Thursday, April 08, 2010

Sweat it out!

This morning I met Mrs. Teoh at the hill and we did a fast walk up, round and down the hill within an hour. As we moved along, we exchanged thoughts and ideas. She is a Hash House member and at the age of forty-nine years, she moves like someone in her thirties. She was fast and there were times I had to quicken my steps to catch up with her. As usual I sweat the most among so many that I have known. In fact, I feel I sweat too easily.

In my social life, sweating can be uncomfortable and it certainly could be a deterrent for some gal to hug or hold my wet body and clothes. I was very conscious of that but, in a way, it helped to separate the truly loving ones from the rest.

Where the bedroom is concerned, there is no problem with profuse sweating as we have the air from the air-conditioner to cool us down. What a blessing! Thank God for sending those inventors to make my world more comfortable.

Where health is concerned, sweating is an important part of exercise as it eliminates toxins from our body through the sweat pouring out of our pores. It ensures cleansed pores, healthy skin and body. Since the skin is the biggest organ for excreting waste products and toxins from the body, its efficient function is undoubtedly of utmost importance.

Do you realise that people who exercise and sweat a lot have less problem with body odor than those who do not exercise and sweat a lot? So, to exercise and sweat profusely; besides drinking sufficient water to replenish whatever water; and essential minerals which are lost in the process; which has been used to carry off the waste and toxins; is an important activity for everyone of us.

Mrs. Teoh agreed to the need for exercise and that is the reason she goes to the hill each morning without fail unless unavoidable circumstances prevent her from doing so.

Going for a walk up a hill may not be your favourite activity but there are so many activities to choose from. For some it is cycling, jogging or swimming. For others, there there are group exercises like aerobics and 'Taichi' and for those with an intimate partner, there is sex. It is definitely not the submissive type that I am thinking of and it ought to last at least more than half an hour to be put down as an exercise too. Whatever it is, so long as it can work your lungs, stimulate your heart to beat somewhat faster and give those muscles some work besides sweating, the exercise will certainly be good for your organs, your bones and joints, your muscles, your metabolism, your relaxation, your immune system and your happiness in life. Well, do you see anything better than that?

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