It's still dark but the trees are a welcome sight.
Slowly but surely, the sun appears to greet us with its warmth.
And the path up is so wide at certain places.
The scenery from the Semarak Hill.

A smile to brighten the day.
This morning, when I woke up, I looked into the mirror and gave myself a smile. I liked what i saw and i was happy with my face and the smile that makes it attractive. Vain, right? Yes, that is part of my ego. I just love my face. Now, if you you do not like your own face, how can you expect anyone else to like it? So, like it! Nay, love it, for that is the only face you have.
I was happy just looking at my face. See, it is so easy to be happy. Do that, look at the mirror and give yourself that beautiful smile to brighten up your world for a good start for your day. It always works.
After my warm-up on the yoga mat, my patma exercise followed by the Kriya, I took a very light breakfast before heading to the hills. At 6.40am. it was still dark but I started treking up the Samarak Hill. As I went up the hill I concentrated on the number of exercises I did which were walking uphill backwards, sideways, and forwards again. I stretch my strides as i went along giving full attention to the muscles of my legs and pelvic area as well as my breath. Soon, despite the cold breeze, I was starting to sweat. I was aware of the change in body heat as I continued up the hill.
Then, I met a few friends up at the summit. Awareness of their presence brought a smile to my lips as I greeted them and was delighted to receive greetings and smile in return. Happiness lights up my heart as my mind takes in the happening. I dwell on that joyful connection with those friends.
At the top of the hill where the fround is fairly level, I broke into a run and enjoyed the breeze brushing and cooling my face and body as I sped forward. The cold was even more welcome as body head rose while I began to pant. Just before another slope, I stopped to regain my breath and looked at those squirrels as they leapt from branch to branch with such wonderful grace. And those branches and their foliage would open up every now and then, as I moved forward to reveal slightly more light and the fantastic view of the still-lighted town below. Every so often, I heard noises in the underbrush as some small creatures rush off to hunt for food, perhaps.
Up there, there is one particular spot where I would stop to relax a while before I do some leg exercises and pumping before I continue my run. I have always enjoyed the knowledge of the lightness of my body and legs as I galloped along mindful of the stones, rocks and branches in my path, happy to realise that I was still agile enough to leap more to the left or the right to avoid such obstacles.
As the morning got brighter, I met more friends, with whom I would exchange some jokes or banter as we smiled and laughed over whatever cropped up in our mind then.
As I ran or walked backwards down the hill, there was always something to light up the spirit as more and more people are encountered.
With sufficient exercise and a joyful start for the day, I looked forward to work and other healthy pursuits of the day.
Happiness in not the only thing i gained from each morning's exercise. At the age of sixty-three, I have no aches to slow me down. I never had a headache. No aches unless I knock some part of my body against a hard object which sometimes happens when I am clumsy enough, especially when my attention is distracted by a beautiful female figure. Well, I believe I am not the only guy with such a weakness. After all I am human. And although it's painful, it's a delightful happiness.
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