Monday, July 27, 2009

Food can make you sick while exercise can remove it.

One early morning, at about five o'clock, I woke up with a sickly feeling. I struggled to get off my bed, the body unwilling to follow suit.

Nevertheless,I was determined to be up for my daily morning run before heading for school. The Penang esplanade was just behind my house as my family rented a place in Bishop Street then.

My father who was just as early as I was, took a look at me and realised that I was not in the best of health then. He asked me whether I still wanted to go for the run at the esplanade. I was positive about that.

I wanted very much to continue and fight the lousy feeling. So, with my running shoes on, I took a walk to the field. As i reached it I felt invigorated by the strong cool wind that struck my face and my whole body. The darkness was still good enough to hide my weakness from the others who had gathered there earlier than me.

Once I stepped into the field I began my run, jogging slowly during the first round, quickening my pace for the second round and running against the breeze at my usual fast sprint until the panting forced me to slow to a jog again. As i jogged i would regain my breath to prepare myself for another sprint.

However, I had only gone about three and a half rounds before I felt a need to vomit. I ran to the side, under one of the big trees and vomitted a soggy mess of the previous day's food from my stomach.

After that I decided to run home. As i jogged along the pavements, a freshness swept over my body. Gone was the lethargic feeling i had awakened with. There was more spring and lightness in my steps.

In fact, upon reaching home. my father could see the difference.
"How's that?" he asked. "What happened?" He wanted to know.

I told him about the vomitting after the run. He agreed with me that it could be indigestion. It must have been the food I took the previous day. It was the cause of my 'morning sickness' (Please don't have other ideas.)

The exercise did me good as it had somehow stimulated the body to throw out the undesirable food in my stomach. So the exercise had cured the sickness.

After my bath, I felt as good as new and was ready for a full day at school, full of energy and mentally alert. It is one reason I exercise almost every day, even at my present age. And although i have seen doctors for bee-stings and medical check-up for particular reasons for the last thirty years, I have never really been sick.

That is the wonderful thing about the use of knowledge on food and exercise, especially exercise.

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