Knowledge involves understanding while skill involves movement. Together they help the child to develop every part of him/her to the highest potential possible.
To develop the brain for knowledge, we must also remember that there is a right brain and a left brain. In the 1960's, an American psychobiologist, Roger W. Sperry, discovered that the human brain is made up of compartments in the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere of the brain. This research resulting in the right brain, left brain concept won him a Nobel Prize in 1981.
Those compartments in the right hemisphere are more into visualisation, intuition, tone/sound, emotions, motion. As such, we can see that it is more into spatial-visual intelligence, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, existential intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence.
As for the compartments in the left hemisphere, they are more into verbal-linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence. Although brain intelligence is not as clearly divided as given, we ought to remember to some people are more inclined to one hemisphere of the brain. So as to have better brain development, a complete left and right brain development, we ought to think of developing not just some of the intelligences which we presume to be more important but to develop the brain as a whole so as to reach the highest potential and not just about ten percent of it as researchers found.
In schools as well as among parents, we find that importance is usually given to verbal-linguistic intelligence above all else. Then, attention is given logic-mathematic intelligence. Some might consider musical intelligence and/or visual-spatial intelligence important. That is why most parents do not place much emphasis on musical intelligence. How many schools provide music lessons? How many parents ever thought of getting musical instruments for their children or providing such lessons?
Kindergartens may provide some children with interpersonal intelligence which could be lacking in the home. That is why some children are unable to mix well with other children in kindergartens. Some may even be anti-social, always avoiding, quarrelling or fighting with other children.
How many parents would take their children to enjoy nature, listen to the running water of streams, watch the colours of birds, see the grace of flight and know how their life is? I know parents do take their children to the zoo. But how many parents would tell their children about the birds and animals they see there. How many would go into their life-story?
How many parents would teach children to listen to their instincts and feelings? Nay, how many would allow them to voice their instincts and feelings and follow them. In fact, most parents do the opposite. They silence them and tell them to just follow mummy and daddy, not their feelings and instincts.
In their first six years of life, do we allow our children to think for themselves? Do we listen to what they have to say? Are they allowed their opinions. No, they are usually silenced. Adults know better, it seems. I, myself, suffered such a fate and it was then that i decided that my children would never have their opinion and ideas silenced while I load my own opinions on them. I was determined that they would have that chance to develop that part of their brain.
Today, my children have a mind of their own with thoughts and ideas easily expressed. Of course, there is a problem, not with me though as i accept their opinion with respect always, and the problem is there are times when they would reprimand me for whatever faults or weakness that is evident. And at such times, they are right. So, I accept it and improve on mmyself. As i have always said, I am still learning.
So, being aware of the different types of intelligences and inclinations of humans to be more inclined towards certain types can help us to understand our children better as well as help them to develop from the day they are born.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
The time to do it.
To help our babies and young children get an excellent start in life is as easy as it is difficult. I must agree that that sounds complicated. What do I mean? Exactly this: those who have the time and know-how will find it easy while those who never have the time nor the know-how will find it difficult although I am talking of the same topic which is giving our children a headstart in life, physically, spiritually and mentally.
However, admittedly, every family is different. There are those families who have time for almost anything while there are those who just find it hard to have time with their families. How far is this true?
Well, like it or not, we have just twenty-four hours a day. Of course, even if all of us put in all that time for our families only, the quantity and quality of the things done will differ from one individual to another. Why?
First, there is the passion, the interest, the strength of the desire to do the best for the family.
Then, there is the attitude. What kind of attitude a person has towards responsible for the welfare of his/her family? Does he/she feel that whatever he/she does not do, will be done by the other better half? Then, what if both husband and wife were to think along that same line?
Next, what is our priority? Is the excellent development of our child our priority? Is it important enough to forgo other things? This is also part of our attitude towards the idea of family.
If our priority is the development of the whole family in a marriage, then we should have thought of the need for responsibility, time and expenses towards, first one additional person, then another as time gets on. If we have no time for a wife, then we ought not to think of marriage. And if we do not have time for children, we should not concieve our first child. When we, it can be between our partner and us, are capable of carrying out such responsibility, sharing time and having sufficient funds to manage a home, then can there be a successful marriage. Of course, there must be love in the first place for this dream to begin.
The dream of a successful marriage can start but it may be shattered if; like so many Hollywood marriages where time is insufficient to share as they put in every effort to reach even greater heights in their career, giving priority more to fame than marriage success; insufficient time and attention is given for the dream to materialise successfully.
Likewise, if we dream of having our children have outstanding success in life, we must put in enough time and attention to the dream for it to become reality.
So, we must have the time. It just means that we have to manage our time well. How do we do it. Thinking and planning, then acting on it, is how things are achieved.
We need about eight hours sleep and eight hours work to have sufficient rest and finance to support our family. (Here again, there are people who put in more time than that into their work.) Then there is time spent on the road, moving to and from work. Let us give a guy two hours for that. That leaves us six hours for the other things which could be done together with the family, such as eating, watching television, reading, story-telling, chatting, outings and other activities.
Obviously, the more time we have, the more we can possibly achieve. In fact, we, ourselves, may not have more than six hours but our children have more than twelve hours to learn and reach the highest potential possible in every sphere of life. You see, a child does not work during the first six or seven years of his/her life. Other than sleep, he has the rest of the time to learn. either from the parents, the guardians or a childminder.
In time-management, the hours available is the same. Only the activities can be changed. What activities can we forgo? What activities will not help our child and our family grow? Such activities can be struck off, at least for the first six or seven years of our child's life. Thus, if we had spent two hours on those activities, we can have an additional two hours to move our dream along. So, time and activities are up to us to manipulate so as to get the most out of it.
If we have guardians, relatives, childminders or whoever care for our children when we are not around, one criteria will be: How much time can these people give to our children? Are our children to be left to themselves most of the time? How much time do they get to learn things and improve themselves so as to raise their potential?
In all that we wish to achieve, we have to start on it and having no time is usually the worst excuse given. The time is ours to use. So, use it wisely.
However, admittedly, every family is different. There are those families who have time for almost anything while there are those who just find it hard to have time with their families. How far is this true?
Well, like it or not, we have just twenty-four hours a day. Of course, even if all of us put in all that time for our families only, the quantity and quality of the things done will differ from one individual to another. Why?
First, there is the passion, the interest, the strength of the desire to do the best for the family.
Then, there is the attitude. What kind of attitude a person has towards responsible for the welfare of his/her family? Does he/she feel that whatever he/she does not do, will be done by the other better half? Then, what if both husband and wife were to think along that same line?
Next, what is our priority? Is the excellent development of our child our priority? Is it important enough to forgo other things? This is also part of our attitude towards the idea of family.
If our priority is the development of the whole family in a marriage, then we should have thought of the need for responsibility, time and expenses towards, first one additional person, then another as time gets on. If we have no time for a wife, then we ought not to think of marriage. And if we do not have time for children, we should not concieve our first child. When we, it can be between our partner and us, are capable of carrying out such responsibility, sharing time and having sufficient funds to manage a home, then can there be a successful marriage. Of course, there must be love in the first place for this dream to begin.
The dream of a successful marriage can start but it may be shattered if; like so many Hollywood marriages where time is insufficient to share as they put in every effort to reach even greater heights in their career, giving priority more to fame than marriage success; insufficient time and attention is given for the dream to materialise successfully.
Likewise, if we dream of having our children have outstanding success in life, we must put in enough time and attention to the dream for it to become reality.
So, we must have the time. It just means that we have to manage our time well. How do we do it. Thinking and planning, then acting on it, is how things are achieved.
We need about eight hours sleep and eight hours work to have sufficient rest and finance to support our family. (Here again, there are people who put in more time than that into their work.) Then there is time spent on the road, moving to and from work. Let us give a guy two hours for that. That leaves us six hours for the other things which could be done together with the family, such as eating, watching television, reading, story-telling, chatting, outings and other activities.
Obviously, the more time we have, the more we can possibly achieve. In fact, we, ourselves, may not have more than six hours but our children have more than twelve hours to learn and reach the highest potential possible in every sphere of life. You see, a child does not work during the first six or seven years of his/her life. Other than sleep, he has the rest of the time to learn. either from the parents, the guardians or a childminder.
In time-management, the hours available is the same. Only the activities can be changed. What activities can we forgo? What activities will not help our child and our family grow? Such activities can be struck off, at least for the first six or seven years of our child's life. Thus, if we had spent two hours on those activities, we can have an additional two hours to move our dream along. So, time and activities are up to us to manipulate so as to get the most out of it.
If we have guardians, relatives, childminders or whoever care for our children when we are not around, one criteria will be: How much time can these people give to our children? Are our children to be left to themselves most of the time? How much time do they get to learn things and improve themselves so as to raise their potential?
In all that we wish to achieve, we have to start on it and having no time is usually the worst excuse given. The time is ours to use. So, use it wisely.
probelm solving
It's time for action.
We know all kinds of intelligence we possess. So what? We understand how we may help our children to exploit this knowledge and be the best they can ever be. We know that the foetus, after four months in the womb, has almost totally developed itself to the extent that it can listen and respond, feel and react and has started to practice breathing, even though it is doing so through the fluid environment it is in, and has started sucking its thumb to prepare itself for taking the milk from its mother. So, what? Will all that ever help us to give our children a headstart in life?
No! It certainly can be of not help at all unless we take action to use the available knowledge. For example, knowing that children are able to respond to sounds at that stage in life, what is there to prevent mummy and daddy from talking to the foetus and letting it hear sounds of language.
Starting action as early as possible will help the baby to develop hearing capability earlier and learn words earlier. Of course, the foetus may not understand the words then, just as a little boy may not understand the words of his/her parents initially but store the sounds in the brain and develop a familiarity with the sounds. Later, when meaning comes through actions of the parents and the circumstances in which the words are used, it is so much easier.
It has been known that children developed the fastest during the first six or seven years of their lives. That is the time before they enter formal education. Therefore, waiting for formal education to develop the child is too late a time to start. The time to start is when the child is still a foetus. Then there has to be continuous action to develop the child to the fullest extent possible, the the child's greatest potential.
Yes, every great man or woman, just as Confusius said: "A thousand miles begin with the first step", has to start on whatever dream with the first move towards a particular objective. Unless that is done, no results can ever be achieved. Action must be taken, planned and carried each and everyday until the child reaches independence and more. Yes, everyday throughout life although after the parents' part, the child must do his/her part to be whatever is to be.
Do you know that I am still learning so much at this time of my life and discovering and understanding knowledge that, had I known them so much earlier, I would have been able to achieve what I am able to achieve today so much earlier? Thank God for that, for without such a possibility, life would certainly be dull indeed. With this possibility of achieving something new in life, I look forward each day to another rewarding experience.
Well, let us start on our children at the earliest possible. If our children are already out there somewhere on their own, let us look forward to helping our grandchildren. And if the grandchildren are still not in sight yet, let us do something for our friends and relatives. Inform them about it and get them to make this world even better than it is now. Develop the children of the future and increase the use of their brains as well as every part of the body.
The end of new knowledge and experience is still not in sight with evidence of new inventions in science and medicine as well as the records achieved by athletes. Today, I read how a young woman survived fifteen days in a collapsed building in the Haiti Quake. Fifteen days! And we thought human can only survive seventy-two hours without food and water. This knowledge could perhaps change our belief.
Whatever, it is, we are still challenged with new problems and new diseases. The world is still problematic with killings and death. There is still so much which is not perfect. So, we need better brains and better attitudes as well as better everything in life. So, there is a need to start early on children so that there will be better and find better solutions.
No! It certainly can be of not help at all unless we take action to use the available knowledge. For example, knowing that children are able to respond to sounds at that stage in life, what is there to prevent mummy and daddy from talking to the foetus and letting it hear sounds of language.
Starting action as early as possible will help the baby to develop hearing capability earlier and learn words earlier. Of course, the foetus may not understand the words then, just as a little boy may not understand the words of his/her parents initially but store the sounds in the brain and develop a familiarity with the sounds. Later, when meaning comes through actions of the parents and the circumstances in which the words are used, it is so much easier.
It has been known that children developed the fastest during the first six or seven years of their lives. That is the time before they enter formal education. Therefore, waiting for formal education to develop the child is too late a time to start. The time to start is when the child is still a foetus. Then there has to be continuous action to develop the child to the fullest extent possible, the the child's greatest potential.
Yes, every great man or woman, just as Confusius said: "A thousand miles begin with the first step", has to start on whatever dream with the first move towards a particular objective. Unless that is done, no results can ever be achieved. Action must be taken, planned and carried each and everyday until the child reaches independence and more. Yes, everyday throughout life although after the parents' part, the child must do his/her part to be whatever is to be.
Do you know that I am still learning so much at this time of my life and discovering and understanding knowledge that, had I known them so much earlier, I would have been able to achieve what I am able to achieve today so much earlier? Thank God for that, for without such a possibility, life would certainly be dull indeed. With this possibility of achieving something new in life, I look forward each day to another rewarding experience.
Well, let us start on our children at the earliest possible. If our children are already out there somewhere on their own, let us look forward to helping our grandchildren. And if the grandchildren are still not in sight yet, let us do something for our friends and relatives. Inform them about it and get them to make this world even better than it is now. Develop the children of the future and increase the use of their brains as well as every part of the body.
The end of new knowledge and experience is still not in sight with evidence of new inventions in science and medicine as well as the records achieved by athletes. Today, I read how a young woman survived fifteen days in a collapsed building in the Haiti Quake. Fifteen days! And we thought human can only survive seventy-two hours without food and water. This knowledge could perhaps change our belief.
Whatever, it is, we are still challenged with new problems and new diseases. The world is still problematic with killings and death. There is still so much which is not perfect. So, we need better brains and better attitudes as well as better everything in life. So, there is a need to start early on children so that there will be better and find better solutions.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Another con job.
There are lots of people wanting to con someone out there. I have received so many emails telling me i have won a million dollars that I no longer read the full story anymore. The latest seem to come from Microsoft itself. As I do not have much time for some free cash, I just delete it and I am my happy old self again. You know, being a millionaire just isn't my cup of tea. Today, as I am, I do not even have to bother about locking my doors securely as sometimes I just hope someone would cart away my old furniture so that I have an excuse to buy some new ones. Well, no such luck, fellows.
Below is an email where someone experienced a new way to con some money from your relatives. As they say, to be fore-warned is to be fore-armed. So, we can learn from the experience of theis guy. We certainly would not like to learn this first-hand. So. please read on and beware!
Dear all
I cannot stop myself from sharing this with all of you.
Its all started when I received a call from someone claiming that he was from Maxis and he asked me to shutdown my phone for 2 hours for 3g update to take place. As I was rushing for a meeting, I did not question him but did what I was told and just shutdown my cell phone.
After 45 minutes I felt very suspicious since the caller did not even introduce himself and tell me his name. I quickly turned on my cell phone and immediately received several calls from my family members. There were other calls as well from the number that had called me earlier.
I called my parents and was shocked to notice that they sounded very worried and asking me whether I was safe. My parents told me that they had received a call from someone claiming that they had me with them and asking for money to let me free. The call was so real and my parents even heard 'my voice' crying out loud asking for help. My parents were at the bank waiting for the next call to proceed with the money transfer. I told my parents that I was safe and told them to lodge a police report.
