a healer.
It was not easy to be a medium in a temple in Tanjung Bunga, Penang where a committee had built for him. To maintain a temple and its committee, there must be money. To have the temple become popular it has to bring people who are willing to supply money. So, the committee asked this medium to give four-digit numbers to attract the crowd.
But Ganesan told this medium that his mission was to heal, not give four-digit numbers. So. there was this conflict of interest.
"Do you know that I had to suffer a lot during this time?" he asked me. "Whenever I follow the directive to give numbers to attract the crowd, Ganesan would use my hand to slap me very hard. And it was really painful. And each time, I gave numbers, I slapped myself hard. Finally, I couldn't stand the pain any longer. I told the committee I cannot give any more numbers. You know what happened. Every member of the committee deserted the temple. Look at the temple now!"
That was in 1969. The temple was in a very poor state with the roof leaking in a few places and everything else in the temple old and worn. There was no one to help this medium upkeep his temple.
That is not to say that nobody knows of its existence. It had many devotees, people who have been healed. Only difference is that nobody sells joss-sticks or oil to anybody. Just a small, hardly noticeable tim with a slit at the top was place at a table to people to put in donations. No money was ever asked for. I believe people did bring jossticks, candles and bottles of oil for the medium.
Once when I asked my uncle how he had survived all that without requesting for donations, he said, "Ganesan told me not to worry about money. When there is a need, money will somehow be given. There's no need to ask."
"Why did Ganesan chose you to be his medium?" I enquired.
This was his reply, "When Ganesan told me that I had to leave my family to help him heal people, I did tell him to look for someone who has no family. Why me? Ganesan told me I was the closest to him. Ganesan told me in a previous reincarnation, I was his, the elephant's keeper. Furthermore, He told me he wanted to help me to reach a higher level."
Thus, this medium spent the rest of his life healing those in search of a cure. There was no monetary gain and in his poor physical shape, he suffered in order that others might be healed.
Once, when I told someone about this medium, this someone said that it was the devil who had possessed my uncle. I did not wish to reply to that. I preferred to allow him to think of it.
In my own mind, I wondered how anyone who wishes to heal the sick can be called the devil. If the devil had such noble deeds and thoughts, I would be the first to support him. Where I am concerned, it's Godly to heal others especially when the healer does not expect any rewards. Divine! That's what it can only be.
Teach our children the dangers of drug addiction.
Many a time, I have shown how the whole world can be the audio-visual aids for our children to learn and improve themselves.. Is not this a wondrous thing?
The world is also full of bad influences for our beloved children. However, what is bad can be turned to good use. Take for example, drug addiction.
Where I live, there was once a family who had one of their children struck down by such an addiction. The parents were good, hardworking people. Unfortunately, no one warned them of the dangers of not bonding well with their children. Despite that, with the exception of this one child, their children did quite well, working just as hard as their parents to earn a good living. Of course, the neglect in bonding did result in some damage and none of the children did well in school, mixing with the wrong people when they were young. They were lucky that only one of the children fell into the drug trap, never able to escape from its deadly grip.
As a parent who believed in using the environment and its many possibilities as aids in teaching, I did use the poor addict as a living example of what could eventually happen to someone who becomes addicted to drugs. Well, at least, he serves a good purpose to society as a lesson for others.
That is not to say that I allowed only the worst possible eventuality to be my teaching. In fact, I did do my part to help. I was friendly with the young addict. He was a friendly addict, greeting me often. There were times, the young man approached me and I would talk with him, sometimes going into his problems. I often stressed that he should feel lucky that he had a brother who cared for him. On his part, he should strive to overcome his problems. I let him know that I was willing to help him if or when such help was needed to rid himself of his problem.
In fact, the elder brother was very caring. He did put him in for rehabilitation. After anumber of years in rehabilitation, he was allowed to return to his brother. However, those who peddle drugs never allow a ‘customer’ the chance to be free of his addiction. On bikes and cars, they would come to his house to lure him away from his home so that they could break down his restraint from drugs. What his brother did was to take him to wherever he needed to be himself so that such destructive forces had no opportunity to move in. And most of the time, the elder brother even chained his left leg to the right one so that he could not speed out of the house the minute someone outside gave a signal for him to be smuggled off to unsafe territory. The brother did a lot for that brother of his, even to the extent of being thought cruel to have him chained thus.
A few inevitable times, this chained brother did manage to disappear before he was noticed by the family. The poor brother had to hunt all over, in almost every addict's haunt for that brother of his.
Whenever my children see this addict, I would explain to my children why the family had to put chains on him, why the poor brother had to run out to search for him and how drugs can cause such misery not only to the addict but also the whole family.
There was once this addict saw me and stopped my car. I asked him what he needed. He asked for money. I knew from the brother that even those pushers would not supply if there was no money. I knew that it would be wrong to give him any. So, I told him a necessary lie. I told him that I have finished all my money except for a few coins in my trousers pocket.. I could not persuade him to return home. So, when I reached home, I telephoned his brother.
Eventually, this addict rode a motorcycle and had an accident. According to the doctor, his bones were so brittle as a result of drug-taking that he died as a result of the impact.
I told my children about his death and how death was partly due to drug-taking. Such incidents ought to be used by parents to teach their children the dangers of drug-taking. And if we can show them the body of the dead person, that visual impact can help drive in the very essential knowledge of such dangers.
The world is also full of bad influences for our beloved children. However, what is bad can be turned to good use. Take for example, drug addiction.
Where I live, there was once a family who had one of their children struck down by such an addiction. The parents were good, hardworking people. Unfortunately, no one warned them of the dangers of not bonding well with their children. Despite that, with the exception of this one child, their children did quite well, working just as hard as their parents to earn a good living. Of course, the neglect in bonding did result in some damage and none of the children did well in school, mixing with the wrong people when they were young. They were lucky that only one of the children fell into the drug trap, never able to escape from its deadly grip.
