Mrs Wong and Teacher Tan Hwa Seng are the masters-of-ceremony.
The enthusiasm of the members is obvious.
Members enjoy themselves, dancing away.
Life is indeed a celebration for all of them.
Look at them go!
Look at the joyous celebration!
The videos and pictures above shows the celebration of AOL members at our new AOL Baling centre.
It took place at 7.30pm. on Saturday, the 18th of July, 2009. Mr. and Mrs. Wong helped the members in Baling to set up the centre.
With the spreading of energy to Baling, The Art of Living can reach farther to assist more individuals to develop the full potential of their lives. The Baling centre will enable the residents of Baling and its outskirts to avail themselves of the ancient wisdom and knowledge as well as the healing power of the breath.
While many call it the ancient wisdom and knowledge of The Art of Living, it would actually be more accurate to name it the evergreen, ageless wisdom of The Art of Living.
'Quality and success in life are determined by the state of mind. Under stress, the mind vacillates between regretting the past and worrying about the future. This results in lack of concentration, decreased efficiency and interpersonal conflicts.'The ageless wisdom and knowledge of The Art of Living enlightens us, and thus assist us to overcome such unnecessary, undesirable effects of stress so that we function more fully in the present moment.
Through the use of breathing practices and techniques, the body can be infused with energy. The natural rhythms of the body, mind and emotions are harmonised. The special breathing technique of the Art of Living, the Sudarshan Kriya, uses 'specific rhythms of the breath to re-establish balance in life as it simultaneously floods the cells of the body with oxygen and energy.' That is the power of your breath! Do it correctly and mind, body and emotions are constantly in excellent balance.
So as to reach the fullest of your potential, discover for yourself the power of the breath, wisdom and knowledge from the Art of Living. For those in Baling, the Art of Living is in town. How lucky they are!
Of course,how much benefit the people can derived from the AOL centre depends upon themselves, for God can only help those who help themselves.
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