Sunday, January 24, 2010

Understand your child's innate intelligence.

We have often heard of people who change their occupations after they have graduated from a university.

There was this man who studied to be a doctor and a surgeon but became a teacher instead. 'Stupid' could very well be the word in your mind as you read this. Perhaps, but then what is more important than happiness? it could be said to be mind-boggling should someone stop being a surgeon with nothing to fall back on or to work on/with. Now, this guy was not going to go 'hungry'. He has a job except that it is less lucrative. He is happier with his new job.

What could have caused this phenomenon? Well, it could have been the result of parents who have fixed their minds to what they want their children to be. Many parents I know of have to wish to see their children become doctor despite the fact that such children are not interested in that profession. The parents are interested, not for the growth of their children's innate intelligence but for the financial rewards such a profession can bring.

There was a time when parents sent their children to learn music and forced them to attend lessons despite protests from them. I have heard complaints from children who has insufficient intelligence in that area.

So, there is a need for parents, grandparents and guardians as well as educationists to understand that every child is unique in his/her own way. That is why parents must learn to look for the type of intelligence their child possess.

I have included educationist in my group of people who ought to be aware of children and their particular type of intelligence as there was a time;perhaps it is being in practice; when politicians get educationists to produce scientists who have no innate logical intelligence; when they put all bright students, even those who excel more in linguistic intelligence, in the science stream with the idea of producing scientists and doctors. The result has already been written in an earlier post. I have written about the child who ran away from his university to enter a college when he heard that his application to enter that college had been approved. The parents were flabbergasted at the move but the child was happy and relieved to find himself in the right place for his particular intelligence.

So it is time parents pay more attention to the innate intelligence of their child so that their child gets the opportunity to develope his innate intelligence potential to the full, so that he enjoys his work through being in the right profession or work.

In my next posting, I wish to discuss the various types of intellience children can possibly possess and help parents to recognise their precious children's potential. In my study of achieving the innate intelligence potential, I came across a name which is indeed inspiring for he found his born obstacle a motivation for him to realise his innate intelligence. From there he reached even greater heights in other spheres of life. And his story will follow the one on innate intelligence for there is a connection.

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