Monday, May 24, 2010

Imitation is a way of learning.

A grandpa and I were playing with the two dogs up the hill, giving them a rub as well as a massage here and there. The dogs enjoyed the attention and the soothing effect of the rub on their muscles. They wagged their tails and showed their pleasure by licking my hands.

"Dogs are such loving creatures. They would run towards you if they recognise you as a friend. Treat them well and they are sure to give their love in return. They are such loving animals." The other observers and I had to agee to what was said for there was truth in what had been uttered.

"Children are similar to dogs in that if you treat them well and teach them correctly, they respond lovingly." And with that that grandpa went into his visits to his grandchildren.

There was this daughter's family where the adults would shout harshly at the children and sometimes vulgar words were even heard. Children learn through imitation and soon the children were using those vulgar words in their quarrels and talk. So, when this grandpa visits them once in a long while, he would hear such words commonly used in the children's expression. He was determined to teach them that those kind of words ought not to be used. Being the kindly grandpa who brings presents for the grandchildren each time he visits, he was lovingly close with the grandchildren, So, each time he hears those words, he would draw them close and quietly tell them that grandpa's family and grandchildren should not use such words as they are learned people who understands the proper use of words. Of course, this had to go on for some time before there was some noticeable change.

He continued to tell of his method of teaching his grandchildren through telling them of their mistakes nicely and not through shouting, use of vulgar words or physical punishment.

And his method must be certainly right as each time he visits, which is not often, the grandchildren like to be close and would move to sit next to him.

And I wholeheartedly agreed with his method for children learn through imitation. Give them a bad example and they become that bad example. Give them a saint and you have a saint. Talk to them nicely and they will talk to you in the same manner. So if there are children who do not pay us any attention, it could be because we ourselves do no give them enough attention in the first place.

So, parents who see faults in their children ought to look for the same faults in themselves. The 'mirror' have shown you the truth. Never mind, it just means there is still room for improvement. Just do something about it. There is still much learning in store for us.

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