When it comes to exercise and strength building, my mind goes back to my teenage days when I was a member of the Penang Youth Club. It was there that I went from Dynamic Tension to weights for strength training.
In my earlier posts you have been told that my childhood weakened me with a number of sicknesses that left me a scrawny kid. Having known the pain and suffering of sickness, the terrible inability to perform due to weakness, I had determined to take action to overcome my situation.
In those days, there was this Mr. Universe. Charles Atlas, who sculpted his body his way with a method known as Dynamic Tension. Later, I discovered the Penang Youth Centre and its weight training.
I must say that weight-training is one of the best strength developing method I know of. Within two solid years of training, I was a changed person with muscles to show, strength to take part and be good at running long distances, gymnastics and rugby as well as other games. It definitely made a difference in my life. I was more confident too. with my ability to perform in more things, especially those which require strength. And My health is so good that i have not had to see a doctor for more than thirty years because of some sickness. The benefits remain with me to this day.
However, there was a weakness in me. Like a good number of weight-trainees, I concentrated more on my arms, chest, stomach and back. I did do leg exercises but that was with minimum effort put in.
As I grow older, I realise the importance of strong legs. Now I am sixty-three and if I hope to live many more years, I certainly would not like to spend those years sliding slowly one foot forward after another around. A worse scenario could find me laying in front of the television with it watching me most of the time. No! I would prefer to die rather than suffer such indignity. So, to live life to the full, I must look after my legs and make sure they are strong enough to carry me wherever I wish to go till death part me from my legs and body.
As we grow older, we still need a strong body, However, we would have to depend upon our legs even more to still go places, climb things, have a good balance with steady legs and jump for joy or over anything in our path. And I believe we can always remain as agile and strong if we continue with our regular exercise and strength training.
Sometimes weakness from age is all in the mind. I remember someone telling me not to run so fast at the age of forty-five. Then, at the age of fifty, someone told me to walk slowly. Now at sixty-three, I have not slowed down at all although, every now and then, there is someone who would, with great concern, tell me to not run as I might fall. Why should I fall? It is all in the mind of these people that everything must slow down with age. Well, i have not and I will not slow down. As for myself, I have made up my mind to run, jump and vault till the day I just cannot do them. Then, and only then, will I walk briskly around.
In fact, I do more strengthening exercises for my legs than ever before and I am pleased with my health. My friends and I are fortunate to have a hill to trek and run up and down each morning. Thank God for he is certainly looking after our needs. What more can anyone ask for?
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