Right after that I received another call from the guy asking me to shutdown my cell phone for another 1 hour. I refused to do that and hung up. They kept calling my cell phone until the battery had run down. I lodged a police report and I was informed by the officer that there were many such scams reported. Most of the cases reported indicated that the victim had already transferred the money! And it was impossible to get back the money.
Be careful as this kind of scam might happen to any one of us!!! Those guys are so professional and very convincing during calls. If you are asked to shut down your cell phone for updates by the service provider, Ask around! Your family or friends might receive the same call.
Be Safe and Stay Alert!
Please pass this around to your family and friends!
Below is an email where someone experienced a new way to con some money from your relatives. As they say, to be fore-warned is to be fore-armed. So, we can learn from the experience of theis guy. We certainly would not like to learn this first-hand. So. please read on and beware!
Dear all
I cannot stop myself from sharing this with all of you.
Its all started when I received a call from someone claiming that he was from Maxis and he asked me to shutdown my phone for 2 hours for 3g update to take place. As I was rushing for a meeting, I did not question him but did what I was told and just shutdown my cell phone.
After 45 minutes I felt very suspicious since the caller did not even introduce himself and tell me his name. I quickly turned on my cell phone and immediately received several calls from my family members. There were other calls as well from the number that had called me earlier.
I called my parents and was shocked to notice that they sounded very worried and asking me whether I was safe. My parents told me that they had received a call from someone claiming that they had me with them and asking for money to let me free. The call was so real and my parents even heard 'my voice' crying out loud asking for help. My parents were at the bank waiting for the next call to proceed with the money transfer. I told my parents that I was safe and told them to lodge a police report.
Right after that I received another call from the guy asking me to shutdown my cell phone for another 1 hour. I refused to do that and hung up. They kept calling my cell phone until the battery had run down. I lodged a police report and I was informed by the officer that there were many such scams reported. Most of the cases reported indicated that the victim had already transferred the money! And it was impossible to get back the money.
Be careful as this kind of scam might happen to any one of us!!! Those guys are so professional and very convincing during calls. If you are asked to shut down your cell phone for updates by the service provider, Ask around! Your family or friends might receive the same call.
Be Safe and Stay Alert!
Please pass this around to your family and friends!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bruce Jenner: A great example of achieving the full potential of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Bruce Jenner was born with part of his intelligence awry because of dyslexia. He had to struggle to be able to read. He was terrified of being called upon to read in front of the class.
Children with dyslexia have problems reading, spelling and expressing themselves. As a result of this disability, he dreaded going to school where he felt that every other child was better than him. His self-esteem was at an all-time low then.
Fortunately, every child has almost all, if not all, the intelligences necessary for life. Although his verbal-linguistic intelligence was affected by dyslexia, his prominant innate bodily-kinesthetic intelligence inherited from his athletic parent's genes took him to success in the field. His father,William Jenner, had won a silver medal in the 100-yards race in the U.S. Army Olympics in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945. Jenner's grandfather had run in the Boston Marathon several times. As he wrote in his book, "By the time I turned two, I'd already developed a big chest, wide shoulders and boundless energy, prompting my dad to nickname me Bruiser."
Let us see how he used this prominant innate intelligence to overcome his verbal-linguistic weakness.
Fortunately, little Jenner discovered something he was good at. His teacher wanted to see who could run the fastest and it turned out to be Jenner. He enjoyed the positive response then. As he excelled in sports, he worked at it to achieve his wonderful decathion success in the 1976 Olympics.
As he became aware of his ability in ahtletics, he realised that that was his strength, the strength with which he could overcome obstacles that dyslexia had placed in his path. One of the first and most important obstacle he had to remove was his inferiority complex developed from knowing that students with good verbal-linguistic intelligence could read and write well to achieve better grades than him.
His athletic ability was encouraged by his parents and coaches. His football coach's praise for his fantastic talent on the field gave him the confidence to strive to be the very best. As a result of focusing on his most prominent intelligence, Jenner was on the football, basketball and track teams at high school in Newtown, Connecticut. He won the water-skiing championship three times in the Eastern States Competition and was the New York pole-vault and high-jump champion. His wide athletic talent took him to become one of the greatest athlete in the world.
In Graceland College, through a football scholarship, he almost reached an insurmountable obstacle when he injured his knee and did not have the chance at football. Fortunately, 16 months later, he could play basketball and train on the tracks. Then, in 1970, he not only won his first decathion but broke the records. Decathion can only be won by athletes with all-round talent in sports as it covers ten different track and field events lasting two days. It covers running, jumping and throwing events requiring strength, skill, speed and endurance.
Since then, he trained for the decathion. He made it in the trials to be chosen to represent the United States in the 1972 Olympics and in Munich, Germany, he came in at tenth place. Though he was placed tenth, it was a terrific feeling to be chosen for the Olympics so quickly, merely two years after his first decathion in college.
Supported by his first wife, Chrystie Jenner, he often trained eight hours a day to aim for another chance at the Olympics. For winning the Amateur Athletic Union decathion in 1974 and 1976 as well as the Pan-American Games in 1975, he was chosen for the 1976 Olympics in Montreal where he won a gold medal, smashing his own world records. After this he stopped aiming for more athletic victories, having proved to himself that he was not inferior to any other, merely having different intelligence. As we can see, he not only became aware of his weakness, he had the determination to overcome it and worked very hard to do so. He is one great example to any human being with or without a disability.
Not only that! In going into his life, we learn how this great athlete, not only took his innate Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence to its highest potential in the decathion but came through speaking and writing aspiring messages to everyone which shows that he even worked on his weakness with success. This is possible as researchers have discovered that most of us exploited only about TEN PERCENT! of our brain. If we find a way to stimulate twenty or thirty percent of our brain power, imagine how much more can we possibly achieve. Wow! It would be just fantastic!
Getting back to Bruce Jenner, his good looks and modest demeanor helped him to become a national symbol and celebrity. With his celebrity status, he easily found fame in some film appearances. He was also a sports commentator. (That despite his problem with verbal-linguistic intelligence!)With an enthusiasm for success and life, he tried a number of entreprenuerial projects, the last rejuvenated by his third wife, Kris Kardashian who became the driving force behind a family business that covered a wide range of commercials. He also made appearances on television, sometimes with members of his family. He wrote books to inspire children. Success in life and business made a millionaire out of him.
Perhaps, we should see how this man could bounce back from obstacles. At one stage of his life of fame, he found that he still was burdened with the nervous dyslexia schoolboy mindset and his private life was in tatters. Everything was in a mess and his main source of income was from public speaking jobs. After working so hard, with two divorces, he found he had nothing much to show for it. Fortunately for him, his third wife came into his life to save him from his problem. Here, perhaps, we can say there is an element of luck. Or, could it be that, as I have often written, when one door closes, another opens.
Children with dyslexia have problems reading, spelling and expressing themselves. As a result of this disability, he dreaded going to school where he felt that every other child was better than him. His self-esteem was at an all-time low then.
Fortunately, every child has almost all, if not all, the intelligences necessary for life. Although his verbal-linguistic intelligence was affected by dyslexia, his prominant innate bodily-kinesthetic intelligence inherited from his athletic parent's genes took him to success in the field. His father,William Jenner, had won a silver medal in the 100-yards race in the U.S. Army Olympics in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945. Jenner's grandfather had run in the Boston Marathon several times. As he wrote in his book, "By the time I turned two, I'd already developed a big chest, wide shoulders and boundless energy, prompting my dad to nickname me Bruiser."
Let us see how he used this prominant innate intelligence to overcome his verbal-linguistic weakness.
Fortunately, little Jenner discovered something he was good at. His teacher wanted to see who could run the fastest and it turned out to be Jenner. He enjoyed the positive response then. As he excelled in sports, he worked at it to achieve his wonderful decathion success in the 1976 Olympics.
As he became aware of his ability in ahtletics, he realised that that was his strength, the strength with which he could overcome obstacles that dyslexia had placed in his path. One of the first and most important obstacle he had to remove was his inferiority complex developed from knowing that students with good verbal-linguistic intelligence could read and write well to achieve better grades than him.
His athletic ability was encouraged by his parents and coaches. His football coach's praise for his fantastic talent on the field gave him the confidence to strive to be the very best. As a result of focusing on his most prominent intelligence, Jenner was on the football, basketball and track teams at high school in Newtown, Connecticut. He won the water-skiing championship three times in the Eastern States Competition and was the New York pole-vault and high-jump champion. His wide athletic talent took him to become one of the greatest athlete in the world.
In Graceland College, through a football scholarship, he almost reached an insurmountable obstacle when he injured his knee and did not have the chance at football. Fortunately, 16 months later, he could play basketball and train on the tracks. Then, in 1970, he not only won his first decathion but broke the records. Decathion can only be won by athletes with all-round talent in sports as it covers ten different track and field events lasting two days. It covers running, jumping and throwing events requiring strength, skill, speed and endurance.
Since then, he trained for the decathion. He made it in the trials to be chosen to represent the United States in the 1972 Olympics and in Munich, Germany, he came in at tenth place. Though he was placed tenth, it was a terrific feeling to be chosen for the Olympics so quickly, merely two years after his first decathion in college.
Supported by his first wife, Chrystie Jenner, he often trained eight hours a day to aim for another chance at the Olympics. For winning the Amateur Athletic Union decathion in 1974 and 1976 as well as the Pan-American Games in 1975, he was chosen for the 1976 Olympics in Montreal where he won a gold medal, smashing his own world records. After this he stopped aiming for more athletic victories, having proved to himself that he was not inferior to any other, merely having different intelligence. As we can see, he not only became aware of his weakness, he had the determination to overcome it and worked very hard to do so. He is one great example to any human being with or without a disability.
Not only that! In going into his life, we learn how this great athlete, not only took his innate Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence to its highest potential in the decathion but came through speaking and writing aspiring messages to everyone which shows that he even worked on his weakness with success. This is possible as researchers have discovered that most of us exploited only about TEN PERCENT! of our brain. If we find a way to stimulate twenty or thirty percent of our brain power, imagine how much more can we possibly achieve. Wow! It would be just fantastic!
Getting back to Bruce Jenner, his good looks and modest demeanor helped him to become a national symbol and celebrity. With his celebrity status, he easily found fame in some film appearances. He was also a sports commentator. (That despite his problem with verbal-linguistic intelligence!)With an enthusiasm for success and life, he tried a number of entreprenuerial projects, the last rejuvenated by his third wife, Kris Kardashian who became the driving force behind a family business that covered a wide range of commercials. He also made appearances on television, sometimes with members of his family. He wrote books to inspire children. Success in life and business made a millionaire out of him.
Perhaps, we should see how this man could bounce back from obstacles. At one stage of his life of fame, he found that he still was burdened with the nervous dyslexia schoolboy mindset and his private life was in tatters. Everything was in a mess and his main source of income was from public speaking jobs. After working so hard, with two divorces, he found he had nothing much to show for it. Fortunately for him, his third wife came into his life to save him from his problem. Here, perhaps, we can say there is an element of luck. Or, could it be that, as I have often written, when one door closes, another opens.
overcoming weakness,
Innate intelligence to develop: Part 2
A day ago, I have covered visual-spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence and bodily-kinestic intelligence.
Yesterday, I have written about my son who loves nature, having great fun, exploring the muddy swamps of Tanjung Dawai in Kedah. When a young toddler, he would take a sprinkle and water the plants in my garden. The first sentence he uttered, at hardly one year of age, was 'I water the plants.' He has a love for animals and a curiousity about them. He had his first hen at the age of three years, wondered why the eggs did not hatch into chickens, got the answer from me, and so went to hunt for a cockerel. Our chickens live among the tree-tops in my garden and my son would hunt for the eggs laid at various places. Once the hen built a nest on a jutting window ledge, sat each day up there, observed by my inquisitive son till the day the eggs hatched and the chicks jumped and flew down to the ground. The excitement of the event expressed on the face of my son was a delight to see. Since then, we had ducks, geese, rabbits, pigeons, parakeets, budgerigars, discus, hamsters, roboskies, tortoises, fresh-water turtles and many other types of fish. Each of the animals were studied as they were reared. Books came from the library or the book-stores and knowledge as well as linguistic improvement took place. It gave him a love for books and knowledge. This son is born with strong naturalistic intelligence. He can remember scientific names of natural things so well, something I am weak at.
Encouragement to his interest resulting from his naturalistic intelligence has seen him improve in many areas of his life. Where linguistic ability is concerned, he has developed the love for books and knowledge. He is able to converse especially well on things concerning nature. since he loved watching animal cartoons, music and songs became a part of his early life. He enjoys listening to songs. He compares the lives of animals, their similar sicknesses and treatment, with humans and himself, reaching an understanding of himself. He realises he is an introvert but through his observation skills developed through observing animals and nature, he is able to understand others. Of course, besides his strong naturalistic intelligence he has other fairly prominant intelliegence which is enhanced as he used them in his interest on nature.
People who have prominant innate naturalistic intelligence are among biologist, landscape artist, scientists, veterinarians and geologists.
My second son is someone interested in the workings of machines and electronic things. Even before he entered university to study engineering, he could repair televisions and radios.
Today, I have a new television I have used only for a week because my son repaired the old television after I have decided to throw it out. The old television had been having problems and each time I sent it to a professional repairman, the television worked for just a few weeks before it broke down again. After the fourth time, I decided that it was no longer economically viable to go on repairing it. I bought a new television just before this son returned home from his residential school for his final holidays. He saw the television, told me he wished to open it up for a look inside and when he did, it took just a few minutes before he told me he saw the problem and would like to repair it. That he did and today, that television, after about four years, is still working with no further repairs needed.
Obviously, logical-mathematical intelligence is this son's strong point. He has repaired a clock, radios, disc-players and televisions of some friends. People like him can be possible matematicians, scientists, engineers, or accountants.
Some people are very quiet when young. They observe others and think much about themselves and life. In their persuit of an understanding of life, they may find themselves interested in spiritual things.
I am one of them. In fact, when I was young I was so quiet that my parents thought I was dumb. They did not realise that exchange of thoughts took place not between people but within my own mind. I searched for spiritual truth and knowledge even to this day. I observed a lot of things and so was able to understand people even better through sharpened observation. Today, though I can be very vocal, I can also draw inwards into myself and my mind in order to make observations quietly. People like me have what is known as intrapersonal intelligence.
People with such intelligence are the spiritual leaders, psychologists, teachers and philosophers. I was a teacher and my appreciation of myself as well as others helped me to understand children and plan ways to encourage their strengths as well as overcome their weaknesses. I am now writing in this blog also to share my observations and knowledge, hoping to help plan and direct lives to greater heights, more happiness and constant good health as a result of this intelligence in me. By doing so, I head towards more knowledge, greater understanding and an improved, more meaningful life. Thus, where this blog is concerned, everyone is a winner.
There are those who have the knack of interacting with others well. They are able to feel others' emotions easily and so are able to adjust themselves to people. They are the Public Relations Officers. Since these people mix well with others, they cultivate language skills easily and are usually good at verbal as well as non-verbal skills. Besides public relations, they can be excellent teachers, social workers and politicians.
