That thin layer of nicotine stain is also in the throat of the smokers. That is the reason smokers cough a lot in the morning; the vain attempt to get rid of the nicotine stain which is the foreign matter in their throat.
Many of my students know it. So do many smokers. Many smokers know they ought not to smoke. They know and understand that smoke will pollute their body with undesirable chemicals and smoke. Just as smoke will leave a thin stain on the fingernails and teeth, it will also stain the walls of their airway and the lungs. They have the knowledge. They know the smoke is dangerous to themselves and their loved ones who are often near enough to take in the secondary smoke. Yet, they continue with the dangerous habit. Why? It has to be a lack of will-power.
There are, in fact, many things in life we know ought not to be done by us. Yet, we do it. Why? The problem lies in the lack of will-power. There are also many things which we should do. For example, we know we have to inculcate some discipline into our children. We have to find the time to explain to the children the reason certain things need to be done or not done, how it is done correctly and encourage them to do it with praise to have them repeat the deed and cultivate a good habit. Yet, there are those parents who do not do it. The excuse has always been, ”I do not have the time. I am too tired after work. They are still too young to understand.” Are those excuses valid? If we do not teach them when they are still young, then, when are we going to teach them? Are we going to take action only when things get out of hand and unmanageable? That would be too late.
There were times when I heard relatives give good advice to such parents, but they still do nothing. There is no will. When there is no will, there can be no way it can be done.
Another indication of a lack of will is the delaying tactics of some people. It’s always: “Never mind. I’ll do it another day. Another day follows another day and still, it is too early to start on it.
What is the difference between a successful businessman and an unsuccessful one, a hardworking person and a lazy guy or a good parent and a slip-shod one? Have you ever thought of it?
Let’s take business. You gather knowledge on the particular type of business, know how to go about it and the amount of money or finance required as well as the best place to operate it. The time is right. So, you have the knowledge. You have the money or the financial backing. What else do you need? All you need next is to do it. Move. Put your plans into action. You have planned the work. The will to work the plan must be the follow through. Without the will to do so would leave it forever merely a plan. How much will you put into the work is the next important factor. A half-hearted effort produce a fifty percent success. Nothing less than a hundred percent is the effort required to succeed.
In Penang, In my thirties, I met a fish-breeder in Air Itam. It was a time when I wanted to make sure I would be a successful discus breeder. I have always believed that, to be the best, learn from the best available.
He told me how he learned all he could about the fish, bought ten of them (They were very expensive then.) and stayed with his fish day and night, caring for his fish with hundred percent attention till they paired off and started breeding. When he was successful at breeding, he exported his more beautiful fish. If my memory serves me well, he was even mentioned in one of the discus books written by one famous writer on this fish.
So, the will to carry out what had been planned with a hundred percent effort is the way to success. Students, inventors and people from all walks of life will always find this to be true.
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