As a parent who believed in using the environment and its many possibilities as aids in teaching, I did use the poor addict as a living example of what could eventually happen to someone who becomes addicted to drugs. Well, at least, he serves a good purpose to society as a lesson for others.
That is not to say that I allowed only the worst possible eventuality to be my teaching. In fact, I did do my part to help. I was friendly with the young addict. He was a friendly addict, greeting me often. There were times, the young man approached me and I would talk with him, sometimes going into his problems. I often stressed that he should feel lucky that he had a brother who cared for him. On his part, he should strive to overcome his problems. I let him know that I was willing to help him if or when such help was needed to rid himself of his problem.
In fact, the elder brother was very caring. He did put him in for rehabilitation. After anumber of years in rehabilitation, he was allowed to return to his brother. However, those who peddle drugs never allow a ‘customer’ the chance to be free of his addiction. On bikes and cars, they would come to his house to lure him away from his home so that they could break down his restraint from drugs. What his brother did was to take him to wherever he needed to be himself so that such destructive forces had no opportunity to move in. And most of the time, the elder brother even chained his left leg to the right one so that he could not speed out of the house the minute someone outside gave a signal for him to be smuggled off to unsafe territory. The brother did a lot for that brother of his, even to the extent of being thought cruel to have him chained thus.
A few inevitable times, this chained brother did manage to disappear before he was noticed by the family. The poor brother had to hunt all over, in almost every addict's haunt for that brother of his.
Whenever my children see this addict, I would explain to my children why the family had to put chains on him, why the poor brother had to run out to search for him and how drugs can cause such misery not only to the addict but also the whole family.
There was once this addict saw me and stopped my car. I asked him what he needed. He asked for money. I knew from the brother that even those pushers would not supply if there was no money. I knew that it would be wrong to give him any. So, I told him a necessary lie. I told him that I have finished all my money except for a few coins in my trousers pocket.. I could not persuade him to return home. So, when I reached home, I telephoned his brother.
Eventually, this addict rode a motorcycle and had an accident. According to the doctor, his bones were so brittle as a result of drug-taking that he died as a result of the impact.
I told my children about his death and how death was partly due to drug-taking. Such incidents ought to be used by parents to teach their children the dangers of drug-taking. And if we can show them the body of the dead person, that visual impact can help drive in the very essential knowledge of such dangers.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Although the sound of rushing water is constantly there at a waterfall, it is a good place to meditate. In the above video is a lady I saw meditating on a bench near the waterfall.
Meditation is useful to our lives as it helps to bring calmness to our minds. If we can clear our minds of all those troubling thoughts which invade our minds each day, then we lessen the pressure they bring to bear on us.
Action is more effective than words alone. Therefore, starting today, let us try a little meditation.
For a start, try this and realise the effect it has on you. Tonight, when you lie down on your bed, just relax, let all the thoughts which come floating in and out of your mind be. Do not bother about them. To do that, concentrate on your breathe. Follow your breathe as it moves into your body and out again. Just do that and you will easily slip into slumberland. It is the calmness that this meditation brings.
As for me, I do the above only when there is a lot of stress and the mind is overloaded with all kinds unnecessary thoughts. I drive them out with my concentration on my breathe until I fall asleep.
For those who have no problem sleeping, to meditate, just sit comfortably on the floor (with a carpet or soft surface perhaps) or a chair with the spine straight and erect. Put your open palms facing upwards to the ceiling on your upper leg. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly into your stomach (Don't worry. I understand we breathe into our lungs.This is merely a method of breathing in which we extend our stomach so as to breathe deeply.) and exhale even more slowly through the nostrils.
Continue this slow, relaxed breathing for at least ten minutes or for as long as is comfortable for you.
As you breathe in and out, each time you breathe in concentrate on the very top of your head and feel the cosmic energy enter here and travel with the breathe down to the bottom before going up again to the top as you exhale. Do this every day, if possible every morning upon awakening in a private space where you are certain you will not be disturbed.
However, should the time given be not appropraite for one reason or another, another time, but not near sleeping time, can be chosen.
Do it if you wish and discover the calmness and energy that it brings. Do you feel the tingling sensation at the top of the head after a certain number of practices? Do you feel anything on the palms?
Those who wish to try this, please provide some feedback so that I know what else I should let you continue with. Your email address would be useful as those who progress faster can go on to the next step before others are told about them. Don't worry, this is a blog for sharing and learning. There will be no business conducted here.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Believe it. There are spirits!
The family took a walk every evening after dinner. That night, upon returning to their house, the two young children went up the stairs to their room.
"Stop there!" the father ordered. The children obeyed but turned their faces to the father in askance.
"There's someone at the top of the staircase. Let him pass first." the father continued.
"But there's no one there," one of the children protested.
"Never mind. You can go on now," the father informed them. And they went on and just like most children of those days, did not enquire further on the matter.
It was only when I was big enough to wander around searching for the truth into such psychic and spiritual matters that my father told me that he had the ability to see spirits in the darkness of the night.
Yes, one of the two children in the above true story was me. My father told me that he could see the figures in the dark and that was not the only time. And it was true that such warnings to stop had taken place many times.
Later, one of my uncles, Ong Keng Thoe, told me how my father, at the time a young boy, had run out of the house, leaping over the dining table, a feat which is unbelievable if he had not seen it with his own eyes. It seemed that he had run in fear of a spirit he had seen.
Since then, I had contiuously looked out for evidences of spirits. In an earlier posting I had written about the Malay boy who was possessed by a spirit as he waited for his friends in front of a temple.
At present I am still practising meditation to open up my chakras, especially my third eye. However, the practice is difficult as I have to start the practice each morning at half past three. I have not made much progress as it is extremely difficult to be awake at such a time especially when I usually go to bed only after eleven o'clock at night. Nevertheless, I have a relative who has been able, after more than two years of constant practice, to open his third eye and see things most of us are not privileged to see. I shall write about him in a future posting.
