Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Even medical science has so much more to uncover.

There was once a beautiful lady who studied hard and was considered to be the best student in school. She got excellent results each year and of course, it lead to her eventual profession as a lawyer.

In the court she did very well too, moving among the great lawyers of the country in the busy capital itself which perhaps showed her capability as most small town people who became lawyers in their home-town and stayed there with the local population knowing who they are.

She was a vibrant person, mixes easily and had a wide circle of friends. Certainly she was successful and life must have been beautiful till one day, all of a sudden, the mother received a phone call from her, screaming for help. The mother was shocked to hear the unexpected cry for help and instantly rushed to the capital to see what was amiss. Upon reaching the daughter, the mother found her groaning in pain, the pain coming from her stomach. She took the daughter to see a doctor but nothing could be done as the medicine given did nothing to elevate the pain.

When everything that the doctors could do did not seem to heal her pain, the mother took her daughter back home. There, gradually, the pain subsided but she was a changed person. Gone was her smile and happy nature, preferring to remain all by herself rather than to mix with others. No more social life and no more desire for work.

Was it stress, emotional trauma or was it some kind of spiritual thing? Well, no one knows to this day as she still suffered from some kind of quiet depressed mood, hardly talking, very quiet and usually all by herself, feeling a little better when she bathes more often.

What could have caused a young woman passionate about life to become thus? It is not that the parents had not tried all venues available to remove whatever ails her. They have taken her to the best doctors, Malay spiritual men or 'bomoh', Chinese spiritual people who would go into a trance to give relief to people with spiritual problems or people tormented by spirits, Indian priests and spiritualists, Siamese spiritual people and whatever there could possibly be to no avail.

See, there is so much still unknown in this world. There is still so much to discover. There is a lot more to learn and that is what causes some of the problems in this world and indirectly makes this world an exciting one with knowledge yet to be discovered. I believe there is a cure for all things but sometimes the cure may not work because people are not open to it, open to its power of healing.

In my life I have worked hard at certain things to find solutions to my own problems, one of which was my rhuematic heart which was diagnosed when I was in my twenties and at that time I was only given six more years to live. Today, about forty years later, I am still very much alive with no more rhuematism and no more rhuematic heart.

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