Saturday, June 29, 2019

The joy of friendshp

Every thing may come and go but friendship remains imbedded in our hearts forever. End of May, 2019 brought the arrival of old friends who took the trouble to look up to little old guy. Foo Fook Yuen came all the way from Penang to the sleeping hollow of Sungai Petani, Kedah to see Lee Heng Chye, Lee Ah Ba and I. Apparently, they were college-mates. As for me I got to know Fook Yuen and Ah Bah in Kodiang, Kedah. When Fook Yuen contacted me that morning, I dropped all appointments I dropped all the appointments had made to be with this olde beloved friend whom I missed since it was more than a few years I saw him in Penang.. (I had promised someone a massage, assistance to do something on a computer and given voluntary assistance to a brain-injured child. I have been practising qi kung and learning as much as I could on brain plasticity.)

Soon, I was out to meet Heng chye and Fook Yuen at a coffee-shop for breakfast, a second breakfast for me as I had one earlier. Althoough a simple breakfast, we spent some time in the shop and, to avoid, the discomfort we could be giving the proprietor of the shop, we ordered extra drinks. Wow! We were loaded with too much drinks. Eventually, we decided to call on Sifu Wong Kiew Kit, my sifu and long-time child-hood friend whom I had introduced to Fook Yuen many years back. There, we were really lucky to find sifu not outstation in other parts of the world. With his usual enthusiastic greeting, he invited us in and we enjoyed old times together.

Then, we hoped to try the ferry ride on the Merbok River but was unfortunately to have the rowers gone off early as it was still their fasting month. So, we just explored the jetty, took some photos and headed back to Sungai Petani to see Lee Ah Ba.After exchanging views and news, we took along Ah Ba and his wife for dinner.

For me, the day passed too quickly. So quickly that I remembered my intention to attend to matters at my son's shop at 5.00 pm. only when it was 8.00 pm. Well, it was one of those happiest days of my life. Thank you, Foo Fook Yuen. 

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