Then, we have people who are inclined to religion. These are the people whose intelligence lead them to the understanding of human existence, meaning of life, death and the thereafter, eventually straight to God and divinity. They are the priests, the monks, the preachers, the thinkers and the writers.
Everyone is unique and has a role to play in our society. Each must be allowed, as well as encouraged, to find his niche in life. When a person is enjoying his/her talent, his/her talent-related work is pleasurable as it no longer is work but joy, a sort of hobby. When that happens, the person will develop even further the other intelligence that he possess, although to a lesser degree. For no person possess just one or two intelligence. All of us have them all, it is just the degree of the intelligence which is different and most of us have not been given the opportunity to develop all our intelligence to the full. Researchers tell us only a very small percentage of our brain has been utilised. Therefore, there is still so much more, no matter what age we are at, to learn and develop.
Yesterday, I have written about my son who loves nature, having great fun, exploring the muddy swamps of Tanjung Dawai in Kedah. When a young toddler, he would take a sprinkle and water the plants in my garden. The first sentence he uttered, at hardly one year of age, was 'I water the plants.' He has a love for animals and a curiousity about them. He had his first hen at the age of three years, wondered why the eggs did not hatch into chickens, got the answer from me, and so went to hunt for a cockerel. Our chickens live among the tree-tops in my garden and my son would hunt for the eggs laid at various places. Once the hen built a nest on a jutting window ledge, sat each day up there, observed by my inquisitive son till the day the eggs hatched and the chicks jumped and flew down to the ground. The excitement of the event expressed on the face of my son was a delight to see. Since then, we had ducks, geese, rabbits, pigeons, parakeets, budgerigars, discus, hamsters, roboskies, tortoises, fresh-water turtles and many other types of fish. Each of the animals were studied as they were reared. Books came from the library or the book-stores and knowledge as well as linguistic improvement took place. It gave him a love for books and knowledge. This son is born with strong naturalistic intelligence. He can remember scientific names of natural things so well, something I am weak at.
Encouragement to his interest resulting from his naturalistic intelligence has seen him improve in many areas of his life. Where linguistic ability is concerned, he has developed the love for books and knowledge. He is able to converse especially well on things concerning nature. since he loved watching animal cartoons, music and songs became a part of his early life. He enjoys listening to songs. He compares the lives of animals, their similar sicknesses and treatment, with humans and himself, reaching an understanding of himself. He realises he is an introvert but through his observation skills developed through observing animals and nature, he is able to understand others. Of course, besides his strong naturalistic intelligence he has other fairly prominant intelliegence which is enhanced as he used them in his interest on nature.
People who have prominant innate naturalistic intelligence are among biologist, landscape artist, scientists, veterinarians and geologists.
My second son is someone interested in the workings of machines and electronic things. Even before he entered university to study engineering, he could repair televisions and radios.
Today, I have a new television I have used only for a week because my son repaired the old television after I have decided to throw it out. The old television had been having problems and each time I sent it to a professional repairman, the television worked for just a few weeks before it broke down again. After the fourth time, I decided that it was no longer economically viable to go on repairing it. I bought a new television just before this son returned home from his residential school for his final holidays. He saw the television, told me he wished to open it up for a look inside and when he did, it took just a few minutes before he told me he saw the problem and would like to repair it. That he did and today, that television, after about four years, is still working with no further repairs needed.
Obviously, logical-mathematical intelligence is this son's strong point. He has repaired a clock, radios, disc-players and televisions of some friends. People like him can be possible matematicians, scientists, engineers, or accountants.
Some people are very quiet when young. They observe others and think much about themselves and life. In their persuit of an understanding of life, they may find themselves interested in spiritual things.
I am one of them. In fact, when I was young I was so quiet that my parents thought I was dumb. They did not realise that exchange of thoughts took place not between people but within my own mind. I searched for spiritual truth and knowledge even to this day. I observed a lot of things and so was able to understand people even better through sharpened observation. Today, though I can be very vocal, I can also draw inwards into myself and my mind in order to make observations quietly. People like me have what is known as intrapersonal intelligence.
People with such intelligence are the spiritual leaders, psychologists, teachers and philosophers. I was a teacher and my appreciation of myself as well as others helped me to understand children and plan ways to encourage their strengths as well as overcome their weaknesses. I am now writing in this blog also to share my observations and knowledge, hoping to help plan and direct lives to greater heights, more happiness and constant good health as a result of this intelligence in me. By doing so, I head towards more knowledge, greater understanding and an improved, more meaningful life. Thus, where this blog is concerned, everyone is a winner.
There are those who have the knack of interacting with others well. They are able to feel others' emotions easily and so are able to adjust themselves to people. They are the Public Relations Officers. Since these people mix well with others, they cultivate language skills easily and are usually good at verbal as well as non-verbal skills. Besides public relations, they can be excellent teachers, social workers and politicians.
Then, we have people who are inclined to religion. These are the people whose intelligence lead them to the understanding of human existence, meaning of life, death and the thereafter, eventually straight to God and divinity. They are the priests, the monks, the preachers, the thinkers and the writers.
Everyone is unique and has a role to play in our society. Each must be allowed, as well as encouraged, to find his niche in life. When a person is enjoying his/her talent, his/her talent-related work is pleasurable as it no longer is work but joy, a sort of hobby. When that happens, the person will develop even further the other intelligence that he possess, although to a lesser degree. For no person possess just one or two intelligence. All of us have them all, it is just the degree of the intelligence which is different and most of us have not been given the opportunity to develop all our intelligence to the full. Researchers tell us only a very small percentage of our brain has been utilised. Therefore, there is still so much more, no matter what age we are at, to learn and develop.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Innate intelligence to develope: Part 1
In my previous posting we have seen the importance of having parents pay more attention to the innate intelligence of their child so that their child gets the opportunity to develope his innate intelligence potential to the full, so that he enjoys his work through being in the right profession or work. It is not just work or professional that I have in mind, it is to help children to achieve their success.
In this blog, there have written how interests of children should be given due attention because when we are interested in a particular field, study of that field is a joy, something like a hobby. I have two children, one of whom is studying to be a veterinarian is found to be interested in nature and animals from a very young age and was encouraged by giving him all types of animals and fish to rear. He read a lot on all those animals and his thirst for knowledge has not yet been quenched to this day. His place and my house still have many fish, crayfish, turtles and tortoises. The other son was found to be interested in the workings of watches, televisions and computers besides electronic toys. Today, his interest has lead him to study engineering. His as well as the other son's innate intelligence has been allowed and encouraged to grow and develope.
Of course, everyone has more than, if not all, one intelligence. The question here is which intelligence is dominating?
You see, every child can, to a certain extent, draw, imagine, see depth, appreciate music and songs as well as sing them, use at least their mother tongue language to express himself/herself, have own opinions and thoughts, relate with other people, empathise with other, play games or enjoy movements, do mathematics, calculate money in his/her daily life, think logically, have opinions or are interested in his/her own existence and have a love for nature and the environment. If a child can, to a certain degree, perform all of the above, then we can say that this child has all the intelligence required to develope to the full.
However, though a certain child can draw, his/her drawing may not be good. In an art class, for example, he/she may not be able to draw things in the right perspective, meaning that a human figure in the background may be drawn just as big as the human figure in the foreground. If that is so, then the child's visual-spatial intelligence is not his/her strong point. Being an artist, an architect or interior designer may not be the best option. In saying that it is not the best option, I imply that he/she could still be any of the above, except that it would take much greater effort to achieve great success.
As an art and craft teacher, I have found that students who may not be strong in visual-spatial intelligence can achieve a certain degree of success through effort and practice of certain skills. You see, drawing and painting are skills which anybody with sufficient practice can develope. I have seen it happen very often. However, to be really excellent, that innate visual-spatial intelligence, that inborn artistic talent, has to be present.
No having that inborn talent does not mean that a person should not learn to draw and understand the use of colours, their lights and shades as well as their contrasts. The person may never be a great artist but the skill can be acquired and then used to enhance other innate intelligence.
Just take for example, someone who possesses innate Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. He/She may become a well-known dance instructor and choreographer. To plan the combination of movements into a dance, the person will need to visualise the combination and, perhaps, draw the moves.
Thus, art and craft should be learned, no matter what prominant innate intelligence a person has, as it is one of the best tools to cultivate imagination, without which there can be no visualisation, and visualisation is necessary for planning successful sales, dates, work and practically everything in life.
Besides visual-spatial intelligence and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, verbal-lingusitic intelligence is seen in every human except for those who are disabled in speech. Even then, such a person could still manifest his/her intelligence in writing. Such people are capable of mastering a good number of languages. Their skill with language can be seen in orating, speeches and writing. Journalist, teachers, lecturers, politicians, authors and poets are the people who possess such high innate verbal-linguistic intelligence.
Just like any intelligence, even if parents do not want their children to aspire to be any of the above, it is important and necessary to learn language well to support other innate intelligence in the quest for excellence.
Some like music less than others because they know that they do not have the talent for it, they realise they do not have a strong innate musical intelligence. Just as with the other intelligence, it does not mean that they should not be involved at all in music for music has many uses. It calms our mind and soul, certain types of background music helps us to concentrate better and it brings happiness and knowledge. Well, let the child enjoy music but do not force him/her to study it seriously to achieve grades necessary to be a music teacher. Frustration can only result with force and no innate talent. Instead let the child enjoy music and life at his level of music intelligence.
People who have dominant musical intelligence can be seen in the child's delight at singing, copying songs, interest in musical instruments and wanting to excel in any of them. These will be the singers, the song-writers and the musicians.
So assist our child to reach his/her innate potential by encouraging him/her to involve in everything, yet go greater in depth into his dominant inborn potential.
Above are just four types of intelligence that parents should encourage in their children with as much time as they can, from as young as possible. It's never too early for the human body is fairly well developed after just a few months in the womb.
Tomorrow, let us think of some other intelligence that we can have our children develope.
In this blog, there have written how interests of children should be given due attention because when we are interested in a particular field, study of that field is a joy, something like a hobby. I have two children, one of whom is studying to be a veterinarian is found to be interested in nature and animals from a very young age and was encouraged by giving him all types of animals and fish to rear. He read a lot on all those animals and his thirst for knowledge has not yet been quenched to this day. His place and my house still have many fish, crayfish, turtles and tortoises. The other son was found to be interested in the workings of watches, televisions and computers besides electronic toys. Today, his interest has lead him to study engineering. His as well as the other son's innate intelligence has been allowed and encouraged to grow and develope.
Of course, everyone has more than, if not all, one intelligence. The question here is which intelligence is dominating?
You see, every child can, to a certain extent, draw, imagine, see depth, appreciate music and songs as well as sing them, use at least their mother tongue language to express himself/herself, have own opinions and thoughts, relate with other people, empathise with other, play games or enjoy movements, do mathematics, calculate money in his/her daily life, think logically, have opinions or are interested in his/her own existence and have a love for nature and the environment. If a child can, to a certain degree, perform all of the above, then we can say that this child has all the intelligence required to develope to the full.
However, though a certain child can draw, his/her drawing may not be good. In an art class, for example, he/she may not be able to draw things in the right perspective, meaning that a human figure in the background may be drawn just as big as the human figure in the foreground. If that is so, then the child's visual-spatial intelligence is not his/her strong point. Being an artist, an architect or interior designer may not be the best option. In saying that it is not the best option, I imply that he/she could still be any of the above, except that it would take much greater effort to achieve great success.
As an art and craft teacher, I have found that students who may not be strong in visual-spatial intelligence can achieve a certain degree of success through effort and practice of certain skills. You see, drawing and painting are skills which anybody with sufficient practice can develope. I have seen it happen very often. However, to be really excellent, that innate visual-spatial intelligence, that inborn artistic talent, has to be present.
No having that inborn talent does not mean that a person should not learn to draw and understand the use of colours, their lights and shades as well as their contrasts. The person may never be a great artist but the skill can be acquired and then used to enhance other innate intelligence.
Just take for example, someone who possesses innate Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. He/She may become a well-known dance instructor and choreographer. To plan the combination of movements into a dance, the person will need to visualise the combination and, perhaps, draw the moves.
Thus, art and craft should be learned, no matter what prominant innate intelligence a person has, as it is one of the best tools to cultivate imagination, without which there can be no visualisation, and visualisation is necessary for planning successful sales, dates, work and practically everything in life.
Besides visual-spatial intelligence and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, verbal-lingusitic intelligence is seen in every human except for those who are disabled in speech. Even then, such a person could still manifest his/her intelligence in writing. Such people are capable of mastering a good number of languages. Their skill with language can be seen in orating, speeches and writing. Journalist, teachers, lecturers, politicians, authors and poets are the people who possess such high innate verbal-linguistic intelligence.
Just like any intelligence, even if parents do not want their children to aspire to be any of the above, it is important and necessary to learn language well to support other innate intelligence in the quest for excellence.
Some like music less than others because they know that they do not have the talent for it, they realise they do not have a strong innate musical intelligence. Just as with the other intelligence, it does not mean that they should not be involved at all in music for music has many uses. It calms our mind and soul, certain types of background music helps us to concentrate better and it brings happiness and knowledge. Well, let the child enjoy music but do not force him/her to study it seriously to achieve grades necessary to be a music teacher. Frustration can only result with force and no innate talent. Instead let the child enjoy music and life at his level of music intelligence.
People who have dominant musical intelligence can be seen in the child's delight at singing, copying songs, interest in musical instruments and wanting to excel in any of them. These will be the singers, the song-writers and the musicians.
So assist our child to reach his/her innate potential by encouraging him/her to involve in everything, yet go greater in depth into his dominant inborn potential.
Above are just four types of intelligence that parents should encourage in their children with as much time as they can, from as young as possible. It's never too early for the human body is fairly well developed after just a few months in the womb.
Tomorrow, let us think of some other intelligence that we can have our children develope.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Understand your child's innate intelligence.
We have often heard of people who change their occupations after they have graduated from a university.
There was this man who studied to be a doctor and a surgeon but became a teacher instead. 'Stupid' could very well be the word in your mind as you read this. Perhaps, but then what is more important than happiness? it could be said to be mind-boggling should someone stop being a surgeon with nothing to fall back on or to work on/with. Now, this guy was not going to go 'hungry'. He has a job except that it is less lucrative. He is happier with his new job.
What could have caused this phenomenon? Well, it could have been the result of parents who have fixed their minds to what they want their children to be. Many parents I know of have to wish to see their children become doctor despite the fact that such children are not interested in that profession. The parents are interested, not for the growth of their children's innate intelligence but for the financial rewards such a profession can bring.
There was a time when parents sent their children to learn music and forced them to attend lessons despite protests from them. I have heard complaints from children who has insufficient intelligence in that area.
So, there is a need for parents, grandparents and guardians as well as educationists to understand that every child is unique in his/her own way. That is why parents must learn to look for the type of intelligence their child possess.
