Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sleep your way to healthy growth.

In today's world, there is so much for the child to enjoy indoors. There is the television with its many channels of films, entertainment and numerous interesting advertisements. There is the computer and the numerous games our children can play. These games which enterprising people have created so ingeniously as to lead our children's interest on and on, day after day, forever and ever.Before long, our children are addicted. Sleep is no longer important. Addiction overcomes sleep.

When this happens, parents find difficulty getting their children away from the television or the computer. We get tired zombies early in the morning going through the process of preparing for school. Their minds too tired to concentrate, these children doze on their desks, forced every now and then to peer at the teacher and put on some pretense of studying, the body waiting for the time to go home for a much needed nap.After the nap, the cycle repeats itself and the growth and health of these children deteriorate. Of course, their studies deteriorates too!

Growth especially depends upon sleep. Sleep gives the body the opportunity to mend itself, to develop and strengthen. Without enough sleep, the body not only does not develop well; it weakens!

With a weakened immune system, sickness charges in. One of the first indication of a weakened immune system is an attack of cold.

The powerful effect of sleep on our immune system and health can be observed through the quick recovery from cold merely through having sufficient sleep.

It is noted that the importance of sleep does not easily come to our senses. Knowledge and parents' role as models are the only way to get children to understand.

When my children were young, i put aside everything else to be with them at about 8.00pm. to read stories from the Ladybird Reading Programme and, later, other short stories. Usually by a little past 8.30, the lights would be out. I would lie down with them, communicate softly with them and then pat them to sleep. This part of the day is structured so as to assist the body to fall asleep at a certain time. They fall asleep easier because they do not nap in the afternoon or evening.

This worked for my children and they awaken to each new day fresh with sufficient replenished energy for another day of learning.

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