Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nourishment for the fetus: Some dangers.

Nourishment of our child starts from the first day of life in the egg in the mother’s womb. The egg depends upon the mother’s food for the nutrients to develop the fetus.

It is just like the eggs of chickens. Today, we have people feeding chickens with omega 3 to give us eggs rich in omega 3. So, if a mother does not have sufficient nutrients or take in lots of chemicals through one means or another, would it affect the nutrients in the egg? Could it result in a weakened fetus?

The fetus gets its nutrients through the mother from the first day it is formed. From these nutrients through the mother, the fetus’ development of all the organs and body parts progresses.

Based on this knowledge, we ought to realize the importance of the mother’s health and diet during her pregnancy. Today, we are fortunate to have gynecologist for the latest knowledge on proper nutrition and care for pregnant women. Through their advice, the best possible start in life for our child can be assured.

When my wife was pregnant, we were lucky to have a specialist gynecologist attend to her. We adhered to all the advice given. She never smoke. She avoided smokers as far as possible. And she took no alcoholic drinks. she did not take any medicine or supplement not given by the gynecologist. We took healthy, balanced meals. The result was a healthy baby.

We were fortunate too when it comes to seeking advice. We never listened to the many unqualified experts on pregnancy.

It is especially dangerous nowadays to take over the counter supplements or medicine. This is especially so when it comes to medicine which claims to cure a thousand and one ailments. There was this friend who took a tonic which apparently was very good for the chronic pain in his body. He extolled the wonder of that tonic until the day it was banned for containing steroids.

Now, imagine what can happen to our children if our wives were to take something that could be harmful to the child. Could it result in malformed babies or babies with certain disabilities? Precaution here is worth our children’s whole life time. Always consult the gynecologist!

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