I have included educationist in my group of people who ought to be aware of children and their particular type of intelligence as there was a time;perhaps it is being in practice; when politicians get educationists to produce scientists who have no innate logical intelligence; when they put all bright students, even those who excel more in linguistic intelligence, in the science stream with the idea of producing scientists and doctors. The result has already been written in an earlier post. I have written about the child who ran away from his university to enter a college when he heard that his application to enter that college had been approved. The parents were flabbergasted at the move but the child was happy and relieved to find himself in the right place for his particular intelligence.
So it is time parents pay more attention to the innate intelligence of their child so that their child gets the opportunity to develope his innate intelligence potential to the full, so that he enjoys his work through being in the right profession or work.
In my next posting, I wish to discuss the various types of intellience children can possibly possess and help parents to recognise their precious children's potential. In my study of achieving the innate intelligence potential, I came across a name which is indeed inspiring for he found his born obstacle a motivation for him to realise his innate intelligence. From there he reached even greater heights in other spheres of life. And his story will follow the one on innate intelligence for there is a connection.
There was this man who studied to be a doctor and a surgeon but became a teacher instead. 'Stupid' could very well be the word in your mind as you read this. Perhaps, but then what is more important than happiness? it could be said to be mind-boggling should someone stop being a surgeon with nothing to fall back on or to work on/with. Now, this guy was not going to go 'hungry'. He has a job except that it is less lucrative. He is happier with his new job.
What could have caused this phenomenon? Well, it could have been the result of parents who have fixed their minds to what they want their children to be. Many parents I know of have to wish to see their children become doctor despite the fact that such children are not interested in that profession. The parents are interested, not for the growth of their children's innate intelligence but for the financial rewards such a profession can bring.
There was a time when parents sent their children to learn music and forced them to attend lessons despite protests from them. I have heard complaints from children who has insufficient intelligence in that area.
So, there is a need for parents, grandparents and guardians as well as educationists to understand that every child is unique in his/her own way. That is why parents must learn to look for the type of intelligence their child possess.
I have included educationist in my group of people who ought to be aware of children and their particular type of intelligence as there was a time;perhaps it is being in practice; when politicians get educationists to produce scientists who have no innate logical intelligence; when they put all bright students, even those who excel more in linguistic intelligence, in the science stream with the idea of producing scientists and doctors. The result has already been written in an earlier post. I have written about the child who ran away from his university to enter a college when he heard that his application to enter that college had been approved. The parents were flabbergasted at the move but the child was happy and relieved to find himself in the right place for his particular intelligence.
So it is time parents pay more attention to the innate intelligence of their child so that their child gets the opportunity to develope his innate intelligence potential to the full, so that he enjoys his work through being in the right profession or work.
In my next posting, I wish to discuss the various types of intellience children can possibly possess and help parents to recognise their precious children's potential. In my study of achieving the innate intelligence potential, I came across a name which is indeed inspiring for he found his born obstacle a motivation for him to realise his innate intelligence. From there he reached even greater heights in other spheres of life. And his story will follow the one on innate intelligence for there is a connection.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Religions in Turmoil.
The First World War was a result of the desire for Japanese supremacy. The Germans thought they could be the superior race and started the Second World War to prove themselves wrong. Fortunately, we have no Third World War for such a war would have seen the end of the world. As time progresses more and more countries are acquiring nuclear capability and world leaders are increasingly aware that a nuclear war can bring such an end.
Awareness of dire consequences of war does not however prevent war as we can read in the news media each day of destruction and death brought by religious extremists. We have war between countries, arsonists, destroyers, terrorists and killers. In many parts of the world they either send terrorising messages or commit acts which cause death and destruction. Today, we have a war of terrorism.
In Malaysia, we have extremists burning and causing damage to churches and suraus or mosques, just because one home-minister decided to ban the use of the word 'Allah' among Christians; a word which has been in use for so many years in Sabah and Sarawak without any problems of any kind. His ban caused the Christians to take the case to court where they were given back the right to use that word. The decision of the court caused Muslim groups to protest and the leaders of the country even said that the people had the right to such a protest although peaceful protests before this had been disallowed. With that, we saw a number of churches damaged. Later, other extremists damaged some suraus or small mosques.
These terrorists comprise of people who are supposed to be religious; people who give up a normal life to think of ways and means to terrorise those whom they believe are the enemies of their religion. They are devoted to their cause despite having to be on the run, forever weary of armed forces which may put an end to their lives. Yes, obviously they live for a cause; their desire to fight for that cause is so great that nothing much can stop them.
These terrorists are indeed strong in their mission; whatever mission they may claim to have. Nevertheless, having a mission and a cause do not make their acts of terrorism right, no matter how we look at it, be it in reference to international man-made laws or the teachings of God and religion. In fact all religions teach their followers peace and good-will to all mankind, even the followers of other religions.
In Malaysia, good religious leaders come out to condemn such terrorist acts. some even help to protect places of worship from such acts of terrorism. It shows that there are true believers of God, after all and there is still hope for excellent practice of the teachings of God.
Still, when we look at various parts of the world and we see so much destruction in the name of God, certainly, something is very wrong. Perhaps. we ought to do something to stop this worrisome acts of violence that can only beget more violence. Let us study a little the possible causes of such violence.
Look at those who are atheist or those who are studying the wise teachings of great leaders who have found enlightenment. Have such people ever taken up such destructive causes?
Has anyone ever heard of atheist insisting that others join them in their belief? None, right? so, they live life according to the laws of the land and their own conscience or their own divine spirit. They never insist they have any right to anything except that which is truly and proven to be theirs. They move according to the laws of the universe, to truth and facts.
Buddha was once asked by a disciple to tell him about God. He told the disciple that when we do not even know so many other things in this life, how can we know God. Buddha never claim to be God nor nor did he claim to know Him. He found enlightenment. Of course, before he found enlightenment, he did do things I would not have approved of. He left his wife, for example, to seek enlightenment but then that only shows his human weakness before he found enlightenment. So, Buddhism is actually a philosophy of life. It is a wisdom in the approach to living correctly one's life. Except for a few incidents where the craze for power was the cause, Buddhists have no problem living with the rest of the world, regardless of race or religion.
Looks like it is only those followers of religions with a belief in God which are experiencing problems in accommodating or accept the beliefs, acts and ways of others. But then, religions have always taught love, goodwill and peace. The holy book of God, be it the Koran or the Bible, have told us that we are all creations of God. Thus, if we hurt or harm any human, you harm a creation of God. God has always taught us to be good and compassionate, to respect others, no matter what religion the other belong to. When it comes to the Christians, all are children of God and those who have not found the way to God, are lost 'sheep' yet to be helped.
So, could it be that terrorists are people who have been lead astray, for one reason or another, from the word of God? If that is so, what can the religions of such people bring them back to the right path, the path of God?
Perhaps, there is a need for great religious leaders who are courageous enough to reach out to these poor lost followers to help them return to the true teachings of God. The Christians and the Muslims can send their most revered leaders to tell their own followers that the fighting, killing and destruction must stop; that what they are doing is against the teachings of God.
Besides the above move, it is time, religious teachers must go strictly by the original Holy book, not to be interpreted as each leader sees fit. There must be some kind of professionalism, not just a passion to spread the word without caring for the true teachings of God. Professionalism is necessary as humans, be they passionate or otherwise, can and do change or interprete God's words to suit their own beliefs and philosophies. That is the reason both Christianity and the Muslim religion have seen so many sects in their midst. In Christianity, we have Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Seven Day Adventists while the Muslim religion has the Sunni, Shiite and sufi.
Perhaps, it is time I tell about what happened in the school, Sekolah Menegah Kota Kuala Muda, where I taught in the early 1980s. most of my students were Muslims. As my students were fairly close with me, they once asked me whether I consume pork. Of course, I told them I did. They enquired why I did that as according to someone's teaching, pork was poisonous. Certainly, I was shocked at such a revelation. As a teacher, I definitely could not allow such wrong beliefs to go uncorrected. So, I told them that that was not the reason Muslims do not consume pork, that their religion forbids them from eating pork. They looked at me with such puzzled expression that I had to explain further that pork is not poisonous. I told them, "So many people in the world who are not Muslims eat pork, yet all of them do not die from eating it. Of course, like other animals, such as the cow and the chickens, pigs have their sicknesses. At such times, non-Muslims refrain from eating pork. Otherwise, it is perfectly safe to eat them. As for saturated fats, when it comes to health, such fats are found in all animals." Later, the Ustaz, their religious teacher, who happened to turn up just as I was finished with my explanation, confirmed that what I said was true in my presence.
So, young minds, when given wrong teachings or interpretations can lead such minds astray. It is not the fault of these students that they received such information. The fault lies in the teacher who may have his own interpretation of how that prohibition came about. Therefore, religious bodies have to be stricter in their choice of teachers so that God and not man is served, so that God's words are His and not ours.
Especially in the Ministry of God, truth and correctness of God's words are important. Recently, I heard someone said that the Christians should not translate the English word 'God' to 'Allah' Is that correct? I believe that is wrong. To substantiate my statement, let us remember that Christianity started in the Middle East, not in England. The disciples of Jesus were people from Palestine in the Middle East using the language originating from that place. Christianity certainly did not originate from Britain where English is used. Later, when English-speaking people became Christians, the bible was translated into English with the 'Allah' translated to English and not the other way around.
Truth should never be changed, especially when it has to do with God for there is nothing that is God's which needs to be changed.
And man should not put more into the words of God than what was originally written. When this happens, others are bound to follow and soon we cannot see which is God's and which has been adulterated by man. After many decades, maybe centuries, the words of God would have been changed so much by meddlesome man that the real message is lost, replaced by a message created by man.
So, before such a possibility becomes a reality, we should think of how we can convey the true teachings of God to the followers so that all mankind can know and understand God well enough to know that Gpd does not wish to have any of his followers abuse His name as they terrorise, destroy and kill in His name as if He would have His creations do such foul deeds.
Man must read and understand well God's words to ensure the safety and future of our world.
Awareness of dire consequences of war does not however prevent war as we can read in the news media each day of destruction and death brought by religious extremists. We have war between countries, arsonists, destroyers, terrorists and killers. In many parts of the world they either send terrorising messages or commit acts which cause death and destruction. Today, we have a war of terrorism.
In Malaysia, we have extremists burning and causing damage to churches and suraus or mosques, just because one home-minister decided to ban the use of the word 'Allah' among Christians; a word which has been in use for so many years in Sabah and Sarawak without any problems of any kind. His ban caused the Christians to take the case to court where they were given back the right to use that word. The decision of the court caused Muslim groups to protest and the leaders of the country even said that the people had the right to such a protest although peaceful protests before this had been disallowed. With that, we saw a number of churches damaged. Later, other extremists damaged some suraus or small mosques.
These terrorists comprise of people who are supposed to be religious; people who give up a normal life to think of ways and means to terrorise those whom they believe are the enemies of their religion. They are devoted to their cause despite having to be on the run, forever weary of armed forces which may put an end to their lives. Yes, obviously they live for a cause; their desire to fight for that cause is so great that nothing much can stop them.
These terrorists are indeed strong in their mission; whatever mission they may claim to have. Nevertheless, having a mission and a cause do not make their acts of terrorism right, no matter how we look at it, be it in reference to international man-made laws or the teachings of God and religion. In fact all religions teach their followers peace and good-will to all mankind, even the followers of other religions.
In Malaysia, good religious leaders come out to condemn such terrorist acts. some even help to protect places of worship from such acts of terrorism. It shows that there are true believers of God, after all and there is still hope for excellent practice of the teachings of God.
Still, when we look at various parts of the world and we see so much destruction in the name of God, certainly, something is very wrong. Perhaps. we ought to do something to stop this worrisome acts of violence that can only beget more violence. Let us study a little the possible causes of such violence.
Look at those who are atheist or those who are studying the wise teachings of great leaders who have found enlightenment. Have such people ever taken up such destructive causes?
Has anyone ever heard of atheist insisting that others join them in their belief? None, right? so, they live life according to the laws of the land and their own conscience or their own divine spirit. They never insist they have any right to anything except that which is truly and proven to be theirs. They move according to the laws of the universe, to truth and facts.
Buddha was once asked by a disciple to tell him about God. He told the disciple that when we do not even know so many other things in this life, how can we know God. Buddha never claim to be God nor nor did he claim to know Him. He found enlightenment. Of course, before he found enlightenment, he did do things I would not have approved of. He left his wife, for example, to seek enlightenment but then that only shows his human weakness before he found enlightenment. So, Buddhism is actually a philosophy of life. It is a wisdom in the approach to living correctly one's life. Except for a few incidents where the craze for power was the cause, Buddhists have no problem living with the rest of the world, regardless of race or religion.
Looks like it is only those followers of religions with a belief in God which are experiencing problems in accommodating or accept the beliefs, acts and ways of others. But then, religions have always taught love, goodwill and peace. The holy book of God, be it the Koran or the Bible, have told us that we are all creations of God. Thus, if we hurt or harm any human, you harm a creation of God. God has always taught us to be good and compassionate, to respect others, no matter what religion the other belong to. When it comes to the Christians, all are children of God and those who have not found the way to God, are lost 'sheep' yet to be helped.
So, could it be that terrorists are people who have been lead astray, for one reason or another, from the word of God? If that is so, what can the religions of such people bring them back to the right path, the path of God?
Perhaps, there is a need for great religious leaders who are courageous enough to reach out to these poor lost followers to help them return to the true teachings of God. The Christians and the Muslims can send their most revered leaders to tell their own followers that the fighting, killing and destruction must stop; that what they are doing is against the teachings of God.
Besides the above move, it is time, religious teachers must go strictly by the original Holy book, not to be interpreted as each leader sees fit. There must be some kind of professionalism, not just a passion to spread the word without caring for the true teachings of God. Professionalism is necessary as humans, be they passionate or otherwise, can and do change or interprete God's words to suit their own beliefs and philosophies. That is the reason both Christianity and the Muslim religion have seen so many sects in their midst. In Christianity, we have Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Seven Day Adventists while the Muslim religion has the Sunni, Shiite and sufi.
Perhaps, it is time I tell about what happened in the school, Sekolah Menegah Kota Kuala Muda, where I taught in the early 1980s. most of my students were Muslims. As my students were fairly close with me, they once asked me whether I consume pork. Of course, I told them I did. They enquired why I did that as according to someone's teaching, pork was poisonous. Certainly, I was shocked at such a revelation. As a teacher, I definitely could not allow such wrong beliefs to go uncorrected. So, I told them that that was not the reason Muslims do not consume pork, that their religion forbids them from eating pork. They looked at me with such puzzled expression that I had to explain further that pork is not poisonous. I told them, "So many people in the world who are not Muslims eat pork, yet all of them do not die from eating it. Of course, like other animals, such as the cow and the chickens, pigs have their sicknesses. At such times, non-Muslims refrain from eating pork. Otherwise, it is perfectly safe to eat them. As for saturated fats, when it comes to health, such fats are found in all animals." Later, the Ustaz, their religious teacher, who happened to turn up just as I was finished with my explanation, confirmed that what I said was true in my presence.
So, young minds, when given wrong teachings or interpretations can lead such minds astray. It is not the fault of these students that they received such information. The fault lies in the teacher who may have his own interpretation of how that prohibition came about. Therefore, religious bodies have to be stricter in their choice of teachers so that God and not man is served, so that God's words are His and not ours.
