Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Am I that gullible?

Believe and it will come true; that’s what some people claim. And so should you receive an e-mail proclaiming you to be chosen one to inherit a few million ringgit (that’s Malaysian currency), would you not jump for joy? Would you not want to believe that to be the truth. Well, anybody would. I would have hoped that could be true.

But then, I had read Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie and I remember very well their words: Whatever you can conceive and believe, you will achieve.

You see, I did receive an e-mail from a lady who claimed she was suffering from cancer and her doctor has told her she had only a few months left on this earth. Alas, her husband has passed away some years ago. Having a few million dollars and no other relatives she could get to have the money donated to the church, she has no alternative but to find a far away stranger to inherit her money and pass some of it to the church as charity.

The first question was ‘Why me?’
My egoistic self replied, ‘You are the chosen one. God knows you can be trusted.’ My chest bulged with pride.

Okay! Okay! But why does she need me?

Then the voice of Napoleon Hill agreed and added, “Can you conceive and believe such an action from a stranger who took the trouble to find your e-mail address. Why not approach her pastor or priest?”

All the lady needs to do is to approach a lawyer together with the pastor to make a will for her money to go to a church or a number of churches. It’s as simple as that.

In my mind, I nodded in agreement. I truly cannot conceive that she would trust me, an unknown person, more than her own church’s pastor. It’s unbelieveable! It's inconceivable!

Can something you cannot conceive and believe, be achievable? No! That money is not for me to manage. There must be a catch somewhere.

With that, I deleted the e-mail from my mail.

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