First a walk across a wide expanse of lovely flowers.

Then, its uphill around trees and palms.

Until we reach a stream.

And we wondered at some of the beauties in the area.

Even streams can come to a dead end- resulting in a pond.


Wow! Did you see that! What?


Slow but steadily the water moves towards a waterfall.

Look! The water starts rushing down!

Wow! lots of pitcher plants here. These pitchers are an example of pitfall traps.

These pitcher plants trap insects for food.

Yes, these pitcher plants are carnivorous plants.

Lots of these plants here.

The humid, wet surroundings is suitable for these pitcher plants.

Come! Let's get down closer to the waterfall.

Here is the beginning of the waterfall.

Lovely greens!

And what lovely white 'lollipop' flowers are these?

A pitcher with water in it.

Certainly the right spot for pitchers to thrive.

And finally here's the waterfall. Look at that magnificent rock!
Listen to the water falling down to a lower level.

And back down the slopes to a rocky river down below.
It was a last minute decision to go to Gunung Jerai at at least part of the way up to a waterfall, as it was already late and we could only get to meet after half past one in the afternoon.
From Sungai Petani we set out to Gurun and at a spot where we were near the mountain, we started. We reached a house, went into the compound and beyond the compound was the vast stretch of flowers on the ground. (The first picture.) From then on it was up slopes with tall trees and some kind of palm along the way.
Eventually we reached a stream with some exotic plants which could only be seen nearly flowing water at the edge of the stream. The rocks at the waterfall were a beautiful sight with its interesting layers. As it was past four o'clock by the time we had explored the area, we decided to retrace our steps as we did not wish to be lost in the darkness.
We returned to our vehicle at about six o'clock, had a drink and some snacks before we headed back after our enjoyable trip and companionship. From the photos in this posting, the waterfall, its fast flowing water and the plants found there were a delight to watch and examine.
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