Thursday, June 11, 2009

Art Excel: The fun way to develop.

Between the 4th and 7th of June, The Art of living Centre in Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia held the Art Excel course for children below the age of twelve. It was four wonderful days of knowledge, exercise, games and fun. The above video shows one of the activities which brought the children so much team-work, so much joy and so much happiness during a learning process.(The teachers, volunteers and children spoke in Mandarin and English.)

Knowledge is one of the greatest thing on earth. With it, the future is ever so much brighter. Ignorance is swept aside. Knowledge improves relationships between peoples, countries, religions and cultures and they fall victim less often to fears, doubts and misunderstanding which are the results of false beliefs and presentation.

In Art Excel, children are taught breathing techniques which help them to overcome stress and depression.There is so much stress in the home and schools.

In an increasingly competitive world, competition for marks and grades in examinations puts great stress on young minds, with disastrous results. Yet, they seem to have become an undesirable necessity as examination certificates ensure our young children of places for tertiary eduaction. As stress become more and more unbearable, it's only right that parents give their children a way to relieve stress.

There are many ways to remove stress and one of them is through the breathing techniques taught in The Art of Living which has centres in more than 140 countries throughout the world.

In the course they are taught, through many interesting, enjoyable situations, ways to tackle life's problems. They learn to play and work as a team. They are given the ability to express themselves as individuals as well. They are given the opportunity to discover fun in learning. They are encouraged to discover the usefulness of knowledge.

On the night before the last day, they slept away from home. It was a kind of initiation into independence. They had to cooperate with each other to clean up a place and get themselves clean and tidy for the night without a mummy or a daddy to run to for anything necessary.

Besides all that they have learned, that which is even more important is the stronger, better and happier persons they have beome in those four days.

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