Some of them have survived more than five years, the period which is considered long enough to be considered a survivor. From my talk with these people, I realised that food and the degree of stress play important roles in helping these survivors.
Of course, there are the usual preventive measures such as smoking, alcohol and toxic substances.
Firstly, I must stress that I am writing this without personal experience as I have never had cancer. Besides, I am not a doctor. So, whatever is written here can only be considered experiences and opinions of friends who had suffered from cancer.
So far, every survivor that I have met agreed that organic food is important. According to them, many have turned vegetarian although a few have not. Looks like food such as vegetables and fruits, especially when eaten raw or as salads, are helpful in their recovery.
Another factor in food is the way it is cooked. Most agree that they stayed away from deep-fried food, especially if it comes from commercial places where the oil is used and reused.
Another thing to consider not having is fried food where very strong heat is used. One particular person told me she used to take such a type of fried mee, the more well-fried the better, from a stall. She believed it could have brought about her cancer. When I think of that, I asked about barbecued meats. Nobody seem to have taken that frequently enough to give an answer to that. However, I believe it could be carcinogenic.
This is the tall, thin bottle of flax seed oil which is high in lignans. It is supposed to be the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids. Omega-3 is the nutrient required by every cell in the body. (However, Omega-3 from fish oil is much better than the Omega-3 from flax seed oil.) Lignans are phytonutrients and act as antioxidants. The lignans are supposed to reduce the risk of certain cancers.
These are the flax seeds. To get at the oil in flax seeds, our teeth must crush every single one of them. We can also pound them into powder first before consuming them.
According to one of the survivors, a friend went for surgery, did not go for chemotheraphy but survived by munching and eating flaxseeds. She herself did that. In fact, she introduced me to the flaxseed. I also take the flaxseed oil although there is unconfirmed contraindication on it in articles on flaxseed oil in the internet.
Stress is another factor not to be taken lightly. I saw a teacher who took a year's leave to recover from her cancer. To help her overcome her stress, she went for the basic course in the Art of Living, took up Chi-Qong, took up gardening and planted organic vegetables and herbs and went for walks in the morning. Today, if you see her, you would not believe she had cancer. So were some of the other people.
One thing cancer did to these people, they value life, their family and their loved ones more. They learned a lot about cancer and know that the enemy is always ready to return once you let down your defences.
It has happened and if you look around long enough, you find those who become overconfident and careless enough to find the old enemy gloating truimphantly at them. Beware, for this is a terrible foe.
Although I do not have sufficient knowledge on the matter, I am writing on it in the hope that more people are aware of the possibility of facing such a foe. Prevention, as they rightly say, is better than any cure.
As a man, I have long realised the possibility of getting postate cancer one day if I live long enough. I have started my search for all possible knowledge on this enemy. To be armed, ready for it, is better than to be caught unawares. I have read a lot on it but am still looking into some details. All of us can do the same. Some of you may be living in the area of doctors who have claimed to have cured cancer and, perhaps, have come into contact with some of their patients. Information gathered could one day serve as the much needed defence against cancer.
Let us fight this common enemy together.
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