At present I am also looking for opportunities to confirm or disprove that circles of light, otherwise not visible, seen in photographs taken with a flash, are indications of the existence of spirits.
Well, if you have similar experiences to prove or disprove existence of spirits, you are welcome to write to me (my email is given in this blog) or make comments in the comments section. If you wish I will publish what you have written under your own name.
"Stop there!" the father ordered. The children obeyed but turned their faces to the father in askance.
"There's someone at the top of the staircase. Let him pass first." the father continued.
"But there's no one there," one of the children protested.
"Never mind. You can go on now," the father informed them. And they went on and just like most children of those days, did not enquire further on the matter.
It was only when I was big enough to wander around searching for the truth into such psychic and spiritual matters that my father told me that he had the ability to see spirits in the darkness of the night.
Yes, one of the two children in the above true story was me. My father told me that he could see the figures in the dark and that was not the only time. And it was true that such warnings to stop had taken place many times.
Later, one of my uncles, Ong Keng Thoe, told me how my father, at the time a young boy, had run out of the house, leaping over the dining table, a feat which is unbelievable if he had not seen it with his own eyes. It seemed that he had run in fear of a spirit he had seen.
Since then, I had contiuously looked out for evidences of spirits. In an earlier posting I had written about the Malay boy who was possessed by a spirit as he waited for his friends in front of a temple.
At present I am still practising meditation to open up my chakras, especially my third eye. However, the practice is difficult as I have to start the practice each morning at half past three. I have not made much progress as it is extremely difficult to be awake at such a time especially when I usually go to bed only after eleven o'clock at night. Nevertheless, I have a relative who has been able, after more than two years of constant practice, to open his third eye and see things most of us are not privileged to see. I shall write about him in a future posting.
At present I am also looking for opportunities to confirm or disprove that circles of light, otherwise not visible, seen in photographs taken with a flash, are indications of the existence of spirits.
Well, if you have similar experiences to prove or disprove existence of spirits, you are welcome to write to me (my email is given in this blog) or make comments in the comments section. If you wish I will publish what you have written under your own name.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Just amazing!
When God wishes to impress, there just are no boundaries. When I first recieved this email from a friend, I thought what I saw just could not be possible. I blinked a number of times and went into the internet to search for the truth. Look at him! Have you ever thought you would see such a sight!

No, it is no cartoon figure that you are looking at. It is a real man. Looks like this man had his body cut in two by a lorry in 1995. No one could have believed he survived. It is astounding how a team of doctors managed to save his life. They took the skin from his head and grafted it onto the lower part of his torso. He was left with only 78cm of the top part of his body.
That is Peng Shu Lin. He is lucky to have attracted the attention of some great doctors from the China Rehabilitation centre who came up with a way to allow him to walk again, after having been bedridden for many years.
Look at that round-bottom tub with two bionic legs attached to it. Such fantastic ideas and solutions are being implemented to help the helpless to overcome seemingly impossible problems. Once again, somebody has shown that there is still so much to learn.
From this, we note that science is advancing through leaps and bounds. Doctors are able to perform miracles that were mere dreams at one time. The wonders these doctors perform indicate there is still so much more that can be done. This brings hope to those who suffer some kind of handicap.

No, it is no cartoon figure that you are looking at. It is a real man. Looks like this man had his body cut in two by a lorry in 1995. No one could have believed he survived. It is astounding how a team of doctors managed to save his life. They took the skin from his head and grafted it onto the lower part of his torso. He was left with only 78cm of the top part of his body.
That is Peng Shu Lin. He is lucky to have attracted the attention of some great doctors from the China Rehabilitation centre who came up with a way to allow him to walk again, after having been bedridden for many years.
Look at that round-bottom tub with two bionic legs attached to it. Such fantastic ideas and solutions are being implemented to help the helpless to overcome seemingly impossible problems. Once again, somebody has shown that there is still so much to learn.
From this, we note that science is advancing through leaps and bounds. Doctors are able to perform miracles that were mere dreams at one time. The wonders these doctors perform indicate there is still so much more that can be done. This brings hope to those who suffer some kind of handicap.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Never ever presume!
Folks, this is what I received through my email recently. The story it contained is most appropraite for what I have in mind. Let's read the story with some changes from me.
The Supernatural Power:
There was this case in this hospital's Intensive Care ward where patients always died in the same bed on Friday mornings around 9am regardless of their age, gender, medical history or medical condition. This puzzled the doctors. How could it be? It must have something to do with the supernatural: Why did death occur at that same bed around the same time every Friday? A black Friday?
So the puzzled doctors decided to go down to that particular ward to investigate the cause of the deaths. Come Friday morning, everyone at that hospital ward nervously waited for the terrible phenomenon to occur again. The new (unknowing) patient laid there.
Some doctors held wooden crosses, prayer books and other holy objects to ward off evil...and they waited.
8am, the patient was still alive... 8.30am...still breathing...
Just before the 'cursed' time, the door to the ward swung open... Then Ah Soh, the part-time Friday cleaner, comes in and unplugs the life support system so that she can use the vacuum cleaner!
So, unwittingly, this vacuum cleaner was the cause of the death of all those patients who had their life-support systems attached to that socket.
In this case, the mystery had been cleared. However, in life, we often jump to conclusions without further investigation. We believed the worst and the victims of our presumptions seldom recieve justice as after delivering judgement or forming opinions, we merely keep those opinions or judgements to ourselves.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the injustice continues as we no longer have that much faith or liking for the victim. In our mind, we sentenced him to a lower ranking among our friends. Worst, we may even delete him or her from our list of friends.
The victim may wonder a while, usually letting things be as the victim does not understand very well what has come to pass. There might be extenuating circumstances or factors which could have cleared the misunderstanding or judgements.
