Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Babies come from God

My parents and my friends thought my wife and I wanted a long honeymoon when there was no sign of a pregnancy even after three years of marriage. Another year later and we were still enjoying life as just a couple and it was not for want of trying.

As a man who valued happiness more than anything else, I was not worried. The love I had and the joy I felt were all I needed then.

However, my wife began to become restless. She voiced her fears and worry. I did not blame her. After all, she was a woman. Just like any other married woman, she wanted children. Being able to conceive, to feel the beginning of a new life in her womb, to experience pregnancy with all its accompanying emotions and morning sickness, to give birth and to nurture a child with milk from her breast and love from her heart was naturally important to her.

So we started to consult and seek advice from everyone who could help. There were visits to spiritual places and mediums; and the timing of sexual activities to coincide with certain events or happenings. Temperature was measured daily. Our efforts availed us nothing!

Well, we had to go to the specialists on this matter. Thus, we consulted a gynaecologist at a government hospital. The gynaecologist found nothing wrong with her.
"We can do something only if we find some kind of blockage or problem somewhere. Since we see no problem, we can only give you fertility pills and hope for the best.Just be patient." The doctor explained to us.

That started a long period of fertility pill consumption. It brought along some side effects; swinging moods and bad temper. As I was usually nearby, such outbursts from her fell upon me.

Hurt by the outbursts but realising that it was venom from the side-effects, I brushed them aside with understanding and concern. Furthermore, she realised what she had done and usually apologised for her uncontrollable anger, explaining that her temper got the better of her despite knowing that the fertility pills were the source of her problem.

After months of fertility pills and no indication of a pregnancy, we wondered about the quality of the pills given by the hopital. Information lead us to the private clinic with the best gynaecologist in our region. What would anyone expect from a well-known gynaecologist who charged quite a large sum of money? The checkup was the same as that done at the government hospital. Ah, it must be more effective medicine that we were to be prescribed. Oh, no! My wife was flabbergasted to see the same type and brand of fertility pills as those given by the government hospital. That was our last visit to that private clinic. Again, there was no result.

At one particular meeting with some friends, someone said the fault could very well be with the husband. She was a nurse and was able to help get my sperm examined. A sperm count would be done. Early one morning, just before she went to work, I supplied her with sperm in a test-tube.
The result: I was a stud which means there was plenty of sperm.Still no solution!

After more than eight years of fertility pill popping, we decided that God must have other plans for us. So, forget the gynaecologist, forget the pills and forget about having any baby. No more trying! Let's live life with each other and our friends. And that was what we did. Both of us did not have to think of the position of the moon, the tides, the fertile period, the sexual positions and the temperature of my beloved wife's body. All those pressures were gone. The joy of love took over.

And it was on a warm night while enjoying a long holiday that my wife suffered pain in the lower portion of her abdomen. When the pain did not subside at 1.00am. I quickly warded her at the hospital. You know, she had an abortion!

My wife was happy as well as sad. She was sad that she lost the foetus. She was consoled with the knowledge that she could conceive!

A year later, on another long holiday, she felt her tummy was bloated. She complained of the discomfort. At the same she had the hope that it could be another pregnancy. And she was right. The next morning, a visit to her gynaecologist confirmed it.

The gynaecologist who delivered my first child term him as a 'precious baby'. The reason was it took my wife and I ten long years to conceive our first child. According to the gnaecologist, the term ensure the staff give special attention to the baby.

However, for me, every child is precious as they come from God. That must be so, for no modern science on earth, no specialist gynaecologist, no amount of fertility pills could do what love and God did; the gift of two wonderful children! For my wife and I, our children are precious. From my own experience, I realise it is not up to us to determine when our children come to us. Friends helped, gynaecologist did their best, we put in so much effort and all these to no avail. They came when we least expected them to. Finally, it was God's decision.

And this is the reason I name this blog 'Our Precious Children'; the most precious gift from God!

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