Saturday, June 12, 2010

Be wise in displaying your jewels.

If you have a secret that you do not wish to have others get curious about enough to find out more about it, then the least you can do is to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible.

That understanding, unfortunately for her, was not available to her and that was to cost her dearly. It was because of her being too conspicuous that police discovered her secret hiding place for drugs.

According to a report from Harian Metro, a 29 year-old widow has been getting lots of attention from the opposite sex due to her being well- endowed with two very enticing voluptuous breasts. Everything would have been fine, each having his/her own delight; she with the desirable attention and the spectators with the attractive sight or should I say sights, if those conspicuous breasts had not attracted the attention of the police as well and the police had not been just as infallible as any human to give them a more than cursory examination, enough to make the discovery of one breast that little bit larger than the other and are sufficiently curious to want to know what lies beneath, or is it within, to have her exposed to reveal that she had been hiding drugs in her bra. Ha! Drugs! Therein lay the secret of the two delectable breasts.

So, her vanity attracted the wrong attention, leading the curious police to suspect something. To unveil the attraction, they raided her house but found no incriminating evidence but so they had no alternative but to have a closer look at those tantalizing breasts and discover the unlikely drugs worth RM100 hidden in a slit of her bra.

Ladies and inventors, at this point I have a suggestion for all of you: use other non-drug substance within the bra to help those ladies who wish to appear better endowed than the others. (However, I do not mean that ladies with bigger breasts are any more attractive than those with small beautiful equally attractive breasts. You know, one lady who attracts me a lot does not have Dolly Parton sized breasts. Well, it takes all shapes and sizes to make a beautiful world.)

Okay, let us go back to the subject of being conspicuous and inconspicuous. People who are guilty are sometimes more conspicuous because of their guilty conscience. There are those who flourish in the lime-light of attention and so may use outlandish attire or fashion as well as behaviour to become more conspicuous. However, the shy and timid would prefer to stay inconspicuous with their silence and distancing of themselves from any possible attention. There is no right or wrong to either types as it takes all types to make the world a wonderful place.

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