Therefore, we should never presume. If we wish to judge anyone's action or inaction, we should ask or find out from the person concerned. Unless, of course, if you do not value the person's friendship.
The Supernatural Power:
There was this case in this hospital's Intensive Care ward where patients always died in the same bed on Friday mornings around 9am regardless of their age, gender, medical history or medical condition. This puzzled the doctors. How could it be? It must have something to do with the supernatural: Why did death occur at that same bed around the same time every Friday? A black Friday?
So the puzzled doctors decided to go down to that particular ward to investigate the cause of the deaths. Come Friday morning, everyone at that hospital ward nervously waited for the terrible phenomenon to occur again. The new (unknowing) patient laid there.
Some doctors held wooden crosses, prayer books and other holy objects to ward off evil...and they waited.
8am, the patient was still alive... 8.30am...still breathing...
Just before the 'cursed' time, the door to the ward swung open... Then Ah Soh, the part-time Friday cleaner, comes in and unplugs the life support system so that she can use the vacuum cleaner!
So, unwittingly, this vacuum cleaner was the cause of the death of all those patients who had their life-support systems attached to that socket.
In this case, the mystery had been cleared. However, in life, we often jump to conclusions without further investigation. We believed the worst and the victims of our presumptions seldom recieve justice as after delivering judgement or forming opinions, we merely keep those opinions or judgements to ourselves.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the injustice continues as we no longer have that much faith or liking for the victim. In our mind, we sentenced him to a lower ranking among our friends. Worst, we may even delete him or her from our list of friends.
The victim may wonder a while, usually letting things be as the victim does not understand very well what has come to pass. There might be extenuating circumstances or factors which could have cleared the misunderstanding or judgements.
Therefore, we should never presume. If we wish to judge anyone's action or inaction, we should ask or find out from the person concerned. Unless, of course, if you do not value the person's friendship.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I salute this incredibly fantastic lady, Lee Hee Ah.

God never fails to amaze me. Once again, through a friend sending me a video of a 4 finger pianist, which brought tears to my eyes as I watched with wonder, my heart reaching out to her, touched to the core as she played so beautifully with her two finger hands and short, stumpy legs which ended at above her knee caps on the pedals of the specially built piano.
And you would think a person with such disabilities would have a mighty sad face. Far from it, I saw a most lovely face (Much like one lady whom I like a lot.) with a ready smile and an easy sense of humour.
If anyone had thought he/she had insurmountable problems, please take a look at this wonderful twenty-four year old lady, the fantastic Lee Hee Ah, and then tell me how bad his/her problem is. Here is this lady who thanks God each day for being blessed with her talents despite such handicaps. She looks forward to each day, inspiring all who come to see and hear her play.
I always think that I am very positive at most times of my life, but it can never be more positive than what this lady can show despite the problems with her legs. Wow! Isn't she great!
She is an inspiration to all who are fortunate to have known her presence. As a pianist, what greater odds can anyone face? As another human being, she is a God-sent. In no other better way can God show us that there is no obstacle which a stout heart and courage cannot overcome. After this, if this writer were to complain about life, he ought to be kicked. God has shown us the blessings we already have but are too blind to see.
Another person who has shown us how we ought to face problems in life is Lee Hee Ah's mother, Woo Kap Sun. Despite being told by the doctor that her daughter would never survive at home, she courageously took it upon herself to ensure that her daughter would live a successful life. She got teachers to train her daughter on the piano so as to overcome the weakness of her fingers.
You see, Hee Ah was born with some physical deformities and the Down Syndrome. Even her fingers have probrems with one of them unable to bend as it does not have a joint.
Despite her daughter's short limbs, Kap Sun saw her as her beautiful baby, just as any good mother should, and took her home to get her to strengthen her fingers so she could at least hold a pencil. Eventually, through great determination and courage, her daughter overcame the obstacles. At last, her daughter can not only hold a pencil, she holds chopsticks to eat and, of course, plays the piano so well that she has appeared with the world's best.
Kap Sun did not realise that God would lend a helping hand to give Hee Ah the undreamt of dream of becoming a world renowned pianist, a pianist who so endears herself to her audience that they love her for herself and her beautiful renditions of 'Amazing Grace', 'My way', Ibunda (when in Bali, Indonesia.)and other classics.
This mother did all she could to have her daughter perform, looking into every aspects of her performance. Such a wonderful mother! Hee Ah, you are one lucky girl. And to have her in this world with us, we are all indeed lucky to have been shown the blessings we are sometimes not aware of. We are lucky to have God send her as an inspiration to all of us.
To end this posting, I wish to give you Hee Ah's own words. From them, you can see what a great lady she is!
“In my life, I have experienced many difficulties and have struggled hard to overcome some of my obvious disabilities. I continue to struggle daily, but I am comforted and feel deep consolation in being privileged with the opportunity to express my appreciation for life by using the talents that God has blessed me with and sharing them with you.”
Read these words of hers whenever you think life is too tough.
So, my dear beloved friends, do be inspired by this amazing lady. Go to:
to watch 'Incredible Inspiration' and other related videos on this fantastic lady.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
No unnecessary stress, please.
Yesterday evening, I had this talk with a young teacher who was very passionate about her teaching. It is because of her passion that she felt very sad about the Malaysian schools of the day.
"The headmaster demands that teachers must produce 'A' students. Most parents agree with that. Teachers go into class pressuring the students to produce nothing less than an 'A'. Do you see that? Headmasters put pressure on the teachers, the stressed teachers put pressure on the pupils and pupils end up with all that stress at such a young age. Frankly, I would certainly not want to be a child in such circumstances. No wonder, I read somewhere young school children are committing suicide.
Hell! When everyone thinks results are more important that you and your health, is there anything left to live for? None, my dear friend! nothing!
These so called educationists who are willing to stress our children just to create a name for their school are no better than slave-drivers. And what is the purpose? For that, we have to take a look at education and its main purpose.
