A friend sent me an email in which there is this campaign to stop the senseless killing of seals all in the name of sports. What kind of sports would have so many innocent lives destroyed just to entertain some people. God created us all and we ought to live as peacefully as possible. Killing if ever it has to be done must be in self-defense, an action which has to be a last resort to save oneself.
Hunting? Why not hunt for terrorists and bring them to justice.
Furthermore there are so many ways to find entertainment. We can have the thrill of going into the unknown, live like the yogi or try to change the terrorists and if not possible, capture them for trial. There are so many challenges that we can face which will improve the world. Furthermore, is it not cowardly to take on defenseless creatures such as the seals?
In short i support whoever started this campaign and I am all for it. Therefore, here is the story with just one photograph missing as it just could not be uploaded.
Forward Until Everyone Knows About This And It Stops!
This is me.... A Baby Seal..
Norway and Canada have a new kind of tourism. Killing baby seals!!!! They call it 'hunting' and it's a sport
You want to call this sport ??
Is he a sportsman???
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You're our only hope !!!
Please let it stop. This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society
Don't turn your back on us, we are so defenseless, we have no guns, please help us..!!!
I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain...!! We are being slaughtered by ruthless people and it's going on RIGHT NOW...!!!
What gives him the right to kill us. Who is he to decide about life and death
What kind of sport is this..?? I didn't harm anyone..!! I was just swimming around doing nothing, now I'm dead...!!
Please help me and my friends...!! !
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You can't just ignore these images..?? Keep silent and doing nothing makes you guilty...!!
Please help us...!!
Please don't leave us alone...!!
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You can make a statement by
Forwarding this mail
To as many people as you can.
Bring these murderers to the attention
Of world leaders.
Thank you... !!!!!
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