Especially in the Ministry of God, truth and correctness of God's words are important. Recently, I heard someone said that the Christians should not translate the English word 'God' to 'Allah' Is that correct? I believe that is wrong. To substantiate my statement, let us remember that Christianity started in the Middle East, not in England. The disciples of Jesus were people from Palestine in the Middle East using the language originating from that place. Christianity certainly did not originate from Britain where English is used. Later, when English-speaking people became Christians, the bible was translated into English with the 'Allah' translated to English and not the other way around.
Truth should never be changed, especially when it has to do with God for there is nothing that is God's which needs to be changed.
And man should not put more into the words of God than what was originally written. When this happens, others are bound to follow and soon we cannot see which is God's and which has been adulterated by man. After many decades, maybe centuries, the words of God would have been changed so much by meddlesome man that the real message is lost, replaced by a message created by man.
So, before such a possibility becomes a reality, we should think of how we can convey the true teachings of God to the followers so that all mankind can know and understand God well enough to know that Gpd does not wish to have any of his followers abuse His name as they terrorise, destroy and kill in His name as if He would have His creations do such foul deeds.
Man must read and understand well God's words to ensure the safety and future of our world.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Do you know who your true friends are?.
When problematic issues arise, those are the times we are able to differentiate between true friendship and false friendship or the real character of the persons we come into contact with everyday.
Rich and generous people are usually surrounded by 'friends', especially when there is some benefits to be gained. When there is cash, food or even crumbs to be distributed, almost anybody is a friend. At such times, even quiet good friends are thrown aside to enjoy the sweet words and nice nothings of people who are masters at praising and buttering up people.
However, should the rich and generous guy were to encounter a financial crisis, then, he is able to see who are the ones who still stick around to accompany him/her or see what they could do to help without having to be asked to do so. It is at such a time of adversity that he would possibly realise who his real friends are. Once there is no honey, the buzzing bees fly off, only friends remain.
Those who hold power are faced with such difficulties in knowing true friends. In politics, the situation is doubled sided. This is so because both the politician and his followers are possibly looking for personal benefits. the politician may appear to be a friend probably because he believes his followers can get people to vote for him. And if that is the main aim, not friendship; then when a follower cannot help to gain the number of votes required, that follower becomes redundant. The politician need no longer be extra nice to him.
Similarly, the follower of a political figure may be extraordinarily good to a politician because he/she hopes to gain something from the politician. In such cases it is obvious that the follower would desert the politician if the politician were to lose without any further hope of achieving any important position which could be used for some kind of gain. Thus, in politics, the thread of relationships is very fragile. Politics is a turbulent world where it is everyone for himself/herself.
In politics we have seen how so-called friends turn against each other to achieve their own selfish ends. We have also seen how so-called enemies can forget their differnces and work together to solidify their stand or position. Of course, if it is genuine, it is good that people can forget personal dislikes and work together for a nation.
So, how do you know who are your true friends so that you can appreciate them even better.
Rich and generous people are usually surrounded by 'friends', especially when there is some benefits to be gained. When there is cash, food or even crumbs to be distributed, almost anybody is a friend. At such times, even quiet good friends are thrown aside to enjoy the sweet words and nice nothings of people who are masters at praising and buttering up people.
However, should the rich and generous guy were to encounter a financial crisis, then, he is able to see who are the ones who still stick around to accompany him/her or see what they could do to help without having to be asked to do so. It is at such a time of adversity that he would possibly realise who his real friends are. Once there is no honey, the buzzing bees fly off, only friends remain.
Those who hold power are faced with such difficulties in knowing true friends. In politics, the situation is doubled sided. This is so because both the politician and his followers are possibly looking for personal benefits. the politician may appear to be a friend probably because he believes his followers can get people to vote for him. And if that is the main aim, not friendship; then when a follower cannot help to gain the number of votes required, that follower becomes redundant. The politician need no longer be extra nice to him.
Similarly, the follower of a political figure may be extraordinarily good to a politician because he/she hopes to gain something from the politician. In such cases it is obvious that the follower would desert the politician if the politician were to lose without any further hope of achieving any important position which could be used for some kind of gain. Thus, in politics, the thread of relationships is very fragile. Politics is a turbulent world where it is everyone for himself/herself.
In politics we have seen how so-called friends turn against each other to achieve their own selfish ends. We have also seen how so-called enemies can forget their differnces and work together to solidify their stand or position. Of course, if it is genuine, it is good that people can forget personal dislikes and work together for a nation.
So, how do you know who are your true friends so that you can appreciate them even better.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Enthusiasm, responsibility and effort did the job.
You would think it difficult to find people to do work in which there can be no hope of a pay or reward. However, strange as it may seem, that was what the deputy chairman of our Sungai Petani Art of Living did. She found sufficient volunteers who were willing to sacrifice their time and other personal benefits to come forward to do the job.
Here is an enthusiastic lady who does things with all the vigour she could gather together from her diminutive figure, very short, slim, little girl-like body. But, in terms of energy, she is a giant, ever so exuberant and joyful.
It all started with a phone call from her just as I was having my lunch. In her laughing, joyful voice, she enquired about my whereabouts and my programme for the day. Having confirmed that I was available, she requested for help so sweetly that I immediately replied in the affirmative.
When I reached the Art of Living Centre, we continued our task of cleaning the centre, and redecorating it. For my part, I painted one part of a wall and painted happily dancing plants swaying upwards along another wall. Then, there was the seemingly impossible job of removing cob-webs from the very high ceiling, some thirty feet above the stairs. Fortunately, there were sufficient long poles to assist in accomplishing the task.
In just two days, we had done the job of painting and redecorating our centre with just a handful of volunteers. And it all began with the enthusiasm of just one tiny little lady with enthusiasm and a lively personality.
Once enthusiasm got us to the place to start work it was each person's desire to do whatever he/she could to improve his/her own centre. Yes, the centre was our responsibility. It was the responsibility to have the job well done.
Finally, it is our capable effort to ensure that our centre would be the most attractive centre possible that got us to put in our best and complete the job well. Satisfaction was our reward. Looking at what we had done, a sense of achievement permeated throughout the body and that brought us immeasurable joy and happiness.
Here is an enthusiastic lady who does things with all the vigour she could gather together from her diminutive figure, very short, slim, little girl-like body. But, in terms of energy, she is a giant, ever so exuberant and joyful.
It all started with a phone call from her just as I was having my lunch. In her laughing, joyful voice, she enquired about my whereabouts and my programme for the day. Having confirmed that I was available, she requested for help so sweetly that I immediately replied in the affirmative.
When I reached the Art of Living Centre, we continued our task of cleaning the centre, and redecorating it. For my part, I painted one part of a wall and painted happily dancing plants swaying upwards along another wall. Then, there was the seemingly impossible job of removing cob-webs from the very high ceiling, some thirty feet above the stairs. Fortunately, there were sufficient long poles to assist in accomplishing the task.
In just two days, we had done the job of painting and redecorating our centre with just a handful of volunteers. And it all began with the enthusiasm of just one tiny little lady with enthusiasm and a lively personality.
Once enthusiasm got us to the place to start work it was each person's desire to do whatever he/she could to improve his/her own centre. Yes, the centre was our responsibility. It was the responsibility to have the job well done.
Finally, it is our capable effort to ensure that our centre would be the most attractive centre possible that got us to put in our best and complete the job well. Satisfaction was our reward. Looking at what we had done, a sense of achievement permeated throughout the body and that brought us immeasurable joy and happiness.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Respect the disabled..
In a recent court trial, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption commission (MACC) head of prosecution, Datuk Abdul Razak Musa showed disrespect to lawyer Karpal Singh who is a disabled person by making the insensitive remark, "I can sit down but you cannot stand up."
As a learned man, he should have realised that such a remark would only bring shame upon himself. He was immediately reprimanded by Karpal Singh's son who was also a lawyer. Abdul Razak Musa was cautioned by the judge and it ended with him having to apologise to Karpal Singh. The next day saw the Discriminations Against the Disabled coalition send a memorandum to the MACC, Federal Territories, asking that disciplinary action be taken against Abdul Razak Musa for his disrespectful comments. Eventually, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, for which Abdul Razak Musa was working, had to make a press statement in which the MACC tendered an apology.
Merely memorising facts, passing examinations and securing paper qualification does not indicate or prove that a person is truly educated or cultured. The thinking and attitude makes the man. Everybody can think. All have attitudes. But what kind of thinking and attitude do we have? To merely follow the thinking of others is easy as we just copy the thoughts. However, to know what thoughts are right or wrong, we need knowledge and understanding of other people. Attitude is how we look at things. To have the right attitudes, we need to understand the consequences of our attitudes. Are the consequences of our attitudes healthy and good? Are such consequences what we want? Therefore, ability to think correctly and having the right attitudes towards all matters in life is the indicator of having had a good education. In fact, a good education need not necessarily come with a degree, it could also be obtained through what my most respected teachers (Do you know who they are? If you have been reading my previous postings, then you would have known that they are Napolean Hill, Dale Carnagie and norman Vincent Peale.)called the School of Hard-knocks which is knowledge gained from experience in the real world.
In the real world, we find that disabled people can not only gain our respect for the things they are capable of; some are also such inspiring people and a few on them can be found in this blog. According to me, to respect disabled people is to respect God. We ought to remember that we are all God's creatures. God send us forth into this world for a purpose, a mission and it is up to each individual to discover his/her purpose here.
He created some to teach us respect. Faced with disabled people who can perform even better than abled people, many of us may come to learn to show respect and practise humility. Yes, humility! Some are too proud of their normal achievements. Only when they realise that there are some who can achieve even greater heights despite facing great obstacles; only then can such people realise they should have pride but not that proud, not that arrogant. They may begin to realise that although they are apparently not disabled, they are disabled in unnoticeable ways. I would say that there are those who have a disfunction of the brain. They discover that they need to learn respect or be more open-minded; perhaps change their attitudes which have not been right despite having gone through a university education.
Even those who have brain damage have a role to play. Their presence made those who are downhearted realise how fortunate they really are; that they should count their blessings. We may feel pity and learn to be more compassionate towards our fellow humans. However, although such brain damaged people need help and give opportunities for some to do volunteering work and good deeds, they are usually quite happy because they know not unhappiness. So, they have their importance in this existence. I believe they come with a special purpose. That they are willing to come to fulfill such a purpose, we must show our respect to them.
You see, in my understanding of karma and reincarnation, we come with a purpose into this world. Having decided to come thus to improve our karma, we reincarnate into this world. And when we die we return to God and the next reincarnation.
As a learned man, he should have realised that such a remark would only bring shame upon himself. He was immediately reprimanded by Karpal Singh's son who was also a lawyer. Abdul Razak Musa was cautioned by the judge and it ended with him having to apologise to Karpal Singh. The next day saw the Discriminations Against the Disabled coalition send a memorandum to the MACC, Federal Territories, asking that disciplinary action be taken against Abdul Razak Musa for his disrespectful comments. Eventually, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, for which Abdul Razak Musa was working, had to make a press statement in which the MACC tendered an apology.
Merely memorising facts, passing examinations and securing paper qualification does not indicate or prove that a person is truly educated or cultured. The thinking and attitude makes the man. Everybody can think. All have attitudes. But what kind of thinking and attitude do we have? To merely follow the thinking of others is easy as we just copy the thoughts. However, to know what thoughts are right or wrong, we need knowledge and understanding of other people. Attitude is how we look at things. To have the right attitudes, we need to understand the consequences of our attitudes. Are the consequences of our attitudes healthy and good? Are such consequences what we want? Therefore, ability to think correctly and having the right attitudes towards all matters in life is the indicator of having had a good education. In fact, a good education need not necessarily come with a degree, it could also be obtained through what my most respected teachers (Do you know who they are? If you have been reading my previous postings, then you would have known that they are Napolean Hill, Dale Carnagie and norman Vincent Peale.)called the School of Hard-knocks which is knowledge gained from experience in the real world.
In the real world, we find that disabled people can not only gain our respect for the things they are capable of; some are also such inspiring people and a few on them can be found in this blog. According to me, to respect disabled people is to respect God. We ought to remember that we are all God's creatures. God send us forth into this world for a purpose, a mission and it is up to each individual to discover his/her purpose here.
He created some to teach us respect. Faced with disabled people who can perform even better than abled people, many of us may come to learn to show respect and practise humility. Yes, humility! Some are too proud of their normal achievements. Only when they realise that there are some who can achieve even greater heights despite facing great obstacles; only then can such people realise they should have pride but not that proud, not that arrogant. They may begin to realise that although they are apparently not disabled, they are disabled in unnoticeable ways. I would say that there are those who have a disfunction of the brain. They discover that they need to learn respect or be more open-minded; perhaps change their attitudes which have not been right despite having gone through a university education.
Even those who have brain damage have a role to play. Their presence made those who are downhearted realise how fortunate they really are; that they should count their blessings. We may feel pity and learn to be more compassionate towards our fellow humans. However, although such brain damaged people need help and give opportunities for some to do volunteering work and good deeds, they are usually quite happy because they know not unhappiness. So, they have their importance in this existence. I believe they come with a special purpose. That they are willing to come to fulfill such a purpose, we must show our respect to them.
You see, in my understanding of karma and reincarnation, we come with a purpose into this world. Having decided to come thus to improve our karma, we reincarnate into this world. And when we die we return to God and the next reincarnation.
Let us have better understanding.
For those people who have not read my previous posts, I wish to inform that I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim. I am interested in this 'Allah'issue out of a desire to search for truth and achieve a better understanding.
Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ismail, a Senior/Fellow Director of IKIM wrote in 'Understanding the 'Allah' controversy' that 'the established and verified position of the Muslims has always been that the term is not an Arabic derivative but is itself revealed by The One and Only God to humankind through his chosen messengers, Who knows Himself what His Name truly is and without Whom so revealing, man would still be in the dark as to how to correctly call and address Him.'
When Dr. Zaidi talks of messengers of God, I presume he must be having Jesus, Abraham and Muhammad in mind. As I understand, Christians in Arabic countries have been using 'Allah' before the coming of Islam. The use of the word has since then been in their bible until this very day without any conflict as the Muslims in those countries knew that that was so.
When the English-speaking people became Christians, they must have translated the word 'Allah' for God.
As according to what Muslims have told me; that Jesus is the first of the prophet and Muhammad is the last of the prophets', then, it has to be accepted that Christians and muslims pray to the same One and Only God. The only difference is the buildings of worship and their names as well as the translated English word for 'Allah'.
As Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ismail has told us that 'Allah' is the Name of The One and Only God to humankind through his chosen messengers, who could be Jesus, Abraham and muhammad, so that humankind is no longer in the dark as to how He should be addressed, then, is it not right that the same God prayed to by the Christians should correctly address Him by the name 'Allah' which was brought to all mankind through his chosen followers?
As such, can we say that there should be no controversy and all mankind who pray to the same One and Only God, without exception, should be allowed to address Him by the very name He told His chosen messengers to bring to all mankind? Should mankind follow what has been ordained by God and not the whims and fancies of humans?
