Sunday, November 06, 2011

Our wonderful mind!

Recently I read some articles on placebos and how patients have got well on pills that contained nothing but plain water or syrup. When it happens all the time in all the researches conducted every now and then, those researchers have no alternative but to admit that placebos do have the same effect as the drugs being tested when those in the programme do get well when they believe that the pills given do contain the drugs being tested although they were not as they were merely placebos.

Upon reading the above information I instantly went back to my beloved teachers such as Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale. These are the first few teachers who taught me through their books that whatever the mind of mind can conceive and believe, he will achieve. Then, later, I went through a seminar in Kuala Lumpur in the early seventies with Lawrence Chan of Malaysia. All of them taught me to believe in whatever I set my mind to and since then I had proved them right.

For me, I have always believed that happiness is my ultimate goal in life and so whatever I do I do it for the pleasure and joy I can derive from it. That, I know, is what draws the friends I have to me. And it is what causes me to smile in my mirror the first thing in the morning and confirm to myself my health, my fitness, my youthfulness and my happiness. And this sixty-five year old has proved beyond a doubt that it happens when you believe. Well, I still run, jump and climb up that hill as fast and flexibly as any forty-year old! (Egoistic, ain't I but when it comes to this, I just have to be.)

That was exactly what I did this very morning despite a cold drizzle that greeted me as I enthusiastically dressed up for a trek up the hill. No drizzle can ever dampen the desire to enjoy the walk up the hill. Thus, I drove to the foot of the hill and found my car the only vehicle in the area. After a drink of water, I got out into the rain. I have an umbrella in the car but i did not use it. It is such moments that I look forward to walking in the rain, getting soaking wet without a care in the world, just enjoying the coolness of the morning and the refreshing cleansing of raindrops. You know, I also believe I would not catch cold, and although I have walked in the rain a good number of days the last two weeks, the cold could not catch up with me.

You know, I still wish for the pure rainwater that God pours upon us giving us the best liquid we can ever obtain. Yes, pure rainwater contains hydrogen peroxide which helps our body to absorb more oxygen. Unfortunately, today's rain has to go through a lot of chemical pollution as it descends to us and what we get is acid rain. You see, when humans are careless with the wastes manufactured we destroy something which is so important to us and the plants. Yes, plants for plants given pure rainwater containing hydrogen peroxide would thrive even better. Sometimes, I wondered if rainwater that reaches us after a few hours of rain could possibly not have to be contaminated by the impurities in the air and so contain hydrogen peroxide. It is at such times, I drink some of the rainwater and hope to enjoy its benefits. Well, I could have been able to enjoy those benefits as I am certainly extremely fit and healthy still.

Yes, since I have read about how powerful our mind is, I have practised it on my health, strength and happiness and thank God, I am appreciative of the mind He has given me, it has been found to be true. Thus, without a doubt, I certainly agree with those researchers that the mind can perform wonders if you really believe in it and work at it. Well, all things are possible to him or her who would put his mind to it.

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