What is education? It ought to be a system in which a child is taught to learn. Yes, taught to learn. To be able to learn, to gather information for himself/herself and his/her career, that child should to be systematically introduced to listening, reading and writing. With the basics mastered to the best of the child's ability, education ought to show the child how to use the basics learned to enjoy, understand and be able to manage the tasks of gathering information or knowledge, recording and conveying such information as well as use the acquired knowledge for everyday living and to have a career.
The potential for such development is an individual thing, some being able to achieve more than others, some less. however, with the basics mastered, life can be lived to the full and opportunities for work will be there.
Some children may not achieve high academic levels as they may not be academically inclined. But not everybody needs to be academically inclined. There have been successful people in this world who are not academically inclined. Thus, it does not, in any way, mean that the child who does not do so well academically is in any way inferior to those who can do better.
Why do I say that? As everyone knows, everyone is an individual. As individuals, each has his/her own potentials and abilities. He/She may not be good at memory work but excellent at imagination and foresight, thus capable of planning well.
And that is the reason why I have always said that being only mediocre academically does not a failure make. Success can be found in many fields. And, as I have said, there are sufficient examples of academically not proficient people becoming successful in business. A very simple example is the man who built up the Honda business in Malaysia. There are many more, and those whom I have known personally, I have written about them in this blog.
So, everyone has his/her place on this planet. All can find his/her niche. With that we can have happier and better people in this world. Happier people can never come from pressured, stressed or depressed children.
Stress can lead to many problems affecting health. Stress can take a person to an early death. So, let us find ways to overcome stress, not add on to it. Let us, as parents, release some of the stress building up in our children. Schools are giving our children sufficient pressure, as it is.
Someone could be thinking: That's easy for you to say that. Well, I do not just say it. I never made my children go for tuition. I just ensured that they had the basics through reading and enjoying story-books. I merely encouraged them with lots of praise. I did that with my nephew too. I talked to them often on all the topics I found essential for their growth. Through story-books, they learned language. Ability to understand the teachers was the first step. Then, I ensured that they had enough sleep so as not to have a tired brain unable to stay attentive to what was taught. Nutritious food was, of course, just as important.
Those were the happy, enjoyable process of learning my children went through; definitely without unnecessary stress. Of course, there is a little stress from tests, examinations, homework and the competitive spirit. However, that is healthy stress which is essential for growth.
"The headmaster demands that teachers must produce 'A' students. Most parents agree with that. Teachers go into class pressuring the students to produce nothing less than an 'A'. Do you see that? Headmasters put pressure on the teachers, the stressed teachers put pressure on the pupils and pupils end up with all that stress at such a young age. Frankly, I would certainly not want to be a child in such circumstances. No wonder, I read somewhere young school children are committing suicide.
Hell! When everyone thinks results are more important that you and your health, is there anything left to live for? None, my dear friend! nothing!
These so called educationists who are willing to stress our children just to create a name for their school are no better than slave-drivers. And what is the purpose? For that, we have to take a look at education and its main purpose.
What is education? It ought to be a system in which a child is taught to learn. Yes, taught to learn. To be able to learn, to gather information for himself/herself and his/her career, that child should to be systematically introduced to listening, reading and writing. With the basics mastered to the best of the child's ability, education ought to show the child how to use the basics learned to enjoy, understand and be able to manage the tasks of gathering information or knowledge, recording and conveying such information as well as use the acquired knowledge for everyday living and to have a career.
The potential for such development is an individual thing, some being able to achieve more than others, some less. however, with the basics mastered, life can be lived to the full and opportunities for work will be there.
Some children may not achieve high academic levels as they may not be academically inclined. But not everybody needs to be academically inclined. There have been successful people in this world who are not academically inclined. Thus, it does not, in any way, mean that the child who does not do so well academically is in any way inferior to those who can do better.
Why do I say that? As everyone knows, everyone is an individual. As individuals, each has his/her own potentials and abilities. He/She may not be good at memory work but excellent at imagination and foresight, thus capable of planning well.
And that is the reason why I have always said that being only mediocre academically does not a failure make. Success can be found in many fields. And, as I have said, there are sufficient examples of academically not proficient people becoming successful in business. A very simple example is the man who built up the Honda business in Malaysia. There are many more, and those whom I have known personally, I have written about them in this blog.
So, everyone has his/her place on this planet. All can find his/her niche. With that we can have happier and better people in this world. Happier people can never come from pressured, stressed or depressed children.
Stress can lead to many problems affecting health. Stress can take a person to an early death. So, let us find ways to overcome stress, not add on to it. Let us, as parents, release some of the stress building up in our children. Schools are giving our children sufficient pressure, as it is.
Someone could be thinking: That's easy for you to say that. Well, I do not just say it. I never made my children go for tuition. I just ensured that they had the basics through reading and enjoying story-books. I merely encouraged them with lots of praise. I did that with my nephew too. I talked to them often on all the topics I found essential for their growth. Through story-books, they learned language. Ability to understand the teachers was the first step. Then, I ensured that they had enough sleep so as not to have a tired brain unable to stay attentive to what was taught. Nutritious food was, of course, just as important.
Those were the happy, enjoyable process of learning my children went through; definitely without unnecessary stress. Of course, there is a little stress from tests, examinations, homework and the competitive spirit. However, that is healthy stress which is essential for growth.
language learning,
Friday, September 11, 2009
What a wonderful couple!
it was a beautiful morning for a walk in the botanical gardens in Penang. With my track suit and my camera, I was ready for whatever it took to make it a really good start to a new day. I strolled along the quiet, calming path beside a fairly, fast flowing river into the gardens.
Upon entering the botanical gardens, in an open space, I heard music coming from a disc player. A look towards that direction brought a smile to my lips and joy to my heart.
