“My son did not do well in his examination.” The lady was quite sad. That’s perfectly as it should be. Any parent would feel thus.
Yet, is any examination ever to determine our whole life? So many successful people have failed in one thing or another before achieving their goal. On the other hand, so many seemingly successful people have ended up failures; some even committed suicide. So, what is one examination?
Do we believe in fate? Is the examination results to determine our fate? Or is it fate which determines our examination results?
Well, it all depends upon what we believe. Right?
If we believe that life’s a stage and we’re all players, then we are like puppets put into this world to play our part. Or perhaps, we‘re the masters of our fate and determined the role we play in this world.
Whether we believe in fate or not, we still have to work towards whatever is our destiny, be it fated or not. Right? Even if it is fated that we achieve a certain position in life, it certainly would mean that we are also fated to work hard towards it. Likewise, if we do not work towards it, we certainly cannot achieve it.
So, whatever it is, fated or not, we have to strive towards our objective because, no matter what it is, without the work, there can be no results. That is a fact of life, no matter what we believe.
According to some, I believe it is the Tibetans, we come because we wanted to. We decided to come into this world with a purpose. Of course, like almost every one of us, we can never know the truth. Even if it is true that we are the masters of our own fate and had plotted our destiny in advance, when we descend upon this earth we forget all that we had plotted. Like everyone else we emerge naked, with nothing. Hah! Perhaps, some did come into something; some came into wealthy families. If the Tibetan were right that we did determine our fate, then we did plot the beginning; a rich start, a poor start or somewhere in between. With that, we point ourselves towards the road that we wish to travel.
If there be such a thing as fate, the road we travel could be a rags-to-riches journey. It could also be a downhill slide-to-bankruptcy. It could be anything. If it is fate, why not accept it as one part, and head for the next part of life.
Fate or not, people have achieved success with or without good examination results. Throughout history, humans have proved that success is possible without school results. Hard work, willingness to search for the right knowledge, eveready to experience whatever it takes and a good attitude can lead anyone to a good, fulfilling life.
I have written about people who have achieved success with the above qualities despite insufficient schooling or good examination results. These people are still young today; which proves it still can be done in our modern times.
No matter what, the beautiful part of it is that we will never know how things will turn out. So, we just have to do our very best, do whatever we can and look forward to whatever comes after the next junction or bend. Take failures as lessons for improvement and continue to strive to be the best of what we are capable of.
If we look at it this way, life is one big adventure with the unknown just in front of us. Thus, with this attitude, we can accept the situations that arise, look forward to whatever the future brings and continue on our way, knowing only that this present moment is the only one inevitable; whatever will come, we know it not and but life is always beautiful enough, full of hopes and possiblities to be lived to the fullest.
No matter how dark the sky is today, tomorrow the sun will rise again to brighten our day.
IF we are bombarded with seemingly insurmountable problems, we ought not to worry too much, for at the end of it all, the problems can just be left behind when we eventually die. And there is no need to touch wood as every one of us has to die one day. Death is also inevitable.
So, no matter how tough, how bleak everything is, there is no need for anyone to take his/her own life. No matter what the problems are, we are relieved of them when we depart from this earth. Empty-handed we came, empty-handed we will return. So, no matter what problems we face, face them bravely for these problems are not to be forever with us. Treat it as one of the games we play. Win or lose, we walk out of the field, rest and sleep and return another day for another game. So it is with life, we have the chance to try our hand at overcoming any problem. We have the chance to find out what the future may present us. We are still in the game. Who knows what the next bend may bring? The younger we are the more bends there are; the more chances of a change to our fortunes. So stay on and see what the future may bring. Changes are bound to take place. Well, since change will take place sooner or later; if you believe you have reached rock bottom, then, you cannot go lower than that, there’s only one way to go and that’s up! That’s right. Up! Isn’t that good news?
No matter how you look at it, this present life is the only inevitable one you have. Thank God for each day you are given and appreciate it to the full. And everyday can beautiful if you look forward to it with positive thoughts.
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