Friday, March 26, 2010

Are you too handsome for your own good?

A really handsome guy can have problems with loneliness.

What? Did Ai Wei write that right? Sour grapes! That so-so guy could not help but say such things about people who are easily more handsome than him. How can good looks ever be a problem? What nonsense is Ai Wei ranting about?

Excuse me, but what I am going to put onto this page is nothing but the truth. So, please read this true-life story about one of the most handsome men I have ever known.

This guy was born with good height, fantastic looks and a body, if developed properly with weights could look something like Hercules portrayed by the handsome Steve Reeves at one time. (Steve Reeves is one of those enviably handsome actors into whose arms most girls would likely faint into.)

According to what the girls tell me, “One look at him and you’ll fall for him.” Of course, that got me real envious but what could I do. Alas, I was born just me. Being me, no girl would say that of me. Okay, forget it. After all, despite everything I had my fair share of girls. So, I am not complaining.

You would have thought such a guy, as I thought so too, would easily land one beautiful gal who would just adore his presence and pamper him to her heart’s delight. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In fact, it could have been if only he had allowed one such gal the chance.

You see, the problem was this guy have always known he was fantastically handsome. His parents and other folks could have constantly commented upon his good looks. Possibly, the girls in school could have chased after him and fawned over him in his younger days. Whatever it was, this realisation of his good looks went to his head. (Parents should never let their children become big-headed. Confident, yes but never big-headed.)

Maybe because of all that attention, his studies was not good. All the attention could have dragged him away from his studies, what with the dates he could easily have. As he found that dating any girl he wanted was easy, he became a playboy, playing the field with ease. And that dragged him away from a good education and possibly knowledge that could have helped him to recognise his 'problems' and put him back on the right path.

This, knowing that he could have his pleasure anywhere anytime, perhaps grew his ego and a kind of superiority complex that caused him to drop some of the best prospective loving partners in his life. Vanity led him to think any beautiful girl, forget those who are less endowed, was his for the taking.

And that was true. He had girls falling head over heels in love with him only to awaken to the fact that, in just a very short while, some other beauty had taken over their place.

Well, when one is young and handsome, that is possible. However, time brings others even as handsome guys along to replace the older guys. As this handsome old guy discovered that those who went after him had settled down to a family life, he also found the younger gals have better looking, more youthful guys to fawn on.

His weakness was his super ego which refused to allow him to accept better although not as good-looking prospects who could have changed his fate from one of loneliness to one of joy and contentment.

Today, he hopes for introductions but his ego still could not accept those who are not so good looking. So, it is not just second or third-rated guys in their forties or fifties who could be lonely.

In fact, there is no such thing as second or third-rated guys. The problem lies with the attitude. If, like this guy, you think you are too good to be true, then you are too good to be true to anybody, so no gal for you. Similarly, if you think you are not good enough, then you just cannot be good enough. If you do not love yourself enough, how can you expect anyone to love you?

So, parents must teach their children to love themselves for the right values in them, not some kind of superficial good looks.

As for me, I was born a little somewhat rugged. (Perhaps, after some weight-lifting and body-building during my younger days.) Nothing really handsome but I loved John Wayne who was even more rugged and girls just liked John Wayne during his time. So, with that attitude on my looks, girls just love me. (Vain! Vain! But that’s the truth. Take a good look at me in one of my earlier posting to view the truth. I just can’t help it. And I thank God for it.)

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