And so it happened that I had this opportunity to enjoy the wondrous sight of a truly delightful pair of free-spirits. It was a sight to behold and i thanked my lucky stars I had my camera ready to capture the unforgettable, perhaps never again encountered happening of a lifetime.
It lifted my own spirit just to witness it and I knew I just had to share this with my friends. There was this joy and loveliness on their faces that attracted me most. They danced to their hearts' delight regardless of the people in the surrounding, including this man recording the unforgetable moment of their lives. I believe they would readily share their happiness with everyone. What an admirable, beautiful couple!
Theirs is the way this writer would like to live life, to enjoy life to its fullest as long as we hurt no one. It's an art of living! After all, in everything we do, be it earning a living, building a home, love and marriage, having children; our goal is nothing more than happiness, without which all of them are tedious and not worth the doing.
So, for today, let us watch this wonderful couple's joy and, in so doing, absorb some of their joy.
Strangers are also a source of information.
The importance of being able to approach people to ask for information is undeniable. It is important to our self-esteem, our ability to move around to reach our destination as well as to gather information of one kind or another.
Many people can talk and talk to their relatives and their friends, to the people they are familiar with but when they are outside among strangers, they are unable to reach out to others to perform whatever is required by asking for information.
I have been with a guy who drove round and round to reach a place but was unable to. I told him to stop at any place to enquire about its location. He was, for one reason or another, reluctant to do so. And we spent a good hour or so running around probably in circles just because of this.
Eventually, unable to withstand having to sit there watching him no nearer to the destination after so much time, I told him to stop, head for the nearest shop and made the necessary enquiries. With the proper directions given, we finally reached the place within fifteen minutes.
Imagine the amount of time lost, time which gives us no benefit as we were certainly not relaxed or resting in that traffic; we were not enjoying any scenery as we were constantly on the lookout for any landmark which could indicate that we had reached. And all it took was to approach a stranger and politely ask for some directions.
I often stop to ask whenever we felt adventurous and travelled out-station to some never before frequented place. At such times, I would often stop the car, smilingly greet a stranger to politely ask for information and thank the person. Of course, there were times when information was wrong but if we stop to confirm the information at the next junction, we can have the information corrected.
Whenever I stop to request for information I made it a point to tell my children how approachable all those strangers were. Even the person with the worst gruff exterior can be helpful in his rough, unfriendly manner. After all, he is just another human being who can feel just as good as us at being able to assist another. His gruffness could be the result of being not included in the activities at home or in society due to one reason or another. It is a protective front sometimes.
As can be seen, being able to reach out to ask for information is very necessary at certain times in our lives and our children ought to be taught from young to be able to approach people for assistance when necessary.
Many people can talk and talk to their relatives and their friends, to the people they are familiar with but when they are outside among strangers, they are unable to reach out to others to perform whatever is required by asking for information.
I have been with a guy who drove round and round to reach a place but was unable to. I told him to stop at any place to enquire about its location. He was, for one reason or another, reluctant to do so. And we spent a good hour or so running around probably in circles just because of this.
Eventually, unable to withstand having to sit there watching him no nearer to the destination after so much time, I told him to stop, head for the nearest shop and made the necessary enquiries. With the proper directions given, we finally reached the place within fifteen minutes.
Imagine the amount of time lost, time which gives us no benefit as we were certainly not relaxed or resting in that traffic; we were not enjoying any scenery as we were constantly on the lookout for any landmark which could indicate that we had reached. And all it took was to approach a stranger and politely ask for some directions.
I often stop to ask whenever we felt adventurous and travelled out-station to some never before frequented place. At such times, I would often stop the car, smilingly greet a stranger to politely ask for information and thank the person. Of course, there were times when information was wrong but if we stop to confirm the information at the next junction, we can have the information corrected.
Whenever I stop to request for information I made it a point to tell my children how approachable all those strangers were. Even the person with the worst gruff exterior can be helpful in his rough, unfriendly manner. After all, he is just another human being who can feel just as good as us at being able to assist another. His gruffness could be the result of being not included in the activities at home or in society due to one reason or another. It is a protective front sometimes.
As can be seen, being able to reach out to ask for information is very necessary at certain times in our lives and our children ought to be taught from young to be able to approach people for assistance when necessary.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Allow children to improve their five senses.
How can anyone know the results of any attempt before hand. Nobody can foretell the future. So, we will never know what tomorrow may bring. However, if we never gather the courage to try, we can never know whither such a move may lead us. Therefore, to strive for the best possible, there is no alternative but to go for it.
However, sometimes we have to experience failure before success comes. Knowing this, we should look upon any failure as just an indication that out talents are best put in another field or sphere. With that we know ourselves better, We understand better where our chances for success lies when there are choices to be made. Sometimes, we face two possible paths and at this juncture, we certainly would be at an advantage if we know which path gives us better possibilities and probabilities of success and happiness.
Therefore, we must dare to try so as to know ourselves better. Perhaps, from experience, we realise that we did not have the advantage of elders who would urge us or guide us to try. Even though we only realise this when the possibilities are less; I would never say that there is non left; we still can use this understanding to improve the lot of our children or our grandchildren.
Too often parents or guardians put a stop to the spirit of wanting to try out something; to be adventurous and curious, to know what lies behind something or beyond some place.
This came to mind the other day when I observed a grandparent quickly hiding things of putting things out of the curious grandchild's reach. The grandchild was sent to another direction when he started opening drawers and cupboards. Has the grandparent ever asked: Why does a child do that? It is the innate desire to explore, to find out, to be curious and so to know everything in his environment.
A child rummaging through the contents of a drawer, is learning and improving himself. Unless the things are dangerous or easily breakable, the child ought to feel the textures of the things, see the objects in the drawer, smell the plastic or wooden articles, listen to the sounds of movement of the things and, if possible taste all the contents in the drawer. The five senses will be exercised.
Each time the child is allowed to experience things through the five senses, the senses are developed. All the senses will be more sensitive. The child's learning ability would be enhanced.
