Thursday, July 09, 2009

What's in Prepared Minced Meat?

If you are a meat eater, getting a butcher to mince the meat is a convenient way to have the meat suitable for all members of the family. Minced meat is certainly more digestible than whole pieces which have to be bitten and chewed thoroughly, a seldom performed task especially when most busy people do not chew their food sufficiently before swallowing it. According to some friends, chewing that number of times is a luxury few of them can afford.

Hold it! If the food is not well chewed, most of the meat may go down undigested, ferment in the guts, produce sounds and smells and drops into the toilet bowl with an expensive splash. Looks like many could afford that, Herh?

Pieces of cooked food, be it meat, fish, eggs or vegetables ought to be chewed thoroughly, approximately 30 times per mouthful, according to a friend who had attended an Ayurvedic course on food.Chewing, besides breaking up the food for easier digestion, also mixes the food with the saliva in our mouth. You see, digestion actually begins in the mouth.

However, nowadays, to have it even more convenient for busy house-wives, business people are selling pre-minced meat to their customers. Well, as one house-wife claimed, "It's faster, easier and needs no further preparation. Just cook it!"

True! But do we know what was minced. Of course, it looks like meat. Is the meat as lean as you wish it to be? How much of it is undesirable fat? Are the parts given the same as those that you want? Could there be toxic organ parts added? Is that alright for the members of your family?

What about preservatives? Certainly, the mince must have been prepared well before marketing time. To have it remain good enough to sell until the end of the day, what do you think these business people put in? I don't blame them if some preservative is used as their main business is not your health. It's money-making. What will such toxic substances do to your children?

Well, with cancer patients getting younger and younger each year, would it not be wise to be cautious?

Furthermore, is it that difficult to choose the fresh portion of meat, have the butcher mince it in front of us and take that minced food back for our family and children with no doubt in our mind that it is the best possible food we can serve them.

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