The big red onions in the red wine.
The wine and onions in a glass container.
The bottle of red wine.
There was a guy who had high blood pressure, could not fall asleep easily at night and was told by a doctor that his cholesterol level was high. Then, he heard from another friend that wine and big onions were good for him.
Now if you are high in cholesterol, the doctor would prescribe some medicine which you would have to take for the rest of your life. And that was exactly what the doctor told the guy. Wah! Imagine having to take those tablets for the rest of his life! Wait a minute! What kind of a life would that be? So, he was indeed really glad to hear of this wine and big onions concoction. No, he was not going to start swallowing tablets for the rest of his life. Let him try this new therapy first. Furthermore, each bottle of red wine only cost him ringgit Malaysia forty-three only. Furthermore, if he were to buy a dozen or a box of them, it would cost only ringgit Malaysia thirty-eight each bottle. And even more important than the price of the wine is the possibility of lowering his cholesterol and his blood pressure which would mean not having to rely on some tablets to control his cholesterol level. And to add to his joy was the news from another person who has already purchased a box of the wine that he could buy two bottles from him for just thirty-eight ringgit per bottle. Well, certainly he bought the two bottles of Australia Merlot Cabernet with the brand name of Little Beetle, a red wine which contains 13 percent alcohol. According to the label on the bottle, it is a red wine which is made from sweet rich blackcurrant and plum fruit.
Next, the guy went to Tesco supermarket to look for the Australian big red unions which is very pricy at nineteen ringgit and ninety-nine sen (RM19.99) per kilogram. Since the amount of wine in each bottle is only 750 millilitres, he needs only 750 grams of the big onions and three of those big onions were sufficient. However, it took him two trips to find the onions as they are not always available.
On the way home, he purchased a glass bottle. Once he reached home, he was so eager to start improving his health and began by washing the onions. After that he was so impatient with the sun and the dry air outside taking so long to dry his onions. He would walk in and out of the house, taking a look at the onions every now and then, waiting for the moment when everything is dried. Eventually, all wet things will be dried. With the onions dried externally, he cut them up into cubes and placed them in the clean dry glass bottle. Then, he poured in the red wine, closed the bottle tight and another period of patience testing began. He had to wait for ten days to pass before he could start drinking two tea-spoons of the concoction an hour before bed-time. And this he did for about three months when he had to go to see the doctor again for another check-up on his blood pressure as well as his cholesterol.
Surprise! Wonderful surprise! What do you think happened? I just cannot believe what I heard. The doctor gave him a questioning look, glanced at the results again and told him the best news of his life. His blood pressure and cholesterol level had gone down. To add to the doctor’s astonishment, he informed the doctor that he had no more problem getting his sleep.
Well, when I heard about the fantastic results, I immediately thought of the reverstrol in grapes and red wine. Perhaps the anti-inflammatory nutrients found in onions helped. Whatever it is, for those who have the same problems, here is one alternative therapy. Furthermore, so long as only two teaspoon of the concoction is drunk, no more than that each night, there can be no ill effect except for those very few who are allergic to wine or onions.
As for me, I am at the moment preparing the very same concoction for myself although I have neither high blood pressure nor cholesterol. For me that would be a health drink, a preventive move to ensure that I maintain my health till the day I say goodbye to everything on earth.
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