Sunday, July 31, 2011

Society should be more sympathetic to transexuals.

Today I read a comment on sex change refusal by a court of law by a reader in the Malaysian Chronicler in which he said: In Islam, sex change is TOTALLY haram (=not allowed). We do not allow anyone to change the gender, as by doing so we will be changing Allah's creation.
The only exception to this ruling is related to a person who has both gender potentials in the body, so a medical treatment can be sought to unify one gender. In this case it will be a correction, and not a change in the creation of Allah, the Almighty.

After reading what has been reading I could not help but felt that human thinking must change in order that the world could be a happier place.

Firstly, let me proclaim myself as someone who certainly believe in God and have great respect for all religions. However, I do not join any religion as from an early age I have found much added thought, teachings and rules of humans in the various religions.

Having said all that, I believe that scientific facts are irrefutable and God teachings must be right for all times, before and after such times when such scientific facts are discovered.

With that in mind, I could not help but try to enlighten someone with the following piece of explanation. (As I am no God but a fallible human, I can be quite egoistic at times and it is at such times that I try to impart what I feel others need to know.)

And I must not forget to add that God's creation is perfect. It is human intervention or careless actions that cause imperfections. Science have revealed that a child may be born with certain imperfections due to consumption of undesirable substances such as certain kinds of medicine or a lack of certain nutrients in the human body. One of these ntrients could be folic acid, the presence of which has been found to be important for the healthy development of the foetus in the mother's womb even from the very beginning. So, we are actually not correcting God creation. God does not need any correction!

Well, this is what I wrote:

Dear ........,
I totally agree with you that we should not play God and change what he has created. Yet, as you yourself said, if the person has two gender potentials in the body, a medical treatment can be sought to unify one gender. However, we humans very often forget that it is not the physical only that is involved. There is also the emotional side. If a person has female emotions, feel and think as a female but possess a male body, which do you think should be the more important, the emotions or the physical? I believe it is the emotions as there is no way we can change the emotions and feelings God has given us. However, medical science can and do help such people in such circumstances by making physical changes so that they can live happier lives. You see, it is also what you call making corrections.

I hope more people could see my point so that more people could be happy and not die of hopeless desperation when these people are born with female emotions trapped in a male body, forced to live a life that can never find fulfillment.

No, I am not unfortunate to be born like Eleesha (the poor man who died when his heart gave way as he felt his whole world collapse after a court refused to allow him to change his sex although he already had a sex operation in Thailand two years ago) but I understand such things as I studied this in my quest for enlightenment. That they do feel the way they do is a fact which all educated humans ought to understand. We should understand these fellow brothers and sisters and not make their lives worst with our own unjustified morals.

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