Friday, October 02, 2009

Take action while we can.

It was a thursday night, the night I attend my meditation class. There, I met this new guy who told everyone he takes all drinks without sugar, yet his sugar level is always high.

I saw his tummy protruding outwards. Certainly, he could not be taking beer or any alcoholic drinks since he knows that he should limit his sugar intake.

So, I asked him how much carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates, he takes. He told me he took rice like usual and he does not lessen his food intake, only sugar.

So, I asked him whether he realised that excess carbohydrates and other food can be changed to sugar. From the look he gave me, it was obvious he was not aware of this.
So, I told him about simple carbohydrates such as refined sugar and processed flour or flour products which easily and quickly increase the blood sugar in our blood stream causing problems to diabetes.

I then told him that it is evident from the shape of his body that he does not do any exercise. Upon hearing that, he told me about his two massage chairs in his office.

I told him that that was not exercise. He hardly uses up excess calories in his body. So, he should go for real exercises such as brisk walking. And when it comes to exercise it should be movement in which the heartbeat must be faster than usual, and possibly bring out some sweat, for at least half an hour.

He told me he did not have the time to exercise. To that I could not help but told him he had better start exercising when he still could. He should not wait until complications such as heart problems or inability for wounds to heal leading to gangrene and amputation comes along. Then it he would have a lot of time but too late to do anything about controlling his problem.

Sometimes people do not take action on their problems until it is just a little too late. We have just one life. Nobody is going to look after it for us unless we care for it ourselves.

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