Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pictures of the medicated oils mentioned in the previous posting.

This blogger was unable to load the pictures given below when he wrote about these two over-the-counter medical oils even when editing the article. Mysteriously, the uploading is only possible as a new posting. So, here are the pictures so that should anyone need to find alternative means to halt the infection, here it is although the writer himself has not tried it as he has no such problem. Well, when all else fails, here is another opening.

This is the Double Prawn Brand Herbal Oil packaged in this box. The oil is only for external use.

At the side of the box is information concerning its use as well as a warning.

And this is the herbal oil in a bottle.Read the information, instructions and warning given in a leaflet.

The top half of the leaflet found inside the box.

The lower half of the leaflet found inside the box.

Here's the King Cobra Brand Medical Oil in a box.

Inside the box is a bottle of the King Cobra brand medical oil. This oil is also for external use only. Read the instructions given on one side of the box.

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