Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greed is the cause of so much harm.

It's the twenty-first century. The world ought to have made much progress in every sphere of human endeavour. And in many aspects, that is true. But then, in some very important aspects of being human, we are still in the dark ages where people still kill for power, followers of religions still abuse the name of God to perpetuate wrongs, man still do not understand that boundaries, countries and race are man-created.

Perhaps, hopefully, it is not a poor understanding of such matters. Perhaps, it is the greed in humans that create such misunderstanding.

Greed comes in many forms. There are those who are greedy for popularity to take themselves to positions of power. They form associations for the interest of a particular race. To get themselves noticed, they had to profess that their race is in peril of being marginalised or weakened as the result of the capabilities of other races.

In Malaysia, we have PERKASA, an association for Malays to ensure that their special privileges and supremacy are safeguarded despite the fact that these people proclaimed themselves to be the very religious followers of God. Do these people truly understand God? Do they not know that all living things in this world are His creations. Every human is His creation. As such God would never agree to one human being more privileged than another, not even when that human has not found Him yet for He is known for His compassion to all. Anyway, would any true believer of God believe that Almighty God would ever create the people of a certain race to lord over all the others?

The greed for power has kept this world in turmoil. Man loses his senses in the struggle for power. To achieve this purpose, there are those who would spread lies, exaggerate matters, use religion, abuse the name of God, plot kill and commit foul deeds.

In Malaysia, race has again and again been used to divide the people. The unfortunate thing is the fact that the leaders of the very party with the slogan of One Malaysia are the ones bringing up matters as racial matters even when those matters have nothing to do with race.

People who constantly use race to achieve their objectives should remember that the world have no real boundaries. Boundaries are man-made, merely lines on maps, no lines on the actual land. Countries are also created by humans. Early humans grabbed the land, lord over the people and proclaimed themselves the rulers. All of us belong to the human race. Skin colours and pigments are due to the environment and the amount of exposure to the sun or other elements of weather. Look at India, for example and we find Northern Indians very fair while southern Indians are so dark. As for languages, they are sounds invented by the people of a similar region. Thus, man created countries, names of countries, races and languages.

The only way to peace is through this understanding and the mastering of greed among us. Mastering greed can only be achieved through spiritual understanding, through the true words of God, not versions we ourselves create to achieve human ends.

Look at the world's religions. Humans have put in so much of his/her own interpretation that almost every religion is as divided as humans in this world. Islam has so many sects. So has Christianity. Buddhism has so many groups too. So does Hinduism. The problem is that man has played God.

That is the reason for my being a monotheist, a believer of one God. However, I belong to no religion as religion has changed some of the words of God and interpreted them for their convenience. I pray to God from anywhere for Almighty God hears my prayers, know my wrongs and rights at all times, no matter where I am, not necessarily in a temple, church or mosque, for I believe God is with me always. (Anybody who thinks that is impossible does not know God as nothing is impossible for God.)

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