Have you noticed that some of us depend more on just one or two senses. For example, we initially exercised our feeling of touch. Later, we go on to emotional feelings. However, some people have not been allowed to give rise to emothins and feelings. Feelings are sometimes suppressed by adults, not allowing children to voice their feeling on so many matters. As a result, such children do not feel as much for others or even their own selves.
Unreleased emothions or feelings can lead to depression and other emotional problems.
Unable to relate the feelings and emotions to people close to them, they burden themselves with it, unable to release it and so suffer from it as a result.
However, sometimes we have to experience failure before success comes. Knowing this, we should look upon any failure as just an indication that out talents are best put in another field or sphere. With that we know ourselves better, We understand better where our chances for success lies when there are choices to be made. Sometimes, we face two possible paths and at this juncture, we certainly would be at an advantage if we know which path gives us better possibilities and probabilities of success and happiness.
Therefore, we must dare to try so as to know ourselves better. Perhaps, from experience, we realise that we did not have the advantage of elders who would urge us or guide us to try. Even though we only realise this when the possibilities are less; I would never say that there is non left; we still can use this understanding to improve the lot of our children or our grandchildren.
Too often parents or guardians put a stop to the spirit of wanting to try out something; to be adventurous and curious, to know what lies behind something or beyond some place.
This came to mind the other day when I observed a grandparent quickly hiding things of putting things out of the curious grandchild's reach. The grandchild was sent to another direction when he started opening drawers and cupboards. Has the grandparent ever asked: Why does a child do that? It is the innate desire to explore, to find out, to be curious and so to know everything in his environment.
A child rummaging through the contents of a drawer, is learning and improving himself. Unless the things are dangerous or easily breakable, the child ought to feel the textures of the things, see the objects in the drawer, smell the plastic or wooden articles, listen to the sounds of movement of the things and, if possible taste all the contents in the drawer. The five senses will be exercised.
Each time the child is allowed to experience things through the five senses, the senses are developed. All the senses will be more sensitive. The child's learning ability would be enhanced.
Have you noticed that some of us depend more on just one or two senses. For example, we initially exercised our feeling of touch. Later, we go on to emotional feelings. However, some people have not been allowed to give rise to emothins and feelings. Feelings are sometimes suppressed by adults, not allowing children to voice their feeling on so many matters. As a result, such children do not feel as much for others or even their own selves.
Unreleased emothions or feelings can lead to depression and other emotional problems.
Unable to relate the feelings and emotions to people close to them, they burden themselves with it, unable to release it and so suffer from it as a result.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Look at the costumes!
These costumes cost a lot. That's the reason, Por Tor organisers have to pay a lot to hold such shows.
And these are the giant joss-sticks contributed by those who participate in the Por Tor.
During this seventh month, the Buddhist and the taoist pray for the benefit of the departed ones. However, there is a difference between buddhist belief and taoist belief although both believe in the existence of spirits. According to the Buddhist, it all started with Muk Lan who knew that her mother was in hell for the sins she committed, wished to help her. So she approached the monks for help. She requested that they prayed for her mother. The monks prayed to Ti Chang Wang, the god of hell, for help.
Now, who is this Ti chang Wang? Ti Chang Wang was a buddhist who also attained enlightenment. However, instead of going to heaven like the other enlightened ones, he sympathised with the sinners and wanted to help them. Therefore, this big-hearted enlightened soul went to hell to help those poor souls. After all, there is goodness in all, even those who had gone on the wrong path.
When the buddhists pray for those spirits of the dead, no food is offered as spirits do not need the food consumed by humans. When they pray during the Ullambana programme, there is a blesing ceremony with the lighting of a lamp. There is also chanting for three days which ends on the third night with transferring of merits from the good deeds of the living to the dead to improve the karma of the dead. When buddhists pray, they have a glass of water in front of them so that this water would remind them to be as pure as the water; The mind, the thoughts and the deeds as clear as the water, not murky with foul thoughts and deeds.
When it comes to the taoist, there is some influence from the commercial area, encouraging the purchase of food and prayer materials such as some of the big joss-sticks at Por Tay He areas.
No matter, how it is done, the aims are good; to assist the dead get more merits through the living, to have the spirit find peace and to encourage Ti Chang Wang to continue his compassion for such unfortunate souls. In so doing,the living finds peace of mind with this caring attitude. It's a win-win affair for everyone.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The King of Hades.
It's 1.30pm. Nobody except for the organisers are around. The show has started its entertainment for the King of Hades.

And here's the King of Hades in all his glory.
The King is given a feast too by the people.
Prayers are offered for a peaceful time with the spirits wandering around for a month.
Look at the food and joss-sticks.
Here's the first part of the show on the first day.
Here's another part.
(I see what I can add for the night.)
