A bird can be a child's pet.
Children learn from books and personal experiences, discoveries and inventions, if any. In fact, just about everybody learn the same way.
When we learn from books we are learning the experiences and knowledge of other people; knowledge gained from research and discoveries as well as experiences. With the knowledge from other people, from that which is known, we may venture into the unknown, into new discoveries, research and inventions.
Learning can also be active or passive. Passively, we read and gather knowledge from others. We can also take an active role and make observations, do some kind of research or experiment and thus make discoveries that may not have been made by others before our time.
As we can see learning is important to the progress of mankind. As such, we ought to encourage learning. Of course, active learning through participation or our own observation and even through play is certainly more enjoyable than passive learning.
Initially, children should be encouraged to learn joyfully through active learning. Once a child is interested in the joys of learning, it would be easy to have them eager to learn even more. Once their hunger for knowledge is insatiable, parents need very little effort to get them to learn everything there is to know in this world.
Acquiring an interest in a hobby or a pet is a good way to start. It is easy and sometimes it does not require great expenses. Once a child is interested in the subject of his/her hobby or pet, the child would obviously, with a little encouragement, want to know more. Depending upon the age and the reading level, parents can make the knowledge required available. If the child have not yet started reading, the parent can keep the interest burning and help provide the knowledge through visiting places where such an interest can be found, where the people there can talk to you and your child about the matter concerned.
If the child has acquired the ability to read and understand books, then books on the subject concerned could be obtained and made available to the child. If you feed his/her interest consistently, the interest can gather momentum and soon we have a child who is knowledgeable on his/her hobby, pet or interest.
Of course, as the child grows the interest can change. That is good as it will lead the child to new pastures and new knowledge. In time, the knowledge gathered in this manner will be substantial. Besides knowledge, his vocabulary will be enlarged and the language proficiency will grow.
As we can we, learning with joy in this manner can lead a child to better language proficiency and lots of knowledge. So, to all parents with young children, do try it and watch the results with satisfaction.
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