Monday, June 08, 2009

Teamwork in life.

On Saturday, I went as a volunteer to help the Art Excel in The Art of Living Centre in Sungai Petani. We had six groups comprising of six participants in each group. Each group has a mixture of boys and girls. All the participants were below the age of twelve. One of the games played by the groups was to see how they could lie on the floor and form the longest unbroken line in the shortest time possible. They could use anything they have on their body.

The group that won showed many of the qualities essential to success in life, which was what should be the case as that was the aim of the game.

That group used all their name-tag straps, their spectacles, and the boys’ shirts and stretched their hands and legs to form the longest line to win.

Firstly, there was quick thinking on their part. They thought of using whatever they had to achieve their objective. So off came their straps, spectacles, handkerchiefs, and boys’ shirts. This part was copied by the other groups.

Next came speed of action in carrying out the idea. They were aware of what they had to perform, They acted as one without need for further instruction. It showed their attentiveness to what was required of them. They were aware of what is required of each of them.

Of course, there was the element of luck. The length of their arms, legs and bodies was a contributing factor in the game. Just as in life, luck does play a role.

Finally, the most essential cooperation made all the difference; without it the team could not have achieved its goal. I noticed that there was one team where a boy was reluctant to part with his shirt and it was the deciding factor. It caused the team to lose by just a mere few centimeters which could have been overcome with a 40 centimeter-shirt. The boy was not cooperative and was reluctant to comply to the wishes of the other team-mates. The team was only as strong as its weakest member. Again, this has been found to be true.

What does such a game teach us? First and foremost, every member of the team is important. In any endeavour. Choose the strongest or best possible team-mates so as to have the best possible chance for success. Weaknesses in essential factors for a particular field will show when the going gets rough and tough.

Cooperation is necessary, even at the expense of individual considerations. The group must come first. Nothing supersedes it. Without this attitude, dissatisfaction is bound to arise to weaken the strength of the group. Everyone has to work together to move in the same direction.

In a fast changing world, speed in taking action to implement ideas so that projects can materialise fast, thus putting the group in front of its competition.

As we live in communities, the above mentioned qualities ought to be inculcated in our precious children and us so as to have a better opportunity for success and happiness in life.

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