Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fantastic performances through the power of belief.

For the girl I love I could do everything to make her happy. I could even die for her. However, she must not ask me to walk over burning coals. Never in my life can I picture myself doing that. There is this little coward in me which could not imagine a leisurely walk on red hot, smoking, burning coals in a big pit. Can you ever do it?

Well, many people can and they purposely present themselves for such an ordeal. Nay, it is no ordeal! For them, it is a part of a cleansing process. I am talking about the Taoist Nine Gods’ Festival in which it is believed that only a purely vegetarian diet and a cleansed heart can take you over such a pit of live coals safely.

The Hindus also have such a ceremony. I once witnessed such a ceremony. Unlike the Nine God’s walk across the pit of fire, the people at this ceremony seemed to go into a trance-like state. I remembered seeing one of those present who just felt uneasy about following the group across the red-hot charcoal pit. He withdrew when his turn came but the others just did what appeared to be the impossible.

Those people who could walk on such hot coals must have first conceived and believed that it could be done before they even dared make their first step onto the coals. The fact that they did it without getting burnt, without any expression of pain indicated the power of believing. How else could it have been possible?

Beside fire-walking, there are Hindus who pierce long sharp metal poles into their bodies. Even the nine Gods in their trance do it, piercing long thin metal into their cheeks. The fantastic part is that even when they pull out the metal shafts there is no blood or wound which needs any medical attention!

Well, after having seen all these with my own eyes, I can only conclude that all such wonders are possible because they believe it is alright to be pierced with the metal shafts and no harm could come to them as God is with them in whatever they do.

Fantastic? Unbelievable? Impossible? Yet all such feats can be seen throughout the world and when you witness it for yourself, you just have to believe what your own eyes see. For what you will see is the miracle of their belief in God.

Have you witnessed any such miracles? Please do share with us.

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