Let all brothers and sisters of God be united and not find controversy in human beliefs which can lead so many astray. Let us return to God and achieve whatever Good we can do so that we can face Him with pride and love for having been true to His words.
Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ismail, a Senior/Fellow Director of IKIM wrote in 'Understanding the 'Allah' controversy' that 'the established and verified position of the Muslims has always been that the term is not an Arabic derivative but is itself revealed by The One and Only God to humankind through his chosen messengers, Who knows Himself what His Name truly is and without Whom so revealing, man would still be in the dark as to how to correctly call and address Him.'
When Dr. Zaidi talks of messengers of God, I presume he must be having Jesus, Abraham and Muhammad in mind. As I understand, Christians in Arabic countries have been using 'Allah' before the coming of Islam. The use of the word has since then been in their bible until this very day without any conflict as the Muslims in those countries knew that that was so.
When the English-speaking people became Christians, they must have translated the word 'Allah' for God.
As according to what Muslims have told me; that Jesus is the first of the prophet and Muhammad is the last of the prophets', then, it has to be accepted that Christians and muslims pray to the same One and Only God. The only difference is the buildings of worship and their names as well as the translated English word for 'Allah'.
As Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ismail has told us that 'Allah' is the Name of The One and Only God to humankind through his chosen messengers, who could be Jesus, Abraham and muhammad, so that humankind is no longer in the dark as to how He should be addressed, then, is it not right that the same God prayed to by the Christians should correctly address Him by the name 'Allah' which was brought to all mankind through his chosen followers?
As such, can we say that there should be no controversy and all mankind who pray to the same One and Only God, without exception, should be allowed to address Him by the very name He told His chosen messengers to bring to all mankind? Should mankind follow what has been ordained by God and not the whims and fancies of humans?
Let all brothers and sisters of God be united and not find controversy in human beliefs which can lead so many astray. Let us return to God and achieve whatever Good we can do so that we can face Him with pride and love for having been true to His words.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Life's like a see-saw. Up or down, which is lucky?
The other day, I was travelling with a friend when he told me of a venture which almost went broke. He started the business six years ago and due to inexperience then, the factory was floundering after just two years.
He carried on despite the problems he faced. Then, just as the camel's back was almost broken, the recession came. Business everywhere was bad. Almost every business had problems keeping afloat. Some closed shop.
The price of petrol dropped to an all time low. his factory was in a business which had to do with petroluem. So when the price of petrol went down, so did the price of the plastic products. Factories producing plastic products suffered great losses. The less capable ones went broke and closed shop. There was less competition. The remaining few, more established factories weathered the recession and when the recession gradually receded, his company managed to recover and with less competition, the factory planned to buy machines to prepare for the demand which will come with the world financial situation more stable.
Thus, a recession can be bad for some people while there are some who see it as a blessing in disguise. For this friend, it was a blessing as with less companies around to compete and the demand improving, his company can recover.
When he told me his story, I remember a time when I attended motivational speaker, Lawrence Chan's seminar for Holiday Magic cosmetics sometime during the 1970's. You know, I took out every cent of my savings to attend that seminar. Lawrence Chan proved himself a very captivating speaker. I was enthralled by his talk and I remember very well this story about two salesmen who were sent to Africa.
These two salemen were sent to look for the propect of stting up a branch in Africa. So, off they went and saw the same thing there. They saw that the people did not wear shoes. So, after noticing that, both of them went home to their shoe company. What do you think they told their manager?
One salesman went gloomingly into the manager's office, slumped into a chair without any enthusiasm or hope in his face. When asked how he would like to manage a branch there, he sadly shook his head and said," Sir, sending me there would be a waste of time and energy as the people there do not need shoes. They don't wear shoes."
Next, the other salesman was summoned to the office. this salesman strode confidently into the office with a cheerful smile on his face.
"Well, what do you think of a branch of our company inAfrica?" the manager asked.
"That would be great. It's fantastic. We will be the first to go into that market and everyone of them will need at least a pair of shoes as they have none at present," his words rushed out with the excitement of the propect of so many customers for the company.
Again, the situation is the same but the attitude towards a knowledge is different.
One salesman saw no customers for the company but the other one saw everyone of the people there as prospective customers.
The minds think differently. Here lies the difference. just as some people see the recession as bad luck, others see it as a blessing.
Well, it is just like people who buy shares. When the market crashes, people rush to get their money out and wait for the market to go up again. For some, however, they are so happy to see the market collapse as it would mean that the price of the shares will reach a all-time low, at which point they feel it is an opportune time to enter and pick up the shares at their lowest price. Well, unless the company goes bankrupt, the price has no way else to go but up.
So, here again, what can be a tragedy for some, is a blessing for others. it just depends upon how you look at it.
He carried on despite the problems he faced. Then, just as the camel's back was almost broken, the recession came. Business everywhere was bad. Almost every business had problems keeping afloat. Some closed shop.
The price of petrol dropped to an all time low. his factory was in a business which had to do with petroluem. So when the price of petrol went down, so did the price of the plastic products. Factories producing plastic products suffered great losses. The less capable ones went broke and closed shop. There was less competition. The remaining few, more established factories weathered the recession and when the recession gradually receded, his company managed to recover and with less competition, the factory planned to buy machines to prepare for the demand which will come with the world financial situation more stable.
Thus, a recession can be bad for some people while there are some who see it as a blessing in disguise. For this friend, it was a blessing as with less companies around to compete and the demand improving, his company can recover.
When he told me his story, I remember a time when I attended motivational speaker, Lawrence Chan's seminar for Holiday Magic cosmetics sometime during the 1970's. You know, I took out every cent of my savings to attend that seminar. Lawrence Chan proved himself a very captivating speaker. I was enthralled by his talk and I remember very well this story about two salesmen who were sent to Africa.
These two salemen were sent to look for the propect of stting up a branch in Africa. So, off they went and saw the same thing there. They saw that the people did not wear shoes. So, after noticing that, both of them went home to their shoe company. What do you think they told their manager?
One salesman went gloomingly into the manager's office, slumped into a chair without any enthusiasm or hope in his face. When asked how he would like to manage a branch there, he sadly shook his head and said," Sir, sending me there would be a waste of time and energy as the people there do not need shoes. They don't wear shoes."
Next, the other salesman was summoned to the office. this salesman strode confidently into the office with a cheerful smile on his face.
"Well, what do you think of a branch of our company inAfrica?" the manager asked.
"That would be great. It's fantastic. We will be the first to go into that market and everyone of them will need at least a pair of shoes as they have none at present," his words rushed out with the excitement of the propect of so many customers for the company.
Again, the situation is the same but the attitude towards a knowledge is different.
One salesman saw no customers for the company but the other one saw everyone of the people there as prospective customers.
The minds think differently. Here lies the difference. just as some people see the recession as bad luck, others see it as a blessing.
Well, it is just like people who buy shares. When the market crashes, people rush to get their money out and wait for the market to go up again. For some, however, they are so happy to see the market collapse as it would mean that the price of the shares will reach a all-time low, at which point they feel it is an opportune time to enter and pick up the shares at their lowest price. Well, unless the company goes bankrupt, the price has no way else to go but up.
So, here again, what can be a tragedy for some, is a blessing for others. it just depends upon how you look at it.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Placenta Soup! Imagine that!

Unbelievable! Is this true? Well, I do not actually know. I received this email from a friend. Please judge for yourself.
If it is true, even though the placenta soup are from placentas of dead aborted foetus, it is indeed shocking that people could resort to being cannibals just to gain better sexual health.
Here’s the email that I wish to share with you:
Talk about Tibet feeding their corpse to nature....a terrible sight....wait till you read and see this! Below is the email I received.
SHOCKING NEWS FROM CHINA – Beyond comprehension
This is a sick world!
I have known of people taking Placenta soup in Malaysia itself,(on the quiet side but this tops it all; serving it to the general public, so after knowing this, does anyone care for a gourmet tour of Quangzhou anymore ?
This is worrying, ridiculous and inhuman!
Brief translation: Shocking news circulated in China .
A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost in China currency = approx $4000.
A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer. It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling or steaming.He pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday. After waiting for a couple of weeks, he took this reporter to the restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib soup(local code for baby soup) was now available.
This time, it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be
a daughter again. So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old. Those babies close to being born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency. Those aborted ones cost a few hundreds in China Currency. Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, can sell the placentas and these placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds.
The reporter commented that this problem arises from the Chinese putting too much attention on health or is the backfiring of China introducing the one child in a
family policy. (Since the majority prefers to have male babies and those poorer families ended up selling their female babies.)
Friday, January 15, 2010
God is with us but some of the things in religion are man-made.
Today, in the Star newspaper online, I read the comments of a Minister in Malaysia. He said that the word ‘Allah’ could be used in Sabah and Sarawak which are two states in East Malaysia while the rest of the states in the Peninsula cannot use that word. In fact, he told reporters that in Penang, Malacca, Federal Territories, Sabah and Sarawak could use the word ‘Allah’ legally speaking.
In the first place, we must admit that God came before us. Everything in this world is his creation. Yet, we sometimes talk as if God belongs to us. Some have lost their direction and claimed that this is their God and therefore they have the right to call him thus. They sort of put a copyright on that name even when they themselves acknowledge, something all intelligent and knowledgeable people have to, that the name, be it God or Allah, is a common word used centuries ago for Him. In fact, as reported in the Star online, the minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, himself admitted that the word ‘Allah’ had been long used in Christianity way before Islam existed. Then when Islam came, the same word was used as it meant God. There was no quarrel about it because no leaders confused the people by making an issue out of it. Also, they pray to ‘Allah’ together, be they Christians, Muslims or others, as the aim for religion then, was to sing in praise of the Almighty and hope for his divine guidance and protection. That was their main aim.
Today, in our miserable world of greed for money and power, we abuse His name to achieve our human desires. This is clear when we see so many denominations in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other religions. Humans put different interpretations into the words of God as they want their ideas or interpretations to be accepted. They start another denomination so that they can become leaders whose voice will be heard and accepted. Through religion, these people achieved power.
Humans terrorise others in the name of God and religion so that their ideas on issues are heard or forced upon others even when their deeds are against the very religion they claim to be fighting for. This means that they push aside God’s words so that their words can be heard. They forget that God is all powerful, all almighty, that should God want the world to be rid of Ong Ai Wei, all He needed to do is command that Ong Ai Wei will not awaken after his sleep. There is no need for God to call upon His people to sacrifice their lives, no need to kill and be condemned, no need to terrorise and cause the death of so many innocent people; just list those people He wants to sleep unto death. The fact that such people think they need to sacrifice themselves or commit other foul deeds to kill those they believed have wronged their God (Whose God? How can God ever belong to anybody? He is not something we can buy from somewhere. Oh, God, please do something about this.) indicates that they do not actually believe in God being all Almighty or compassionate. They must ask themselves: Do we truly believe in God?
One of the comments holds a lot of truth about some things in religion. When asked about the publication of the herald, which is a Christian publication, this minister said there could be separate editions with only Sabah and Sarawak using ‘Allah’ After all, “It’s all man-made. It’s not carved in stone.” So historically, ‘Allah’ is used by first, the Christens and then, the Muslims. They both used the same word originally, without confusion. The confusion is man-made, just as who should or should not use the word ‘Allah’ is man-made. God in his wisdom would never cause such confusion because the Christian God and the Muslim God are one and the same God. Certainly, and of course, they use the same word. ‘Allah’. Their followers, if they are not allowed to be ignorant of this fact, should know this. They pray to the same God ‘Allah’ and God is rightfully happy but humans are afraid that they may lose some of their followers, thus diluting their powers as leaders of a religion and so are unhappy. All this unhappiness is man-made.
May God give us the strength and courage to know Him truly, to understand the true message of God and have true faith in Him always. Let us stay true to God with our belief in Him. Read your Holy Book well and not allow humans to add what is not given. Study it with the intelligence and wisdom which god has bestowed upon us. All religions teach us good for ourselves, to others and with everyone. Let us return to the path of such goodness.
In the first place, we must admit that God came before us. Everything in this world is his creation. Yet, we sometimes talk as if God belongs to us. Some have lost their direction and claimed that this is their God and therefore they have the right to call him thus. They sort of put a copyright on that name even when they themselves acknowledge, something all intelligent and knowledgeable people have to, that the name, be it God or Allah, is a common word used centuries ago for Him. In fact, as reported in the Star online, the minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, himself admitted that the word ‘Allah’ had been long used in Christianity way before Islam existed. Then when Islam came, the same word was used as it meant God. There was no quarrel about it because no leaders confused the people by making an issue out of it. Also, they pray to ‘Allah’ together, be they Christians, Muslims or others, as the aim for religion then, was to sing in praise of the Almighty and hope for his divine guidance and protection. That was their main aim.
Today, in our miserable world of greed for money and power, we abuse His name to achieve our human desires. This is clear when we see so many denominations in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other religions. Humans put different interpretations into the words of God as they want their ideas or interpretations to be accepted. They start another denomination so that they can become leaders whose voice will be heard and accepted. Through religion, these people achieved power.
Humans terrorise others in the name of God and religion so that their ideas on issues are heard or forced upon others even when their deeds are against the very religion they claim to be fighting for. This means that they push aside God’s words so that their words can be heard. They forget that God is all powerful, all almighty, that should God want the world to be rid of Ong Ai Wei, all He needed to do is command that Ong Ai Wei will not awaken after his sleep. There is no need for God to call upon His people to sacrifice their lives, no need to kill and be condemned, no need to terrorise and cause the death of so many innocent people; just list those people He wants to sleep unto death. The fact that such people think they need to sacrifice themselves or commit other foul deeds to kill those they believed have wronged their God (Whose God? How can God ever belong to anybody? He is not something we can buy from somewhere. Oh, God, please do something about this.) indicates that they do not actually believe in God being all Almighty or compassionate. They must ask themselves: Do we truly believe in God?
One of the comments holds a lot of truth about some things in religion. When asked about the publication of the herald, which is a Christian publication, this minister said there could be separate editions with only Sabah and Sarawak using ‘Allah’ After all, “It’s all man-made. It’s not carved in stone.” So historically, ‘Allah’ is used by first, the Christens and then, the Muslims. They both used the same word originally, without confusion. The confusion is man-made, just as who should or should not use the word ‘Allah’ is man-made. God in his wisdom would never cause such confusion because the Christian God and the Muslim God are one and the same God. Certainly, and of course, they use the same word. ‘Allah’. Their followers, if they are not allowed to be ignorant of this fact, should know this. They pray to the same God ‘Allah’ and God is rightfully happy but humans are afraid that they may lose some of their followers, thus diluting their powers as leaders of a religion and so are unhappy. All this unhappiness is man-made.
May God give us the strength and courage to know Him truly, to understand the true message of God and have true faith in Him always. Let us stay true to God with our belief in Him. Read your Holy Book well and not allow humans to add what is not given. Study it with the intelligence and wisdom which god has bestowed upon us. All religions teach us good for ourselves, to others and with everyone. Let us return to the path of such goodness.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Is it normal to fear?
