Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The inheritance of wealth.

Money is the one subject that crops up every now and then and there is never an agreement on thoughts regarding this topic.

At first the group of friends were talking about a rich man who was on the verge of death and the children already discussing about the ownership of the various businesses that he had. This lead to disagreements and some ill-feelings which was not there before. And they came to the conclusion that although the man was excellent at managing his wealth, he certainly did not plan for his own demise so as to ensure that his family would not face the distasteful decision of allotting the wealth in a fair and proper manner.

Then one of them asked what was meant by fair and proper. How easy can it be fair if he left behind a wife and ten children with six companies of varying sizes? Who would get the six companies with the other five sharing the cash in the banks or investments? With the money in banks and investments, it can be divided equally but what of the companies. Even though those companies have a value to them, an established and bigger one could generate more wealth much more easier than less established or smaller businesses. When it comes to investments, there is so much uncertainty in their growth or downfall.

Then again, a parent has to be fair to the children. If a child has been working at a certain company, developing it together with the father, then that child ought to be given special preference to inherit that company. Those who have gone off on their own to build their own fortune should be considered too but after those who have played a part in building up the businesses.

Of course, as the group rightly figured, it is not going to be as simple as that. So, they thought of one certain way to prevent any quarrel or disagreement, verbally or legally, which is to have a will. A wish would have everything in black and white regarding the dying person's wishes, be they fair or otherwise. Some of the children may still have their unhappiness and sometimes what is written or given may not be fair, but since it is the dying parent's wish, that will has to be respected. Therefore, a will is of great importance to many people.

For those with less wealth, there is this government body which looks into the division of inheritance left behind. They have a formula for the division of property among the people the dead leaves behind. Of course a very small percentage of the whole sum will have to be paid to the government body for managing all this.
And usually, when the amount is small or negligible, there is no problem.

Well, looks like everything in this life up to one's death is looked after by humans. This is the benefit humans derive from the benefit of possessing brains, one of which is solving problems. So, it is not a problem any longer.

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