Wherever there are people, at any period in history, there are religious beliefs and practices. Early man worshipped the sun, the moon, the earth, the stars, lightning and thunder.
Then the ancient Egyptians had their gods such as Osiris, Anubis and Horus. These Gods represent the power that lay behind all natural phenomenon. And just as natural forces sometimes combine its power, as felt recently through the earthquake and the powerful waves that descends upon us as tsunami, the Egyptians also combine their gods to give them more power to assist them in bringing hope and solutions to things unfathomable. For example, the god of hidden power, Amun, was combined with the god of the sun, Ra, to become Amun-Ra.
The Malays in Malaya, before the coming of Islam, also had their deities. They too believed in spirits then. There was a time the 'Tujuh Likur night' oil lamps were lit to attract to attract spirits of dead relatives and angels. Nowadays, the lamps are still lit but just as a decoration.
On Hari Raya day, Muslims, after their prayers, visit the graves of their dead loved ones to pray for god's blessings. The belief in the existence of the spirits of the dead is very much alive in almost every culture.
When the Chinese came to Malaya, they brought along their Datuk Kong (
拿督公). In order that there be peace amongst the Chinese and Malay deities, the Chinese gave the local deities just as much attention as those they brought along. And that is how Keramats came into being. The Keramats are the fusion of pre-Islamic spirit belief and Chinese spiritual belief. As a result, today, we have many Keramats in shrines all over Malaysia.
Why do the Chinese pray to so many Keramats and Chinese deities? You see, the Chinese are a very pragmatic people. they would accept any spirit, any deity, any God; be it a Muslim God, a Hindu God or God by any name Man has given Him; that can offer solutions to problems that science may not be able to present. After all, where science has a solution, the Chinese or I believe anybody, would turn to science for its solution. They do not stick to one fixed idea or thinking. Whatever is suitable for the particular time, place and circumstance will be accepted as the right procedure or the right solution. With such kind of attitude towards the unknown, solutions are more easily available. Any solution that serves a purpose well is certainly of value. And these deities and Keramats do serve many important purposes.
When the people feel insecure in a place, a sense of spiritual security no police or psychiatrist can offer, they have a guardian deity, a 'te-tu-gong'(the guardian of a place). And the beautiful part of it is, the people concerned could find peaceful slumber, believing sincerely in their hearts and minds that the Guardian Deity will look after them. With sickness, when doctors do not seem to be able to bring about a cure, they turn to the deities. Again, many find the miraculous cures which only god can give. When things go bad, be it business or the home, they turn to the Goddess of Mercy and the storms were calmed and all that is desirable returns. With such results, could anyone blame these people for turning to the only last resort that is available? And when the deities appear to grant the people their wishes or their prayers, could anyone blame them for their gratitude?
At the entrance to the apartments of Lorong Semarak Api, Bandar Baru, Air Itam, Penang Island, is a community of deities comprising of various races. They are there for the peace of mind of the people in that place.

One of the pre-Islamic Malay deities, Tok Nenek, is reverred and has a place in the lives of the residents.

Above is Datuk Kuning, a Malay Keramat bestowed a place of honour in the community of deities.

And Datok Jin,

For the Chinese, the Buddha and his wisdom as well as his teachings will forever be guiding the people to a better life. Truth in his teachings can be seen in our everyday life.
And here are some of the taoist deities that play a part in the lives of the Chinese.

Even Indian dieties are not forgotten. As long as these deities continue to bring calmness and peace of mind to the residents, there is always a place for them.
Another group of Chinese deities.

Here's another deity

And here's the Goddess of Mercy, a lady whom the people have always turned to for help in times of trouble.
And here is a resident in need of a deity's help, hoping that his prayers will be answered.
What I have just written happens, not just today, not just yesteryear, not just before the appearance of the modern religions but since the beginning of time when Man, in his despair at his motality in the face of the forces of nature, turned to the spirits, the deities and God for solutions to seemingly unfathomable and unconquerable challenges. For centuries after this, Man will still have to depend upon God for his peace of mind, for his continuing existence. I will let history prove this to those who do not believe.
For the unbelievers, those who asks for proofs and evidence, I wish to point out that science has not reached the stage where cameras can clearly capture things in the spiritual world. However, I believe there will come an inventor who will be able to have a camera good enough to show us proof of spiritual existence. I know that is possible for, there are individuals who are able to see such beings. some are born with such ability while others, through opening of the third eye, can look into the realm of spiritual beings, able to see such deities.
For me, God exists from the beginning of time. He, the perfect power, created this perfect earth. Look around us. Before Man in his greed for wealth and power started to mess up everything, thinking only for himself, this universe was a perfect place with everything in it for everyone created by Him. Now, some of His creatures have been swept from existence. The turbulence in our weather forecasts that more tragedies can come. Think of that.
Whatever it is, it is belief in God or gods and deities that brought Man a peace of mind, a sense of security and a confidence in facing life.
Read my experience on finding solace and peace of mind in the belief of God when I heard and was disturbed by spirits in a house in Alor Star in 'A night to remember dated 12th of March, 2009.
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