Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Own wonderful mind..

A visitor to my blog emailed me with this comment: 'I think a leap of faith is required to believe that we will create whatever we thought. I am sure many parents think of great things their children will achieve, or even the good looks their children will process but they probably never materialised. Otherwise, every child will be athletic, intelligent and good looking. A paranoid parent on the other hand, will have a disastrous child.'

Thoughts are powerful and possess energy to create. You can create what you think if you believe it is possible and then follow through with actions. All inventions began with thoughts. Thoughts energises the mind to produce ideas, ideas provoke actions and actions lead to creations.

Sales people and motivators can tell us how every successful salesman thinks of closing a sale before he goes to a client.

Read or watch 'The Secret' on its website and you are told how powerful the mind is, how powerful thoughts are. In 'The Secret' we are shown how thoughts in our mind attract happenings. Your thoughts put out signals to the universe and this law of attraction responds to your thougths. Search the website for 'The secret.' It is worth watching and understanding how thoughts and the law of attraction can help you.

Regarding 'good looks', psychologists believe it is possible. Take a visit to the gynaecologist's department in hospitals or clinics and you can see the beautiful baby pictures they put up for the pregnant mothers to see and think about.

But, do you think parents would think of or visualise those babies as their own? No, I certainly do not think so. They will see their own image in their child. After all, they would not have their child look like somebody else, certainly not like the face of their neighbour! What would their friends think?

When it comes to intelligence, if parents put enough thought into it, it will happen. Again I refer you to 'The Secret' for further reading on the matter.

Furthermore, according to science, most intelligent people merely use a small portion of their potential. Here, thoughts with strong desires certainly would lead to action and this action would bring results.In this blog, I would like to tell you not only of potholes but the actions to be taken to achieve the desired results and improve the chances of your child achieving greater success.

As for paranoid parents, it is possible for such inferior thoughts to be passed to the child. The child will grow up with thoughts very similar to the parents, unless there is some other stronger influence from someone else on the child. After all, the poor children have to hear such thoughts so often that they seep slowly but gradually into the mind. We have seen this happen in families in our society. Positive parents with positive children, insecure people with insecure children and negative people with negative children.

On a positive note, negative children can change if they come into contact with positive thinking people whom they respect or like, if not loved.Sometimes, books with good examples of positive people may get children to realise their unfavourable position and inspire them to act so as to overcome their weakness.

Let me tell you a true story about myself. I was born into a poor family. Seeing other children enjoying things I could not have, I developed an inferiority complex. I liked to read and from knowledge I gathered from books even during that young age, I understood my problem. I read books by Napolean Hill and Norman Vincent Peale. They helped me to realise that I could overcome my problem and be a more positive person. That belief attracted ideas, materials, happenings and people into my life. Believe me, it was tough to overcome such a complex. I just could not do it on my own. Not that I did not try. So, I read a lot on nutrition, fitness and health. I took up weight-lifting. I developed physical strength. It helped a little when I realised that with my strength, I could be good at some sports. What was even more important, that which helped me to sweep aside my inferiority complex forever, were my friends. They helped me to realise that I could be popular with the boys and girls. Since then, I have such confidence and so positive is my thinking that there is no stranger I cannot approach to talk to. Such friends as mine are a gift from God, attracted by the belief in my mind that it could be achieved.

In a way, it is my own thoughts, thoughts of a better me that drove me towards all the above actions and created a new, very much better me. If I had not thought it possible for me to overcome my problems, I dare not imagine where I would be today. Would I be writing this? Would my ego allow me to even reveal this to you? Thoughts are indeed powerful!

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