Yes, suitability! This word immediately came to mind although I have not taught art and design for about eight years. It came when I read about a government minister's accusation that a lady member of Parliament in Selangor had worn clothes that were too tight for an aerobics exercise session in the compound of a mosque. I took a look at the lady in the photograph and found her clothes totally suitable for aerobics. In fact, if she were to wear clothes any more loose-fitting than that I would consider her someone who had never done any aerobics before; an ignoramus where aerobics is concerned. Fortunately, she obviously knew the proper attire for such an exercise session.
Of course, the complaint was that she was in a mosque compound. But that is besides the point. If it is prayer time, then the people should be attired for prayers. If it is time for games and exercise movements, then the clothes worn should be appropriate for the occasion.
In fact, it is this kind of human demands made upon the followers of each religion that today I am a monotheist without a religion. I strongly believe in God. When I was young I followed Taoist beliefs. There were so many practices that I could not agree to, such as the burning of joss-sticks and candles which produces so much smoke that contaminates our world. Then there were the 'don'ts' that I could not agree to. It makes God so small-minded. If God were that small minded, He could not be God as I know Him.
However, it was not just in Taoism that human rules and regulations in places of worship that has given me the impression that God is so intolerant and petty; sometimes even threatening. I have heard of threats for not being a member of a religion. I have been threatened with hell and damnation. I have read of death threats. Yet, the very lips that utter the threats are the ones that proclaim God to be compassionate. How compassionate can the human god be when, instead of patiently teaching the ignorant, he angrily demands obedience through threats. Would God behave like our human gods? In my eyes, these human gods have abused His Name and usurped His position.
That could be the reason there are still wars among nations, especially those in which religion is the cause. Religion is the cause? How can that be? God would never want his children to fight thus among themselves. Yet, it happens. And death comes in the name of religion! Ridiculous! For to be nearer God is to be nearer truth and peace as each human recognises the fact that there is only one God and his prophets come bringing with him, of course, that particular prophet's culture and practices; and that all humans are the same, just as everyone's origin is the same, Earth. No, it is not America, Arabia, India, Malaysia or china but Earth. For it is humans who divided earth into countries. There are no real boundaries dividing the earth; only on man-drawn maps. Materialistic man had wanted land he can call his own.
Coming back to the question of suitability, who created the rules that said only people thus dressed could be in such a place Again, it comes from man, not God. However, if we were to use the brain that God gave us, we always come back to suitability in the things we use, be it clothes, chairs or utensils. Wise men have always invented things that are suitable for the purpose the things are produced.
When it comes to suitability, we ought to think of the climate, the type of activity, the time and the place. Thus, in aerobics, the place is outdoors or in a gym, not in a mosque; and morning is the right time for it as it would not be too hot under a burning sun since it is done outdoors. The clothes ought to be able to absorp sweat, loose enough to enable movement but not that loose that it become cumbersome for such an activity. And when it comes to sports and exercise, let our minds be free from the physical differences between a man and a woman. The state of mind must also be suitable for aerobics.
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