Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our lives depend upon it!

Imagine watching a car hurtling towards you at breakneck speed, your mind perceiving the danger heading your way and shrieking for action to avoid imminent death. If you manage to remain calm, with excellent coordination of the various parts of the body and the mind, the response merely takes a few seconds to dash out of the way of the speeding vehicle. Without good coordination, the reaction will be slower by just a few seconds and death can be the only outcome! So, assess for yourself how important coordination is.

Children need toys and games which are essential to the development of their coordination, strength, imagination and creativity.

Coordination of the eyes, the ears, the mind and the various parts of our body is necessary for the accomplishment of every successful act in our lives. Without coordination, even the person who has lots of strength will be clumsy.

How good a person is at any activity in life depends upon the degree of coordination of the necessarily involved parts of the body. Take typing as an example. Some people have such wonderful coordination, and with a little practice, fingers fly over the letters on the keyboard to type that very second, whatever their eyes encounter on the paper beside the keyboard.

So, there is a need to train and develop coordination. To achieve this, parents should make available toys and games which help develop coordination.
To develop coordination, babies could be encouraged to hold our fingers as we hold them in front of them. Using just our fingers or the movement of our face, we can get the child to look towards the left or the right and reach out for our fingers or objects held in our hands.

Encouraging babies to crawl and walk is important as these actions need coordination too.

Toy cars and balls, which can be rolled, pushed or moved or thrown from one person to another, are excellent toys for learning coordination. It helps the child to look and focus on the object, watch its movement and be ready with the hands to catch it as it approaches. Later, the ball can also be thrown in the air towards the child for him/her to catch. The ball can also be kicked, where there is a need to coordinate the eyes with the legs and the information of the position of the ball from the mind.

Obviously, every move we make needs coordination for the move to be effective.

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