Friday, May 28, 2010

“I work better at night.” There’s no right or wrong to it.

“Okay, Beaty, you take the morning class while I take the evening class. We can leave the afternoon class to John.” Jenny looked around for approval from her friends.

At his point, Beaty could not help but protest, ”Wait a minute! How about having a night class? I can teach such a class.”

“Why do we want a night class for? We cannot do away with the morning class as it is a well know fact that people learn best at that time. You will be able to teach better with a fresh mind after a good night’s rest,” Jenny calmly told Beaty.

‘That’s where you’re wrong, my dear friend. You see, I work better at night. That’s the time when I’m wide awake, alert and full of energy.” Beaty informed.

John knew it was a good time for him to avoid having a afternoon class by cutting in with “It’s alright if Beaty prefers a night class as I can fill the morning slot. Let’s not have any afternoon class as that is the hottest time of the day and I would most probably have some problem keeping awake then.”

“Alright then but let’s not do away with the afternoon class as I think that is best time of the day to work and put aside the evening for some kind of recreation such as a game of badminton or a hike up a hill,” Jenny told her friends.

Each of the above people are happy and agreeable with each other’s differences as those differences make things easy for them.

Well, the above were three good friends with the same ambition of setting up their own tuition centre. Yet, when it comes to the best time of the day to be active at particular activities, they are so different. But then not all differences are so clear-cut. And not all difference are so acceptable.

You see, all individuals are unique. Although all of us have the same human characteristics and physical features, all of us are in our own way different. Every one of us thinks, acts and performs with at least a minimum difference. The difference may lie in the degree of dissimilarity.

Even when great minds think alike, what and how each great mind thinks differ in such small measures that the less discerning individual cannot notice. Thus, when these great minds understand that the human body needs a lot of water each day to function well, one could be thinking only of pure water while another could be considering any kind of fluid as sufficiently adequate. Others may think of fruit juices or other beverages. When it comes to reasons for their choice of liquids, each has his/her own good reasons.

The one who declare only pure water is to be taken might point out truly pure water is essential to the health of the body. This person might profess that even filtered water would not do as it could still contain minute impurities which might possibly be toxic to the body. It could also be pointed out that fruit juices might contain too much sugar causing the organs such as the kidney and the liver to overwork. Of course, beverages contain too much sugar.

The one with the fruit juice in mind was thinking of killing two or more birds with one stone. Fruit juices contain natural liquid filled with many desirable nutrients for the body.

Those who have beverages as the way to hydrate the body would say their would be the most enjoyable and certainly best way to not forget that the body needs sufficient fluid. After all, according to them, we do need calories and sugar is one of the sources, forgetting that researchers are accusing refined sugar as a cause of cancer. Besides that, they also forget that some beverages contain caffeine which is harmful to the body when taken in huge doses.

So there are differences even in similarities. At a certain point there could be agreement but as the topic gets deeper, differences appear. This differences come about partly due to the various sources of knowledge and the individual experiences each had.

That is why we so often have agreements as well as differences of opinions.

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