Monday, July 12, 2010

The love and sacrifices of some people.

As I looked at this neighbour, it dawned upon me the amount of sacrifices a parent have to sometimes make to bring up a child who is handicapped.

This neighbour has a son who was involved with an accident as a result of which he was unable to walk. To go anywhere there is the need for a wheelchair. To go anyplace far there is need for transport from the gate of the house. As the family is not exactly rich, they have no car and have to depend upon relatives and friends to provide the necessary transport.

The family moved to this present location so as to be near the primary school where the child is studying. Each morning, the mother would push the child in his wheelchair to the school which is about two hundred metres from their home.

That is not all. In this case the child is also very demanding, sometimes shouting at the top of his voice. Most of the time, perhaps understanding his frustrating situation, the mother would tolerate his nonsense but once in a while there would be some disagreement and quarrel would ensue. Yet, she attends to him well each day without fail.

Giving attention to the child must have cost the family a lot of time, time which a not so rich family could have put to use to obtain more income and have a better life. Thus, such a family has to endure some form of hardship. Life is tough of course but the family, especially the mother is ever so positive and kind to the child. Well, such is the love of a mother.

So, love pulls us through no matter what difficulty may arise. Difficulties are temporary but love remains forever even when the person is no longer there.

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