Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Beware! Someone is watching.

Yes, beware! Nowadays, there are many people out there ready to pounce on unwary folks to get easy money. There are so many ways those people could get hold of easy money. Those people would use almost anything to secure whatever they want.

We have read of men paying huge sums of money to find wives in foreign lands. Wanting to have a wife is a very natural instinct but why someone so far away that we have no knowledge of? How can there be love without knowing a person? Sorry, perhaps that is not for me to ask but then, I cannot help but hope those people would be more careful. Perhaps someone out there could write to tell me there can be love without first getting to know the person.

We have also received so many congratulations for winning so many types of draws or lotteries that it sounds as if it is so easy to become a millionaire nowadays. Fortunately for me, I am too stupid to understand how I could claim all that money without getting myself into trouble.

A guy working at a pet-shop in Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia, had a customer who came in to get a packet of dog food and found his car, a BMW, driven away by two men as he was walking out of the shop. The customer rushed through the door but there was nothing he could do then except to make a police report on the matter. Upon being questioned how it was so easy for his car to be stolen, he explained that he left the engine on as the weather was so hot. Of course, with the engine on, the door was not locked and it took less than a minute for the thieves to accomplish their task.

According to the customer, he had five thousand ringgit in the car; money which he had just withdrawn from the bank. We can only come to the conclusion that those thieves were operating from the bank, perhaps loitering around, acting like another bank customer, watching for people who withdraw large sums of cash. They must have seen that man withdraw the money, followed him and waited for the opportunity to deprive the man of his money. The weather and the man's carelessness helped the thieves succeed in their mission.

When it comes to huge sums of money or expensive items, we have to be careful. Such thieves are around us, everywhere and like vultures, they can be ready to strike at any moment. The man in this true story was lucky to have lost just an expensive car and money. Some people have paid for their carelessness with their lives. Even worst, there are those who lost their health or mobility due to such opportunists preying on innocent, unwary folks. So, beware for some vultures out there are eyeing their preys.

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