Anyone who says that he has never feared anything is not telling the truth. All of us have at one time or another experienced fear, I believe. Alright, who am I to put words into other people’s mouth? Forget it, then. I have been in many situations, as a little bit of a rascal during my boyhood days, adventurous as a teenager, a care-free young adult, and a discipline teacher in two very notorious schools in Kedah.
As a rascal, I have experience the fear of being beaten by the rambutan estate people. As an adventurous youth, I have gone into forbidden, fenced territory in search of short cuts to a destination. Fear gave the legs of my friends and I speed and strength as we ran and jumped over fences and wide drains to escape fierce dogs. As a disciplinarian, I have faced gangsters, from outside, not without trepidation, who came thinking they could put sufficient threat to have me look the other way when students collect protection money.
Yes, there was fear, especially at the first incident of its kind. In my post of disciplinary teacher, experience taught me that the other party had as much, if not more, fear as I had, I understood that the first to buckle down would be the loser. For me, my duty gave me no choice but to meet those people when they claimed to be related to a particular student. Afraid to show my trepidation, I faced the ordeal with a bold front. As a physical educationist as well as a gymnast and a one-time body-builder, I was no weakling. However, as much a human as anyother, I felt fear. Fortunately, truth and rightfulness was on my side, forcing the other party to back down.
Fear and experience taught me how to handle such uncertain situations. Experience of success gave me courage. Courage was strengthened each time fear is overcome.
When I was young, I had always wondered whether others experienced the fear which arose in such uncertain, difficult situations where the element of danger was present. Today, after having had the courage to overcome so many frightful situations, I understand that fear as well as courage is present in all humans.
Both have their uses and I wish to tell you true stories, not just mine but also those of my close friends, so that we can share such feelings and improve ourselves as we understand ourselves better.
Of course, any story from you will always be welcome.
As a rascal, I have experience the fear of being beaten by the rambutan estate people. As an adventurous youth, I have gone into forbidden, fenced territory in search of short cuts to a destination. Fear gave the legs of my friends and I speed and strength as we ran and jumped over fences and wide drains to escape fierce dogs. As a disciplinarian, I have faced gangsters, from outside, not without trepidation, who came thinking they could put sufficient threat to have me look the other way when students collect protection money.
Yes, there was fear, especially at the first incident of its kind. In my post of disciplinary teacher, experience taught me that the other party had as much, if not more, fear as I had, I understood that the first to buckle down would be the loser. For me, my duty gave me no choice but to meet those people when they claimed to be related to a particular student. Afraid to show my trepidation, I faced the ordeal with a bold front. As a physical educationist as well as a gymnast and a one-time body-builder, I was no weakling. However, as much a human as anyother, I felt fear. Fortunately, truth and rightfulness was on my side, forcing the other party to back down.
Fear and experience taught me how to handle such uncertain situations. Experience of success gave me courage. Courage was strengthened each time fear is overcome.
When I was young, I had always wondered whether others experienced the fear which arose in such uncertain, difficult situations where the element of danger was present. Today, after having had the courage to overcome so many frightful situations, I understand that fear as well as courage is present in all humans.
Both have their uses and I wish to tell you true stories, not just mine but also those of my close friends, so that we can share such feelings and improve ourselves as we understand ourselves better.
Of course, any story from you will always be welcome.
Do whatever is possible.
Laws are made by humans and they are certainly not perfect. However, laws are essential for safety and peace of the people. Safety and peace from inhumane adults can only be possible through justice. Nevertheless, justice must be dealt with compassion. Below is a letter written by me and published in the Star some months ago.
Have a heart for woman who stole blanket
I STRONGLY feel something is not right when a poor lady who steals a blanket for her ailing grandma because she cannot afford to buy one as advised by her grandma’s doctor, is jailed for five days and fined a sum of RM500.
Furthermore, if she cannot afford to pay the fine, she would have to spend more time in jail.
I understand very well that she has committed a serious offence and that it is the court’s duty to punish her.
However, considering that the court knows this person stole because she had no money to pay for a blanket and investigations had found that to be true, should not the court have some compassion?
I believe there are NGOs or government bodies who can help her.
I also wonder where she would be hunting for the RM500 to pay for the fine. Will she turn to the loan sharks?
And if she is the only caretaker of her grandma, who would care for the old lady while she spends five days in jail?
What do you think of the poor lady who stole a blanket?
I had to write about the poor lady whose circumstances caused her to steal. She was a caring grand-daughter who wanted to follow the doctor's advice to give her grandmother a blanket. Without money to do so, she was forced to steal to help her grandmother.
Despite knowing that she stole because she had not even enough money to buy a blanket, the court fined her 500 ringgit which would have been a big sum of money for someone who did not even have money for a blanket.
To add to her burden, she was jailed for five days which would have deprived her grandmother of this granddaughter's care for five long days. Yes, an ailing woman who needs help would find five days a little too long. It might have been too long for her to survive that number of days.
God bless us all. Fortunately, there are very kind souls in our world who form NGOs to help such people. You see, a day after the above letter was published by the Star, a representative from an NGO contacted me through the Star to find out more about the case. i supplied whatever information I could. I believed the woman did get help. Thank God!
As for me, I was glad that i did write that letter and brought attention to that lady. I did it because i feel it is everyone's responsibility to do whatever one can, in whatever way possible, as all humans are brothers and sisters. As we in the Art of Living say, "We are a One World Family".
Have a heart for woman who stole blanket
I STRONGLY feel something is not right when a poor lady who steals a blanket for her ailing grandma because she cannot afford to buy one as advised by her grandma’s doctor, is jailed for five days and fined a sum of RM500.
Furthermore, if she cannot afford to pay the fine, she would have to spend more time in jail.
I understand very well that she has committed a serious offence and that it is the court’s duty to punish her.
However, considering that the court knows this person stole because she had no money to pay for a blanket and investigations had found that to be true, should not the court have some compassion?
I believe there are NGOs or government bodies who can help her.
I also wonder where she would be hunting for the RM500 to pay for the fine. Will she turn to the loan sharks?
And if she is the only caretaker of her grandma, who would care for the old lady while she spends five days in jail?
What do you think of the poor lady who stole a blanket?
I had to write about the poor lady whose circumstances caused her to steal. She was a caring grand-daughter who wanted to follow the doctor's advice to give her grandmother a blanket. Without money to do so, she was forced to steal to help her grandmother.
Despite knowing that she stole because she had not even enough money to buy a blanket, the court fined her 500 ringgit which would have been a big sum of money for someone who did not even have money for a blanket.
To add to her burden, she was jailed for five days which would have deprived her grandmother of this granddaughter's care for five long days. Yes, an ailing woman who needs help would find five days a little too long. It might have been too long for her to survive that number of days.
God bless us all. Fortunately, there are very kind souls in our world who form NGOs to help such people. You see, a day after the above letter was published by the Star, a representative from an NGO contacted me through the Star to find out more about the case. i supplied whatever information I could. I believed the woman did get help. Thank God!
As for me, I was glad that i did write that letter and brought attention to that lady. I did it because i feel it is everyone's responsibility to do whatever one can, in whatever way possible, as all humans are brothers and sisters. As we in the Art of Living say, "We are a One World Family".
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dangerous fun for children too young to know it.
The other day I read a news item in the staronline in which a one-year-old baby’s playtime ‘turned tragic after he slipped from his father’s arms and fell to his death from the sixth-floor of a high-rise apartment in Pulau Tikus’ Georgetown.
The intention of the father was good as he wanted his little son to view the area below from their apartment’s balcony. Perhaps, he believed that such an experience could remove any fear of height from his son and that could be beneficial to his future. He was not to know that his son’s future was to end there and then. He dinot realize the danger he was putting his son’s life into. By the time he understands that danger, it was too late and forever will the memory of that tragic moment remain in his mind.
Such careless and dangerous thoughtless acts with a child can be seen almost everyday in so many various forms.
We have a parent leaving a child on a bicycle carrier as he/she pops quickly into a sundry shop to grab an item. While he/she is away, all it takes is some movement from the child to destabilise the bicycle to bring child and bicycle crashing to the ground. It is not important what could have caused the child to move. It could be some kind of distraction, an animal knocking into the bicycle, a strong wind or some careless movement of another human. A fall from a bicycle is not just a trauma; it can cause broken bones, brain damage and even cerebral palsy if a clot due to the fall prevents oxygen from reaching a part of the brain for even a short period of time.
There are parents who think it such great pleasure to take a child for a ride on their motorcycles. Let us face it. Any kind of mishap can take place. In such accidents, falls are expected. What is going to happen to that small frail child on the motorcycle? Of course, anyone can see that the danger is as much, if not more than the fall from a bicycle.
I have seen parents throw their babies up above their heads with the hands holding to the waist. Of course, like the baby who fell from the balcony of his apartment, there is no danger as long as the hands do not slip and as long as there is no fall. As we all know, such slips and fall are not intentional. They are not supposed to happen but once in a long while, we have read of them. So, why not play safe, especially when such actions are not really necessary.
It is delightful tosee our precious children have such great fun running all over the place, even on our roads, especially those in housing estates and rural areas. Yet, as adults we understand that roads are meant for traffic. The drivers never want sometime horrible to happen to children but accidents do happen. The important thing is that such accidents can be prevented. So, let us do our part. Let us be more careful with our precious ones.
Oh, yes! Was it yesterday I heard the news of a child who hurt his finger when he playfully put his hand in the way of an electric saw? Well, here is another case where adults got careless and allowed what should not be, happen.
Certainly, each festive season, we have read of the mischievious youngsters who are allowed to play with fireworks and fired away one or more of their fingers as well as other parts of their bodies. Parents have to be vigilant and constantly remind the children the dangers of such things.
As I have always said, the world is our AVA (Audio-Visual Aids). Use it everyday to teach our children the dangers and experiences of others. Show the children what can possibly happen using the television, newspapers, magazines and everyday happenings to stress to them the consequences.
In today’s posting, it looks like some adults too need to pay more attention to the AVA in our world to realise the danger of their play with their children.
The intention of the father was good as he wanted his little son to view the area below from their apartment’s balcony. Perhaps, he believed that such an experience could remove any fear of height from his son and that could be beneficial to his future. He was not to know that his son’s future was to end there and then. He dinot realize the danger he was putting his son’s life into. By the time he understands that danger, it was too late and forever will the memory of that tragic moment remain in his mind.
Such careless and dangerous thoughtless acts with a child can be seen almost everyday in so many various forms.
We have a parent leaving a child on a bicycle carrier as he/she pops quickly into a sundry shop to grab an item. While he/she is away, all it takes is some movement from the child to destabilise the bicycle to bring child and bicycle crashing to the ground. It is not important what could have caused the child to move. It could be some kind of distraction, an animal knocking into the bicycle, a strong wind or some careless movement of another human. A fall from a bicycle is not just a trauma; it can cause broken bones, brain damage and even cerebral palsy if a clot due to the fall prevents oxygen from reaching a part of the brain for even a short period of time.
There are parents who think it such great pleasure to take a child for a ride on their motorcycles. Let us face it. Any kind of mishap can take place. In such accidents, falls are expected. What is going to happen to that small frail child on the motorcycle? Of course, anyone can see that the danger is as much, if not more than the fall from a bicycle.
I have seen parents throw their babies up above their heads with the hands holding to the waist. Of course, like the baby who fell from the balcony of his apartment, there is no danger as long as the hands do not slip and as long as there is no fall. As we all know, such slips and fall are not intentional. They are not supposed to happen but once in a long while, we have read of them. So, why not play safe, especially when such actions are not really necessary.
It is delightful tosee our precious children have such great fun running all over the place, even on our roads, especially those in housing estates and rural areas. Yet, as adults we understand that roads are meant for traffic. The drivers never want sometime horrible to happen to children but accidents do happen. The important thing is that such accidents can be prevented. So, let us do our part. Let us be more careful with our precious ones.
Oh, yes! Was it yesterday I heard the news of a child who hurt his finger when he playfully put his hand in the way of an electric saw? Well, here is another case where adults got careless and allowed what should not be, happen.
Certainly, each festive season, we have read of the mischievious youngsters who are allowed to play with fireworks and fired away one or more of their fingers as well as other parts of their bodies. Parents have to be vigilant and constantly remind the children the dangers of such things.
As I have always said, the world is our AVA (Audio-Visual Aids). Use it everyday to teach our children the dangers and experiences of others. Show the children what can possibly happen using the television, newspapers, magazines and everyday happenings to stress to them the consequences.
In today’s posting, it looks like some adults too need to pay more attention to the AVA in our world to realise the danger of their play with their children.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Bill Porter: TrulyThe Greatest Saleman the World Has Ever Known.

Remarkable persistence were the words in my mind when I discovered this incredible Californian-born salesman, Bill Porter, who, on the 9th of September, 1932, was born with cerebral palsy which caused his body to be twisted and having a speech problem. He refused charity, not accepting disability allowance and went on to overcome everyday obstacles to become the best salesman Watkins Incorporated ever had. Then, when a broken hip-bone due to a 1998 accident, forced him to stop walking the eight to ten miles he had to cover with such difficulty and pain each day in the Portland area to sell the Watkins house-hold products from door to door, he continued to work for Watkins as a consultant and online salesman. In his online business, he was the associate manager and anyone interested in having a business like his can join his downline. In this online business, his assistant and loyal close friend, Shelly Brady, delivered the products to his customers. Besides sales, he gave inspirational talks.
How determined he was to make it on his own was the fact that he took more than an hour to painfully put on his clothes and be ready for his work. In order that he could be ready to get on a 7.30 am. bus to reach his sales area by 9.00am, he woke up at the unearthly time of 4.45 am. Each day, he finished his work only after 7.00pm. And that was what he did not just for a year or two but for forty years! And when people closed their doors in his face, he did not break down and give up in despair. He carried on relentlessly to prove to himself and the world it could be done. The next customer would say ‘yes’ to his sales. Eventually, he won as more and more people came to know him and opened their doors and hearts to his perseverance. There is a wonderful message here to all salesmen. Sincere desire to achieve sales finally opened the customers’ doors.
Looks like the pain from cerebral palsy could not stop this man from covering a grueling ten miles a day on foot to earn his pay. Neither could the accident which broke his hip-bone. When one door closes, another door opens for this man. Where many would have dropped everything in despair, this Bill Porter climbed up again to even greater heights. Unable to walk such a distance any longer after breaking his hip bone, he went into the internet with the same business, this time as an associate manager with his own down-line.
How many of us able-bodied guys would be willing to face ten long miles each and every year for forty years? Yet, here is a man with a twisted body who did just that! For forty long years he walked door to door, knocked on every door, showed people pictures of a few Watkins products, took orders, then obtained the products and had them delivered as he could not drive.What a man!
Not only that! Before he got this Watkins job, he was rejected by so many companies for four months until even the employment agency told him that he had better stop searching for a job and depend upon welfare to survive. Did he do that? No, determination is one of the qualities that set great people against the odds they face. Determination, eventually, lead him to a job at Watkins, earning just commissions despite the tough job of having to cover such a vast area each day.
Three person played important meaningful roles in his life. They gave him the necessary support to propel him into the life he mastered and set him along the fantastic route to fame.
