That's the guy who wrote the postings in this blog. Despite the fat supplement, this is how I look.
And here are my fat supplements.
Well, I have told you about lessening your input of carbohydrate calories and also the importance of fats in the diet to avoid obesity.
I have a picture of myself with my camera to show you that I practise what I preach. I hope to convince you so that you can benefit from what has been written.
I take the cold-pressed virgin coconut oil as a supplement as I know it does not contain colesterol and has the benefits that I have listed in my previous postings on coconut oil. I also take cold pressed virgin olive oil as it is one of the best oil and it contains the antioxidant, vitamin E which is not found in coconut oil. Together, these liquid fats help me to stay healthy.
I have not had to see a doctor for the last thirty years for any sickness. However, during those years, I did see a doctor for being stung by wasps. I did go to a government hospital to find out the effect of taking Himalayan Mountain salt. I found that it did raise my blood pressure. I was told to take my blood pressure for a week. As a result of that test, I stopped taking the salt and by the end of the week, my blood pressure was back to normal.
The two different fats that I take daily are kept in a dark corner of a closed room. The dark opague bottle of the coconut oil is good as it prevents light from reaching the oil. By doing so, I prevent the coconut oil and the olive oil from turning rancid. Why is it important to prevent fat from turning rancid?
Fats turn rancid due to oxidation, chemical deterioration due to light and heat, and time. Oxidation turns our vegetable oil which many households use turn rancid when it is exposed to oxygen each time we open its container. Day light or any other light helps to it rancid. Having the oil placed near the heat of the stove also turns it rancid. It can still turn rancid even when the expiry date is not over. So, it depends upon where you keep your fats. Unsaturated fat turn rancid faster than saturated fat.
Some researchers claim that rancid fats are harmless except that most, if not all, the nutrients in the fat have been lost.
According to some researches rancid oil are filled with free radicals that are responsible for health complications such as premature aging, cancer, and degenerative illnesses.
So how do we prevent ourselves from taking rancid fats? First, considering that time and light are factors in rancidity, we could buy small quantities of fat with the latest manufacturing date. Obviously, we need to keep the fat in a place which is dark and in the coolest place. An opened bottle of liquid fat could be put into the refrigerator. If possible, buy the liquid fats which comes in light-proofed or dark opague, airtight containers. Since rancidity is caused by oxidation, it has been suggested to vacuum-seal the container but I do not know how this is done. Spraying inert gas into the containers for large amount of fats is one possibility. Inert gas can be bought in spray cans in supermarkets in certain places. The last two methods are to prevent oxygen from coming into contact with the fat.
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