The seventh lunar month this year started on the 20th of August. The 15th day of this lunar month was the 3rd of September. From this day, the Chinese who believes in the spirit world organises shows for the King of Hades to watch. These shows are known as the 'Por Tor He'. The organisers would have the shows start at noon and have a break at four o'clock in the evening. Then, at eight in the evening, the show continues and finishes at midnight. Usually, in the afternoons, very few people attend such shows. Still it is shown as scheduled. The reason is that the show is for the diety, not so much for humans. This goes to show how strong the belief must be. How did this belief started. According to a friend of mine, one person saw in a vision his own dead mother suffering from hunger. He believed that was a kind of SOS message from his beloved mother. He went to request for help from the diety. Eventually, to reward him for his filial piety, approval was given for the gates of Hades to be opened for a month so that human who have lost their loved ones could pray and offer food to these spirits. And to thank the King of Hades for his kindness, shows are organised for him to watch. I know, some people may be pooh-poohing such a belief. Well, I do not blame them, especially those who are scientific minded. Everything needs a logical explanation, failing which it is not possible. Let me ask these individuals: Before we understood telecommunications and such things, before even telegraphy was invented, would anyone be able to see any logic, be able to explain how moving pictures can go through the air, through walls to reach a box, known as the television, to entertain us? Definitely not! Why? It was because they were not privy to such knowledge then. Today, with hindsight and the knowledge brought to us by the inventors, people can understand the logic behind moving pictures from a box. Today, there are cameras able to detect what had not been detected before. Soon, perhaps, we will know that spirits do exist. Then, scientists will explain the existence of such spirits. What logic and knowledge have not been sufficient to explain, some human eyes have been able to see. My own father is one of those people who have such eyes. I believe he is not a very rare case. There are others like him in this world, quiet because of their fear of being considered weird. (I will be writing about what he and my uncles had told me in a later post. In an earlier post, I have also written about a personal experience of watching a Malay boy going into a trance in front of a temple. Those who have experiences on this matter could put them in the comments. Please do so in order that others may realise there is nothing to fear from such happenings.) Whether we believe this or not, the Chinese find a peace of mind in offering the King of Hades prayers, food and entertainment. Peace of mind is important to a happy life. Spirits are also appeased and there is most probably less mischief from some of the naughtier spirits. Do you know that they spend thousands of ringgit to put up such shows? Usually, residents of the area contribute whatever they can. At the end of the three or sometimes more days of entertaining the King of Hades, the excess funds are given to charitable organisations.
Parents can prevent cigarette smoking!

As I teacher, I was very concerned about my children's health, especially those of my gymnasts. One of the devil's tool in bringing down the good health of children is cigarettes. (In an earlier post, I had written about one of my promising gymnast's fall from possible fame.)
One of the things I used to show my students in order for them to understand the effect of cigarette smoke on their body was to light a candle or a kerosene lamp. A glass funnel is then place over this light. After some time they can see a thin layer of smoke stain on the glass. I asked them to imagine what would happen if the funnel were their throat and lungs. With the funnel, we can use a soft brush and sop to clean the stain off. Can we push a long enough brush down our throat and into the lungs to remove the stain?
I would also point to the yellowish stain on smokers' fingers and teeth. with merely a little smoke grazing the nails and teeth, such yellow stains can be seen; what about the amount of smoke puffed into the throat and lungs?
Another object I used to demostrate this was the wok. I would show them the bottom of the wok and asked them whether they know where the thick layer of black soot came from. Yes, most of them were intelligent enough to know it came from the smoke. Well, what about the smoke that goes into the throat and lungs of smokers?
After years of smoking, how thick would it be? Would it not caused the air-passages in the lungs to be narrower limiting amount of precious oxygen bearing air reaching the various organs and cells of our body?
When it came to my children, I am a walking example of a healthy individual who does not smoke.
Whenever we found smokers around, I reminded them of the foul tobacco smell and got ourselves to move away from such a lousy smell.
Sometimes, it was just impossible to avoid such cigarette smoke. When it happened, I would have my children be aware of the foul cigarette smell on our clothes. How can anyone be comfortable with such a smell emitting from a person while the rest of the world bathe often to feel and smell clean and fresh while some even use mild perfume to have themselves smell presentable.
The above methods were used by me to educate my children on cigarette smoke with success as they do not smoke, and nowadays they are the ones who pull me away from smokers.
I did tell them about my once promising gymnast's unfortunate fate so as to have them aware of the results of smoking cigarettes.
There is nothing pleasant about cigarette smoking. And what is important here is that it is the truth. A first timer at cigarette smoking would cough and choke on the smoke. It would definitely be unpleasant. With the above awareness in place earlier, there is no way your child can take up cigarette smoking.
Well, the danger is out there, for cigarettes can lead to other drugs. Plan to overcome this danger and awareness removes it from our children.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Make learning interesting for your child.
There's a whole wide world out there.
Take your child down the road.
To the fish and water creatures in the stream that winds through the land.
With its life-sustaining vegetation and wondrous animals such a sight to behold.
In yesterday’s posting, I beseech everyone to give some time to the wonders of nature. Yes, show interest in the world around us with enthusiasm. When parents show enthusiasm, the enthusiasm can overflow onto the children, resulting in children being interested in their world.
As I have so often said, the world is our audio visual aids (AVA). Knowledge of their surroundings is always possible when we take children on an appreciation trip.
Look at the flowers and the fruits of the cannon-ball tree, for example. Use the opportunity to talk about size, colours and shapes. Feel and touch the fruits. Know the fruit’s textures. Is the fruit smooth, rough, hairy or prickly?
Wonder at the beauty and fragrance of the big flowers and the unique fruits. Use contrast to direct them to the different fragrances in flowers, on mummy and other women, the perfumes and so on. Words such as strong, weak, pungent, enticing, revolting and whatever adjectives the parents can think of which could be used, doing a revision of words the children has learnt. Make it a fun and ego thing. See how many words each one can think of.
Direct their attention to the purpose of such fragrance in flowers. Why are different flowers having different smells? What insects do they hope to attract?
Tell them what real cannon-balls are. Boom! The metal balls shoot out towards the enemy at sea or on land. Are the real cannon-balls and the fruit balls of the same colour? Tell them stories. Tell them about cannons. Children love listening to stories.
From interest about the tree, depending upon their age and acquaintance with the computer, parents can either introduce the child to the fantastic amount of knowledge in the internet or teach the child how to search the net for information. .Thus, books and magazines are not the only places for information from other people’s knowledge.
So, from stories in books and magazines, the childen can progress to the computer and the internet through which our children can avail themselves of knowledge from all the four corners of the world.
And who knows? Such an introduction to plants could be the first step into the world of botany for a possible world renown botanist.
Of course, we do not limit ourselves to just botany. The whole world is there for us. Explore it and marvel at God’s creation. It can be the ignition of a passion for some kind of expertise. Who knows? Just be prepared for what comes.
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