Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do away with monopoly!

We have had the experience of having monopolies in the many types of businesses that are found in our world.

My friend commended that when we first moved into our residential area, there was only one sundry shop, the Bee Ean Shop. Whenever we needed toothbrush, soap or some other daily necessities, we went to that sundry-shop as there was no other in the area. At the beginning everything was fine as the shop-keeper tries to please and his goods are still fresh although slightly more expensive than elsewhere.

Then, gradually the service becomes worse as the shop-keeper realised that we just had to get things from him or inconvenience ourselves by going to the next residential area to buy our things.

Prices shot up and things are always expensive. And when the consumers complained about the goods or the service, the arrogant shop-keeper told them if you are not happy to get the things there you can always buy them from elsewhere or the supermarket which is some distance away and quite inconvenient. Inconvenient it might be but then when the arrogance could no longer be stomached some did go elsewhere to purchase their sundries, especially when the shopkeeper kept hollering at the top of his voice,"If you do not like it here, you can go elsewhere to get your goods! No one is gonna stop you.Go! Go back to the village you came from!"

Fortunately, another sundry, the Pa Kat Than Shop, came onto the scene and soon the consumers of the residential area were happy again as service was better and goods were sold at competitive prices. The new shop-keeper was so much more pleasant in dealing with the people.

Therefore it is always better not to have monopoly in anything as monopolies tend to become belligerent, expensive and refuse to treat all the customers well. The customers must have a choice; choose the shop-keeper who treats his customers politely, acknowledging that without those customers there can be no business, to choose the shop from which to purchase goods which are fresh and good, well kept, tidy and clean. Choose the shop which welcomes every consumer, giving us equal treatment.

The opportunity to choose is important and so we have to do away with any monopoly. The residents of our housing area are now happier as if one shop can give us better and cheaper goods, we go to that shop. If the owner ever becomes arrogant, we can always move to the other shop. Even if both of them become too proud to serve us well, we still have a choice of where the goods are fresher or cheaper.

Similarly with supermarkets, when there are more than one supermarket, the consumers are sure to benefit. Services are better, more choices will be the outcome and prices will not be too high as people can compare and decide which supermarket serves their interests better. We all have a choice. No only that, we get the best possible choice. And should any supermarket changes its policy regarding its goods or its prices and services, we can always shift our shopping elsewhere. The consumers are king can persuade all the supermarkets to look inot our interests in all its dealings.

So, let us do away with monopoly and encourage competition as that will help us to change our choice of service, goods and prices at any time we wish.

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