Two weeks ago, i received an email in which I read how a person was electrocuted when his handphone exploded. He had burnt fingers and died from the electricity which flowed from the phone through his body. The electricity came through the charger. He was charging his handphone when it rang. He picked up the phone to answer the caller and that was the last of him.
I want this information to be available to everyone as almost everybody has a handphone nowadays. The above victim died not because of stupidity. Neither was it carelessness. It was just an automatic response to the ringing of the phone. I know for I did do such a thing while my phone was being charged. Without a thought of the possible consequences, i took up the phone and talked for quite some time. Fortunately, nothing untoward happened. I was lucky but if i were to tempt fate once too often, I could also be in the statistic of those who were electrocuted through the use of the handphone while it was being charged.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Let us tell our loved ones, our relatives and our friends about what can possibly happen. On my part, I forwarded that email to all my friends. As there was some written condition that the email could not be copied, I did not copied the whole story here for all of you.
Well, things can be useful but such things can be dangerous too in certain circumstances and for the handphone the usage of it during its being charged is one of them.
Take care and be safe.
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