In a way, he was fortunate to have a mother named Irene who was always very positive and according to Porter, his mother insisted that he be likewise. The mother sent him to Public High School and when he graduated, his father told him that he had to go and get a job. There was no pampering and the parents moved him on to survive through good honest work. And that was what he finally did and do to this day.
His mother’s positive ways helped him to overcome the rejections he encountered as a salesman as doors were initially slammed shut. Through such positive attitude, he gradually overcame people’s reluctance to open their doors to him. He not only became a successful saleman; he was the best in Watkins.
Another person who played a prominent role in his life was shelly Brady, a lady who was initially employed as his assistant, typist, driver but soon became his friend and cospeaker at inspirational talks.
His marvelous performance in life was so unbelieveably great that he got recognition after the Oregonian had a 1995 column about Bill Porter which was so widely reprinted that he became a popular symbol of optimistic determination. Then, the ABC news magazine 20/20 did a television story on him called ‘A Moving Journey ‘. This received the largest viewer response of any show ever put up by 20/20. Articles were written about him in the ‘Reader’s Digest’ and ‘People Magazine’. Then, there was an award-winning movie about his life, called ‘Door to Door’. After that, in 2002, his friend and assistant, Shelly Brady, published the inspirational book ‘Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter’.
For his indomitable spirit, his refusal to give up despite facing such seemingly insurmountable obstacles, John Glenn presented Porter with an award from the National Council on Communicative Disorders at the Kennedy Center in 1998. He also received the America's Award, honoring unsung heroes who personify the American character and spirit.
So, we see how obstacles in life can become motivational forces to strength and greatness. Here is a man who could have laid down and refused to do anything but depend upon charity; and nobody could have accused him of laziness. With the help of his parents and Shelly Brady, not only did he perform, he outdid all other able-bodied persons in his field!
If Bill Porter was not blessed with cerebral palsy, he would not have the opportunity to become an inspirational speaker. God gave him the challenge and he was able to take it to such fantastic heights.
So, the next time an obstacle were to drop into our path, let us think of marvelous Bill Porter.
Problem solving,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
God moves in mysterious ways.
Even as Muslims and Christians in Malaysia face the problem in the use of the word ‘Allah’ and due to the fanning of emotions by certain quarters with the disastrous results of places of worship being burnt, seven churches were reported to have been burnt, and stones hurled into the premises of a mosque, a group of Muslim NGOs have come forward with volunteers to help prevent further attacks on churches.
This must be one of those mysterious ways God has to solve the problem of ‘brothers’ being thrown against each other into a conflict that should never be. It is proof that there are people who truly believe in God though we see many who profess their faith in a certain religion, yet act as though they believe otherwise. (I shall write more on this which, in a way explains my inability to ‘belong’ to any religion, for I belong to God and not human-set ideals of what should be. )
I really am impressed by the following words of Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia executive secretary Datuk Nadzim Johan’s, ““We wouldn’t want our Christian brothers to be in danger. This is an offer of peace and goodwill,” He called them his Christian brothers.
A man who can think of another human being, especially one who is of a different race or religion, as his brother, deserves my respect and love. For someone to treat all fellow humans as his brothers and sisters, he must be someone who truly believes in God, that all of us come from Him and we are all His creations. As such, we should look upon each other as brothers and we are a ‘One World Family’. If all humans can open their minds up to the true will of God, all our earthly petty quarrels become insignificant and not worth any of the precious time God has bestowed upon us to achieve our true mission in life. (One day, I hope to find time to show how those who think that their calling is to destroy some of the creations of God is actually going against God. In fact, think with full awareness of the previous sentence and that realisation can be clearly reached.)
Yes, as Man sincerely reach out to God and believes as well as understand His power and not the power-cravings of another human, he realises that all of us, no matter what religion we belong to, are His creations; that He created us, existed before us and we belong to Him and not Him to us as he is not Man but the all almighty God.
Perhaps, without the problem of fighting over who can call Him ‘Allah’ and the present church burning, there could not have emerged the understanding of Datuk Nadzim Johan’s that all human beings are brothers, that places for worship, regardless of what humans call them are built in the name of GOD. (For me, the most sincere place for worship is my heart. Prayers of truth come from our hearts. Are you aware of this?)
Without the present situation, the thought that our Christian brothers are in danger could not have come about. For someone who is not a Christian to think of the possible danger such acts of violence can cause the Christians, I dare to say, he is a true man of God. If we have everyone as true to God as this, then there can be no possibility of ‘The End of the World’ for God would then certainly look upon us with even greater love. With such thoughts, I see the light of salvation growing stronger and brighter for all mankind.
Perhaps, through this particular problem, we reach a better understanding of God, an understanding which hopefully can reach into the hearts of those who merely claim to believe, yet those words of belief only comes from the mouth and not from the heart.
It is, in fact, this belief in God from the mouth and not the heart, that is the source of our present world problems. (As this is of utmost importance, I will certainly word my thoughts on this matter in future postings.)
This must be one of those mysterious ways God has to solve the problem of ‘brothers’ being thrown against each other into a conflict that should never be. It is proof that there are people who truly believe in God though we see many who profess their faith in a certain religion, yet act as though they believe otherwise. (I shall write more on this which, in a way explains my inability to ‘belong’ to any religion, for I belong to God and not human-set ideals of what should be. )
I really am impressed by the following words of Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia executive secretary Datuk Nadzim Johan’s, ““We wouldn’t want our Christian brothers to be in danger. This is an offer of peace and goodwill,” He called them his Christian brothers.
A man who can think of another human being, especially one who is of a different race or religion, as his brother, deserves my respect and love. For someone to treat all fellow humans as his brothers and sisters, he must be someone who truly believes in God, that all of us come from Him and we are all His creations. As such, we should look upon each other as brothers and we are a ‘One World Family’. If all humans can open their minds up to the true will of God, all our earthly petty quarrels become insignificant and not worth any of the precious time God has bestowed upon us to achieve our true mission in life. (One day, I hope to find time to show how those who think that their calling is to destroy some of the creations of God is actually going against God. In fact, think with full awareness of the previous sentence and that realisation can be clearly reached.)
Yes, as Man sincerely reach out to God and believes as well as understand His power and not the power-cravings of another human, he realises that all of us, no matter what religion we belong to, are His creations; that He created us, existed before us and we belong to Him and not Him to us as he is not Man but the all almighty God.
Perhaps, without the problem of fighting over who can call Him ‘Allah’ and the present church burning, there could not have emerged the understanding of Datuk Nadzim Johan’s that all human beings are brothers, that places for worship, regardless of what humans call them are built in the name of GOD. (For me, the most sincere place for worship is my heart. Prayers of truth come from our hearts. Are you aware of this?)
Without the present situation, the thought that our Christian brothers are in danger could not have come about. For someone who is not a Christian to think of the possible danger such acts of violence can cause the Christians, I dare to say, he is a true man of God. If we have everyone as true to God as this, then there can be no possibility of ‘The End of the World’ for God would then certainly look upon us with even greater love. With such thoughts, I see the light of salvation growing stronger and brighter for all mankind.
Perhaps, through this particular problem, we reach a better understanding of God, an understanding which hopefully can reach into the hearts of those who merely claim to believe, yet those words of belief only comes from the mouth and not from the heart.
It is, in fact, this belief in God from the mouth and not the heart, that is the source of our present world problems. (As this is of utmost importance, I will certainly word my thoughts on this matter in future postings.)
Have a dream.
This morning I had a long talk with a friend in which I told her about another friend’s dream; the dream of having a Volvo for every member of the family.
This other friend came from a poor family. Due to this dream of his, he bought a Volvo when he became a teacher. Of course, it had to be a second-hand Volvo as he just did not have that kind of money to afford a new Volvo. Furthermore an old Volvo was cheaper than other new cars. He parked the car in front of his house most of the time as he knew that it was expensive to drive the car out. To move around, he had an old Honda motorcycle. Well, old or not, he did have a Volvo. The dream had been put into action. It was the first step.
It must have been tough for him to maintain the Volvo. I remember being out in the car once and we stopped at one petrol station where he requested for his engine-oil to be checked. The engine-oil was low and dirty but instead of having an oil change, he just had some engine oil added to the old oil. That was what he usually did, apparently.
This friend was good at Qikung and with his ability to sell himself as an expert in the field, he retired from the teaching service and took off for America and other countries where he not only made a name for himself but also made a big pile of money, more than enough to fulfill his dream of giving every member of his family, a total of five, each a Volvo. Of course, as the son and the daughters grew up, they wanted other cars instead of the Volvo and changes were made but we can say he accomplished his dream.
Today, he is retired from teaching Qikung but he has established so many Qikung schools all over the world. With the money from these schools, we can say that he has become rich. His son accompanies him to all his Qikung schools eacy year.
Thus, it is important to have a dream and work towards it for it is possible for dreams to materialize.
This other friend came from a poor family. Due to this dream of his, he bought a Volvo when he became a teacher. Of course, it had to be a second-hand Volvo as he just did not have that kind of money to afford a new Volvo. Furthermore an old Volvo was cheaper than other new cars. He parked the car in front of his house most of the time as he knew that it was expensive to drive the car out. To move around, he had an old Honda motorcycle. Well, old or not, he did have a Volvo. The dream had been put into action. It was the first step.
It must have been tough for him to maintain the Volvo. I remember being out in the car once and we stopped at one petrol station where he requested for his engine-oil to be checked. The engine-oil was low and dirty but instead of having an oil change, he just had some engine oil added to the old oil. That was what he usually did, apparently.
This friend was good at Qikung and with his ability to sell himself as an expert in the field, he retired from the teaching service and took off for America and other countries where he not only made a name for himself but also made a big pile of money, more than enough to fulfill his dream of giving every member of his family, a total of five, each a Volvo. Of course, as the son and the daughters grew up, they wanted other cars instead of the Volvo and changes were made but we can say he accomplished his dream.
Today, he is retired from teaching Qikung but he has established so many Qikung schools all over the world. With the money from these schools, we can say that he has become rich. His son accompanies him to all his Qikung schools eacy year.
Thus, it is important to have a dream and work towards it for it is possible for dreams to materialize.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Reading the eyes and the expression of the face.
They looked into each other's eyes; hands raised ready to deliver a blow or ward off one.
"Never take your eyes off your opponent," my Tae-Kwon-Do master always warned us. "The mistake can have you down on the floor the next instant, humiliated in the eyes of the spectators, if there are any," the master cautioned us. "Always be on guard!"
I learned that well. I learned the importance of observation, of watching not just my opponents but also people in my surrounding. I have learned that the truth of a person's words can be seen in the eyes of the speaker. I have also seen and known that the expression of the speaker before and following the words indicates his sincerity.
The movement of the eyes and the expression of the face give us a lot of information on the actual meaning of the uttered words.
Have you noticed that a child or a person who tells a lie would never be looking into the eyes of the person the lie is directed to? Have you noticed the expression of someone who has something to hide?
Let me tell you of one occasion when I played cards with a small group of friends just to while some time away while giving some time to somebody to have a chance to be with someone. Yes, we were a group of generous people helping another friend out. What that help was for cannot be told as it was very personal. As it was merely a friendly gambling game, the stake was low, betting with ten cents to a maximum of twenty cents. At that time I took the opportunity to test my powers of observation. To make it difficult for myself, I who was the dealer of the cards, told my friends i was going to observe their face and their actions to prove that I could read their expressions and actions. We were playing 'twenty-one'.
Well, I proved myself right as from their expressions, I could see who was happy with his cards and who was not, either due to holding the minimum sixteen points or having exceeded the twenty-one points. Those who have the minimum points looked different from those holding more than twenty-one points.
At a certain time in the game, I surrendered the dealing to others so that they may perhaps win but since they were unable to read the expressions well, the had to give up the dealing to the others. This is so because the dealer either stands to gain or lose more per game.
During all those years in school as a discipline teacher, I had been able to use this knowledge to discover who was bluffing and who was telling the truth. Knowing someone is not telling the truth and so steadily telling the student you know you are being given false information, the student eventually realises the truth had to be told.
I must admit that I have so far only had the opportunity to deal with ordinary people. I sometimes wonder if it is any different with hardened criminals or people who are adept at fibs and lies.
Well, in my line of work, I would never have any opportunity to meet with such people. I suppose I will never know.
Nevertheless, understanding that it is possible to, to a certain extent, read a person's mind through his eyes and expressions can help us overcome some of the pot-holes in life. Being realistic I understand that nobody is too wise to overcome everything no matter how much experience he/she may have already had.
Just three years ago, I dropped into one of the worst pot-holes in my life. Fortunately, I survived and am going into another chapter of my life now. Perhaps,
I shall tell you about this new chapter of my life in time to come.
"Never take your eyes off your opponent," my Tae-Kwon-Do master always warned us. "The mistake can have you down on the floor the next instant, humiliated in the eyes of the spectators, if there are any," the master cautioned us. "Always be on guard!"
I learned that well. I learned the importance of observation, of watching not just my opponents but also people in my surrounding. I have learned that the truth of a person's words can be seen in the eyes of the speaker. I have also seen and known that the expression of the speaker before and following the words indicates his sincerity.
The movement of the eyes and the expression of the face give us a lot of information on the actual meaning of the uttered words.
Have you noticed that a child or a person who tells a lie would never be looking into the eyes of the person the lie is directed to? Have you noticed the expression of someone who has something to hide?
Let me tell you of one occasion when I played cards with a small group of friends just to while some time away while giving some time to somebody to have a chance to be with someone. Yes, we were a group of generous people helping another friend out. What that help was for cannot be told as it was very personal. As it was merely a friendly gambling game, the stake was low, betting with ten cents to a maximum of twenty cents. At that time I took the opportunity to test my powers of observation. To make it difficult for myself, I who was the dealer of the cards, told my friends i was going to observe their face and their actions to prove that I could read their expressions and actions. We were playing 'twenty-one'.
Well, I proved myself right as from their expressions, I could see who was happy with his cards and who was not, either due to holding the minimum sixteen points or having exceeded the twenty-one points. Those who have the minimum points looked different from those holding more than twenty-one points.
At a certain time in the game, I surrendered the dealing to others so that they may perhaps win but since they were unable to read the expressions well, the had to give up the dealing to the others. This is so because the dealer either stands to gain or lose more per game.
During all those years in school as a discipline teacher, I had been able to use this knowledge to discover who was bluffing and who was telling the truth. Knowing someone is not telling the truth and so steadily telling the student you know you are being given false information, the student eventually realises the truth had to be told.
I must admit that I have so far only had the opportunity to deal with ordinary people. I sometimes wonder if it is any different with hardened criminals or people who are adept at fibs and lies.
Well, in my line of work, I would never have any opportunity to meet with such people. I suppose I will never know.
Nevertheless, understanding that it is possible to, to a certain extent, read a person's mind through his eyes and expressions can help us overcome some of the pot-holes in life. Being realistic I understand that nobody is too wise to overcome everything no matter how much experience he/she may have already had.
Just three years ago, I dropped into one of the worst pot-holes in my life. Fortunately, I survived and am going into another chapter of my life now. Perhaps,
I shall tell you about this new chapter of my life in time to come.
overcoming weakness,
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