Thursday, December 02, 2010

A healthy lifestyle.

Yesterday I had stated that it has been raining almost every evening and there were times i was caught in the rain. While some catch cold I got nothing to show for it. This is one instance when getting nothing is most welcome. I may like to catch a falling star or a girl but not for me the miserable cold.

Thinking back, it is not luck but a healthy lifestyle which keep me strong, fit and healthy. And it all starts with minimal stress. Stress can be good as it comes sometimes with excitement and joy but too much of it had once upon a time robbed me of much needed sleep and rest.

Then, I am grateful for the early morning hike up the hill where, at the level path at the top, I could run at speed, rest and run again, bringing forth the pails of sweat through the pores of my body. And because of this, my body smells good as the outpouring sweat removes dirt and gives me a good cleanse. By the time I skip and hop down the slope to the foot of the hill I am always drenched as one who has gone through a shower.

As for food which many doctors and researchers will tell you can either bring sickness or health to the body, i choose, most of the time anyway, those that give me health. At most meals, I either take rice or fruits and vegetables with some meat.

Through knowledge from researchers, I understand that fast food, food that is processed, most saturated fats and too well-cooked food are bad for our health. Therefore, my food consists of rice, some fish, raw vegetables, some steamed or lightly cooked vegetables, beans, healthy oils and a little meat with lots of spices.

At this point, there may be someone who would point out that meat and/or fish are not healthy. Going vegetarian, according to some, is the way to healthy eating. To these people, I wish to point to the four sharp, Dracula-type of teeth in our mouth. The teeth in our mouth indicate otherwise. Our ancestors did hunt for animals as food though the faster and bigger ones were not within their reach. Another thing that keeps me from going 100% vegan is the fact that our body needs vitamin B12 badly and a totally vegetable diet can never give our body sufficient amount of this vitamin. And as far as I am concerned vitamin supplement is a last resort.

Of course, when it comes to the rules of a religion, those who belong to it must follow for they are believers. I have no argument regarding such matter for we have to respect what a religion requires its members to do. For them, there are still some where B12 can be available in small amounts, especially in fermented food. Of course, some of them need to resort to supplements to avoid B12 deficiency.

Water is another important factor in our health. So often we forget to replenish the water in our body. sometimes, especially the women, it is not due to forgetfulness but the hope that they do not have to embarrassed themselves with visits to the washrooms or the toilets, mostly when they go shopping. For them it is better to dehydrate the body than to search for places to lighten the bladder.

Most times, we only search for water when we are really thirsty. Thirst actually is the emergency call for water by our body. When there is insufficient water in our body, blood thickens and slows down circulation, slowing the supply of oxygen to the lungs, the organs and the rest of the body, affecting the efficiency of every important part; the waste movement slows down in the liver, the kidneys and the skin while those at the big intestines hardens. From this, it is obvious the importance of water to our health.

Of course, without air, there can be no life. But what kind of air do we breathe each day? What is its quality? At the hill, for at least an hour, I get to empty the stale air and suffuse my lungs with fresh morning air from among the trees there. I try not to be near smoke although nowadays that seem to be practically impossible. So, whenever I can, my friends and I escape to the green areas, to some places far away from vehicles, factories and smokers where trees, streams and waterfalls bring serenity and healthy joy.

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